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The Spriter's Showcase!

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This is how my friend described Turtwig when I hadnt seen it yet

C+C please!

Only complaint is that the tail contrasts with itself too much, and the lightning bolt is overall too bright. Against a darker background, though, it would look much better.


Okay, I know I've posted this one before, but I made some revisions, and I'm entering another contest with it. A slightly more important contest. C+CC would be much appreciated.
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Woah, I can see it now too! It's gorgeous. I love how it looks like it has a yellow mohawk.

And, my fakemon's grass. Its evolution is grass/psychic.
Whoa O_O Duskgar is so amazing! :O

Aww, that's such a cute Pokemon! :D -cuddles-


Beline frame 1

Beline frame 2

Blakice, Beline's evolution. There is another one but I can't seem to get it to look the way I want >_>;;
They seem okay but Beline's white side is a little light on the shading + is the < shaped thing on his torso looks a bit weird


Old fakemon that needs crit
Well, Beline's supposed to be half white and half black and I didn't want him to look too gray . . . and the "<" tuff coming off his chest is supposed to be tufts of fur ;x
Make the stripes horizontal or diagonal. With the vertical stripes the narrow places only have like two colors, and it looks funny.
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