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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Ike ran over to aid Mecha Sonic as he threw the fox. He opted for a weak attack and went toward Meta Knight. He punched, kicked, and flung his sword at the ground. If the throw misses, he'll be right in line for this attack.
"A new ally, right?" asked Bowser, not trying to be impolite. "I think we have a slight advantage now because of your ability to fly." He continued swiping fowards to defend himself.
Tails went flying into Meta Knight, causing both of them to roll backwards, nearly into Ike's attack. "Get off me, dammit!" He shoved Tails off of him and, forgetting his plans to conserve energy, charged at Mecha Sonic with his sword in both hands, attempting to ram into "him" and stab him.

((I hope Skymin doesn't mind, but since it was a given that Tails was thrown and Meta Knight was the one getting hit, I thought I would determine how the attack went.))
Power Core Level: 39%

How much longer can this go?

Hoping to slow down the knight, he kicked outward at him.
Luigi looked around as the metal monster dissapeared.

Well, that wasa random... But at least that'll gaive us an advanatage!

Almost before Luigi finished this thought, a kid in a toga who seemed to be flying appeared.

"Hey, whatsa going on here?" asked Luigi, staring at the sky.
((I don't mind. I was waiting for you. I have to admit, this attack made me LOL.))

"AAAH!" Tails yelled as he went crashing into his teammate. He heard what Meta Knight said afterwards. "Hey!" he replied angrily, but again, this was no time to waste arguing. He took to the air again and chucked two bombs one after another down at both Mecha Sonic and Ike.
Ike saw the bombs coming and jumped into the air at the fox. He brought his sword up as the bombs neared him and he neared the fox. He floated slightly through the air, getting close to the fox with a Counter up.
Pit nodded to.. Bowser, was it? Right.
"Yeah. Can you fill me in with what's up so far?" He flicked his wrists and his swords came into being, before he switched them to one hand and they became a bow.
Caught off guard, Skylar flung his gaze towards Aggron's previous spot for a split second. But then, he remembered what he was going to do.

Hope this works.

The blue Yoshi was determined to win. faked an Egg Roll maneuver to throw Bowser off. He then did the real Egg Roll straight towards his enemy.
Bowser was slightly started by the fake Egg Roll and stood up again, only to be hit by the next Egg Roll.


Rubbing his head, he turned to Pit. "Nothing much. Just act like it just started."
With no answer from the sky forthcoming, Luigi redirected his attention on his new opponent.

"So, Pit, is it?" Luigi asked, his hands behind his back. "Well, I'ma Luigi!"

While he said his name, Luigi did a forward flip and fired off the two green fireballs he had behind his back at the angelic Pit.
As soon as Meta Knight saw Mecha Sonic begin to raise his leg, he dodged swiftly out of the way and went back on course.

((You know, the amount of people I had to red (two-week ban) today makes me sad.))
Pit yelped and skipped backwards as the green fireballs hit him in the chest.
"Uh, hi Luigi," he mumbled, and shot three arrows of light at him. Then turning to the Yoshi, he jumped and spun his blades in a circle.
Dang it, what do I have to do to knock him down for good?

I can't risk draining my power core. Not when I've taken this many hits.

What haven't I thrown at him yet?

He jumped up, and prepared to bring both of his feet down on where he hoped the Knight would be.

((I did that because I figured in the time it would take for Mecha Sonic to fly over Meta Knight and attack, he would've moved out of the way already

Oh, And that's his down-air. I find it quite similar to Ganondorf's D-Air))
((@Blastoise428: Well, it's not so much of a ban as it is a sign that lets everyone know this person isn't posting and can be taken over from. And even then, they could just post in double parentheses to let me know they're still alive if they want to keep their character.))

Just as Meta Knight was about to drive his sword into Mecha Sonic, it jumped into the air and slammed its cold, metallic shoes down on him and knocked him flat on his face.

"Ohhh..." he moaned. Everything ached, and not only that, he felt like he was about to faint. Or throw up.

I can't win this... Dammit, I can't win this! My first tourney this year and I've already lost!

Ignoring the dizziness and pain, he got up on his feet and charged at Mecha Sonic once more. To him, he had already lost anyway, so he was going to leave a dent as much as possible before he went, much like an animal that's been backed into a corner.
Skylar, alarmed, jumped back, but barely didn't make it. He flew into the air, but only a few times higher than himself, and flipped a few times before landing. He then attempted to swallow the new enemy -- Pit, right? -- quickly.
Tails saw Ike ready a Counter. Nice try, but I've seen that before!

Instead of trying to attack, Tails flew higher. He noticed that Meta Knight was losing steam. I'm not doing too good myself, but looks like I have to pick up the slack! He equipped his arm blaster again and fired down rapidly, both at Mecha Sonic and Ike.
Finally. It's over.

Before Mecha Sonic could deal the final blow, a blast of energy came flying from above and struck him.

"Tails!" he yelled, "I thought your last defeat at my hands would have weakened you."

I can't hold out much longer, he thought, And that fox isn't going to let up.

I hate to strain my power core like this, but I have no choice. This must end.

He took aim at the Knight with his missile launcher, and fired.
Meta Knight was sent rolling and tumbling away by the missiles that had exploded in his face. As he lost his consciousness, a small flash of light emitted from his body disappeared and revealed nothing but the ground where he was sent rolling across.

Entrant #4:
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