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I dont rly know what to say but... the shape looks to flat and some spikes on the back are bent and some aren't. And the shading bugs me.
Could I get some comments and criticism on this?
It's an edit of the overworld sprite for Red (I think...?) to look like the male trainer character in my (bad) fake games.
It looks perfect, except the head (hat?) looks a bit too pointy.
Heh, thanks, although I wouldn't say it was perfect... as for the hat, it sort of looks like... um, actually, I've just finished the main sprite for him, so have a look at that:
It's mostly just an edit of the male Cool Trainer sprite, although originally it was a mix of the male Cyclist, male Cool Trainer and another trainer I can't remember, but that one didn't look too good. Again, comments and criticism?
It's D/P-styled; if this is for a hack, I'm afraid 80x80 sprites aren't supported. :/ Even RMXP doesn't usually, without some restructuring. But, well, all you said was "fake game" so I'm guessing it's not an actual project really but a region project.
Doesn't he look happy?
Yesh, latest scratch. Took about 20 minutes, minus the time I used to try and make the background transparent on photoshop :/ I failed. Partly.
Tried. Failed.It looks awesome. And to make the background transparent, delete the white, then save for web and devices as png or something like that.
Just started editing sprites this morning, and have decided that it's time to find some C&CC.
First one is a revamp of Squirtle from Silver. The only thing I have an issue with is the swirl on the tail, but the more I messed with it the worse it seemed to come out, so I kept it the way it is now. It's not the tail I don't like, but the shading on the underside of the shell. It's too bright, especially the light outline. It should be light, but not that light. Other than that though, it looks pretty well done.
Next two are a Gyarados and a Magikarp that I've color swapped. I didn't edit them other than the coloring, so I don't think it qualifies as an actual disguise. These are the second pair of edits I did, and I'm actually quite happy with how they turned out. These look good, but you should have recolored all the parts, including the spines, so that the color schemes would match better.
Not so happy with this Ninetales. It was the first full recolor I did without taking the colors from another pokemon and no matter how often I redo it I still don't like how scratchy the lines look. Tempted to make it a lineless and see if that makes me like it more. Try using a darker light outline. It can be a different shade than any on the body of the sprite if need be.
Not entirely sure how proud I am of this. I tried splicing a Kingdra and a Breloom, and I like how most of it turned out, but I tried scratch editing the belly to have the same sort of pattern that Kindra's did and it looks really weird to me. The scratch editing looks good if you are new to it. The lines just curve up a little to far on our right. Nice splice though.
And as a final note, always save your sprites in the .PNG format. JPG makes them blurry.
These are from my fangame. I scrathched them. The colors are from Houdoom's palette and I modified the colors a bit.
Constructive Criticism, please?
OK... what is it? I'm sure you could have been more creative than that. I can, and I'm terribly uncreative. Also, what type is it? Try to emphasize the type more. As far as the sprite itself goes, make sure your light source is coming from the top-left-front. There are usually also 3 shades- neutral, light, and dark. Your sprites are missing a light shade. While I guess it might be acceptable on such small sprites, it would probably look more metallic (I'm guessing it's metal type?) with another shade. Right now it looks soft.
Is the third one finished? Sorry, I know how annoying that question is, but it is missing a few things. First, eyes. Those eyes are, well, not really eyes. You are also missing the light outline, it's all black/close to black. You did this well on the other one however.
And finally, don't use the circle tool, unless you plan on using it to mark about where the body is. Don't use it to make outlines, because nothing is a circle and the circle tool often makes bad edges.
Gonna post sprites but lets start off with some stuff.
I dont rly know what to say but... the shape looks to flat and some spikes on the back are bent and some aren't. And the shading bugs me.
yhea thats it but here are some sprites.
It would be nice if I had crits on theese sprites. (and my trainer.)
paras pokeball![]()
Sorry, but nothing to say here. =/
steelzor (Made while recording)![]()
It looks good, but you didn't recolor all the parts. You should recolor the horn silver. You also could have fused on more than scizor's ear/horn thingamabobs and his legs. At least put those circles on the arms?
voltage worrior (plz dont say i copy flip rotated the hand. Electivire was in platinum pose) Read my comment about Raven's Squirtle's outlines...![]()
It looks perfect, except the head (hat?) looks a bit too pointy.
Anyway i've been spriting for 2 weeks now and this is my first revamp so please be a tad gentle and give me as much advice as possible please.
Looks great to me! =) All I could suggest is try to smoothen the shading lines, specifically on the close wing.![]()
Three revamps for the price of one! Which is free, so you really ain't saving anything. Totodile was a revamp of one of the sprites used in its crystal animation, so I used its crystal colors to make the pallete for it. Croconaw is a splice between the emerald and gold sprite, so I used its gold colors for the pallete. I also reversed the pattern on the stomach back to how it was in G/S/C. Feraligatr is just a revamp of its silver sprite, so yes I used the same colors. I personally think its the worst of the three, but I'll just go and blame that on the original sprite itself, despite how awesome the pose is.
Those look awesome ^-^ Good idea using Crystal colors
Now I'm scratching a fakemon. But I won't reveal it... yet.