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Things to do during the summer

Shiny Grimer

Active member
she/her, they/them
Can anyone think of fun activities to do during the summer? I usually spend it being bored and I'd like to actually do something. I've looked into geocaching; can anyone think of any off-the-wall activities like that? I'm specifically looking for something to do with friends.
Write fiction.


I'm so boring.

But really, write some fiction :O it's not like November in which you still have school to attend to.
Can anyone think of fun activities to do during the summer? I usually spend it being bored and I'd like to actually do something. I've looked into geocaching; can anyone think of any off-the-wall activities like that? I'm specifically looking for something to do with friends.
indoor rockclimbing is pretty okay if you have friends that aren't afraid of high places
indoor rockclimbing is pretty okay if you have friends that aren't afraid of high places

But indoor rockclimbing is an on-the-wall activity :DDDDDDDDD

I'd say camping or hiking, too. Or, if getting to the beach is a possibility, snorkeling/scuba diving and bodyboarding/surfboarding are fantastic fun, especially with friends. And then you can have a barbecue on the beach!
Well, the most off-the-wall thing I'm doing this summer is having tea and biscuits with the nuns in the convent around the corner, so I don't know if I can really help here. Are you musical at all? Doing a gig would be cool.
Build a rocket, fight a mummy, climb up the Eiffel tower, discover something that doesn't exist, give a monkey a shower, surf tidal waves, create nanobots, locate Frankenstien's brain, find a dodo bird, paint a continent, drive your sister insane?

Seriously though, reading is good.

You could go see a movie with friends. Or just have a day to hang out.
I wish I got more days to just hang out with my friends.

Find a hobby and build on it. I personally like drawing, singing, and playing my bass guitar.

Hmm, perhaps I need to elaborate.

We live near the beach. Probably 30% of our time is spent at the beach. Believe me when I say that going to the beach is not as exciting when you do it a couple days in a row, even when you have ~pristine beaches~ like ours.

I'm musical, but none of my friends are, so unfortunately my dream of a traveling barbershop quartet has been ruined.

One idea I found that I kind of liked was guerilla gardening, where you place seeds in a place you technically aren't allowed to, like under a free way. It's secret beautification~. Just gotta make sure you don't pick invasive species and destroy the ecosystem, eh?
One idea I found that I kind of liked was guerilla gardening, where you place seeds in a place you technically aren't allowed to, like under a free way. It's secret beautification~. Just gotta make sure you don't pick invasive species and destroy the ecosystem, eh?

Haha, this. I want to do this with my friends.

Make a dropspot!

Or spend like a day making an epic sand creation. Does your beach have any streams leading to it? Making sand/rock dams is tons of fun, because it's you and your friends verses the stream.

The stream always wins. Always.
If you're able to or a haven't already, a job can be nice, especially if it's something you like, and the added income isn't bad.
One idea I found that I kind of liked was guerilla gardening


Looks awesome.

sorrysorrysorry I'm stopping now
If you're able to or a haven't already, a job can be nice, especially if it's something you like, and the added income isn't bad.

I'm looking into getting one.

@Dannichu: You make my day. Never stop being awesome.
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