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Theories that no one else would believe.

The reason for Chimchar's flame is that it has really bad gas and drinks hot sauce.
Mr. Muller, the man who was the head of this Revolutionary War trip we went on is really an alien who eats candles and children.

McDonalds chicken sandwiches are made of chipmunks who are fed pickles.
Cats have an IQ of 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 and are to smart to understand our 'stupidly easy' language of English.
This whole world is my dream land~


Seriously, I once believed (and still do, to an extent) that this whole universe is just a dream. Whether it is a short dream or a coma induced one, though, I have yet to figure out
I've also always thought that life was really a dream, that I would someday wake up from it into the real life. While we're on topic, one of my theories is that dreams are an alternate world that everyone shares, where anything is possible, and all worlds meet, real or cartoon, fact or fiction. That means that if I dream about... let's say a character from Naruto, Neji perhaps, it's actually a different world.

I actually believe my theories very strongly. I've always lived in fear of waking up from this life.
That this life we have is just a story in a book.
Also thought that maybe I was the only one that thought, and everyone else were robots or something[no offence :D].
Emotion does not exist.

Everyone except me is a robot and I'm in some sort of testing experiment ding-dong.
Emotion does not exist.

Everyone except me is a robot and I'm in some sort of testing experiment ding-dong.

I don't believe that, but check the title. Isn't that obvious?


Another theory: That our writing is real in a different world.
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