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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Tails saw Meta Knight fly off the stage with a flash. "PLAYER FOUR, DEFEATED!", echoed the announcer.

Oh. Crap.

It was two against one now, and Tails was in no shape for this. In order to win this one...well, could even win this one? That was a good question...


Beyond all hope, a Smash Ball flickered into existence.
No. This has to be mine. I will end it. END IT!

Mecha Flew after the Smash ball, hoping to shatter it once it was weak enough.
Pit skipped back as the Yoshi tried to swallow him. He winced, and flew up into the air.
((Short, but Dragon has question, what stage this?))
Skylar jumped up, sticking his tongue out again in a repeated attempt to swallow pit.

Now I hope he doesn't cut my tongue off!
Meta Knight was transported back to the training room. I'm not getting my hopes up that that foxboy-- He glanced back at the holographic screen which showed the battle. Was that a color distortion on the screen? Or was that the...

How the hell is that kid going to get it now?! He's two against one!

As much as Meta Knight wanted to watch and see what happens, he was still worn out from his last match and needed some rest. As he headed through the lobby and up the stairs (With no accidents!), he surprised himself with what he thought next: I wonder how Skylar is doing...

He climbed into bed and fell asleep.

((@Dragon: All the matches in this tourney take place on Battlefield.))
Okay, okay, okay...gotta play this smart.

He went up the the smash ball and gave it a single punch. As it flew away, he flew after it, feigning as if he were going to try to bust it open as soon as possible, but really hanging back, waiting for just the right moment...

((Is it four or five hits to open it?))
((@Skymin: It's not a matter of hits so much as it is damage. Actually, you've got me curious now, so I'll experiment tonight and see if I can find out~
But if you want an approximate figure, probably two/three strong hits, four/five medium-ish hits, or six/seven somewhat-light hits.))
((Battlefield? Ah, right, Battlefield Battlefield Battlefield... oh yeah. *remembers what the stage looks like*))
Pit dodged the Yoshi's tongue, flying higher. Why are their tongues so long, he thought with a wince. Quickly switching the blades to one hand, Pit fired off a few arrows.. before he fell. Crap. There goes my advantage...
"Oh no you don't, fox-boy! You're not getting it that easily!"
As Tails went to hit the Smash Ball, Ike jumped into the air and threw his sword at the fox, hoping to connect and slam him to the ground with Aether.
((Because throwing a sword always works))

Luigi threw fireball after fireball at the incoming arrows, most of which caught fire and clattered to the ground. One, though, sliced Luigi's side open slightly.

He'lla paya for dat! Luigi thought, before realizing that he had set himself on fire by shooting at the arrow that hit him.

Luigi dropped to the ground and rolled around, eventually putting the flames out. Clutching his side, the green plumber stood up to see the angel-boy flat on the ground. Running over, Luigi attempted to take the kid's bow.
Good. He's stalling enough time for me to get the Smash ball and go Perfect

My Power Core's at 33%, though. I must've thrown more into those Missiles than I needed to. I can't drain it anymore; if it goes below 25 then it's over.

He took aim with his missiles one more time.

I need to make this shot count.
Fortunately, Tails was at enough of a vantage point to see the Aether coming. He backed away from the sword, though it manage to clip the fur off one of his tails. Doesn't matter...

He continued to chase it, thinking hard about what to do. Should I blitz it or keep stalling? Argh, this is hard...

((Rolling a d20. 18-20 says I get it, anything below and I lose the match.

Woot! Rolled an 18! Here's the screenshot of the dice roller I used, to prove I'm not cheating or powerplaying.))

"That's it!" Tails yelled, "I'm done screwing around!" He took out his blaster and fired down at Mecha Sonic to try to distract him, then blitzed the Smash Ball, putting every ounce of strength into his blows until...


It popped open. Tails felt himself glow with energy. With a press of a button, his airplane, the Tornado, popped out of an impossibly tiny box. With a cry of pure adrenaline, Tails flew back and forth down the arena, firing a rain of bullets.
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Stunned by the blast, Mecha Sonic could only watch in helplessness as Tails erected the plane and opened fire

No! This Can't happen! I am Mecha Sonic! The most powerful of all the robots! I can't be defeated by an inferior biological! I won't! I-

The rain of bullets struck Mecha Sonic. Hard. He was sent flying, and tried to activate his jetpack to come back, but it sputtered and failed.

Power Core Level: 5%

That's impossible! How could I have-

And then it came to him.

Those bullets must have hit me straight in the core. It was all my core could do to keep my central intelligence tech from being destroyed

He fell into oblivion, disappearing in a flash of light.

Entrant #1:
Tails saw Mecha Sonic go flying off the stage. He couldn't contain his laughter.


The words afterwards were lost in the roar of the plane's engine and the rattling of gunfire.
As Luigi was aiming for Pit, Bowser turned around. After two steps he was near enough, and let loose a stream of blazing fire from his mouth at Luigi.
((Alright, so this doesn't have much relevance to the RP, but since I mentioned it here, here are the results of my experiment~ My character was, of course, Meta Knight.
Smash Ball Breaking Number 1: Triple Slash, used twice, equals 20% damage.
Smash Ball Breaking Number 2: Overhead Slash, used three times, equals 18% damage.
Smash Ball Breaking Number 3: Downward Slash, used three times, equals 21% damage.
Smash Ball Breaking Number 4: Overhead Triple Slash (Uncharged), used twice (2nd time, Smash Ball broke with first hit), equals 12% damage.
So yeah. Nothing's really a constant, unfortunately. :/ Not even hits, if I'm wrong about damage.))
Mecha Sonic found himself at the Dojo's entrance.

I'm leaving it in his hands, then. There's nothing more that I can do. Hopefully, Tails can be finished off.

He began to weakly fly up to his room. Once there, he could repair and recharge.
Pit laughed as the person that looked like Mario, Luigi or somthing? tried to take his bow.
"Good luck with that," he laughed, and Bowser blasted him with fire. Pit let go of his blades, and held his hands up. They shrunk back into bracelets, floating around his wrists.
"Don't bother," Pit said with a grin, and slashed at Luigi.
Ike saw the fox grab the Smash Ball. "No! He couldn't have!"
It pulled out a contraption of some sort. "What is that? It looks like a metal dragon!"
He saw i fire some kind of missile at Mecha Sonic. Reacting quickly, Ike pushed his body to the side a few feet, then to the other, essentially running in a circle. As the fox started shooting at him, one of them exploded nearly on top of him, put he pushed around it. Then another. Unfortunately, the third one hit him. He shot into the air, but another hit him back down. He rolled up and continued his earlier strategy. One more hit him nearly offscreen, but he managed to Use Quick Draw and grab the edge. Ike felt pretty weary as he got up.

((Now, I'm not exactly sure how to word this except in OOC, bu I'd like to run under Tails as the final smash ends to use an attack, but I don't want to assume it's ending.
Also, in case you're wondering, the "Pushing back and forth" is roll dodging, back and forth.))
Tails chased Ike around, firing wildly until felt the effects of the Smash Ball wearing down He leaped out of the cockpit and watched his faithful plane fly off into the distance. He fell to the ground, feeling very, very pleased with himself.

Yes, I did it! I beat Mecha Sonic! This is aweso-WHAM!

Tails was caught from below with a fairly heavy sword blow that knocked him straight upwards. He fell back towards the ground again, considerably less happy this time, and hit with a rather nasty thud. He pulled himself up, feeling very weak and like the match was going to be over very, very soon. He looked at Ike and saw that he was wearing down, too. That's probably the only reason that sword blow didn't knock me out... Too weak to try any physical combos, he ran in the opposite direction of Ike, pulling out a bomb and tossing it at him.
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