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This picture delivers.

ahaha I love how psyduck is taking the picture that's so cute
That is all.

EDIT: okay it loses points because you can barely see Alakazam, but it still has like a million. :l
And Persian makes me lol and aww. More so than the other 494 Pokemon, I mean.
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I like how Bagon is all 'WHOO I'm flying'

Do Unown intentionally hang out in groups that spell things? I've always wondered this.
SMEARGLE drew a heart on SNORLAX's belly!

I also like how Pikachu and Meowth are showing off their little bromance in the front, and Zorua and Zoroark are running in from the side.
Gallade trying to calm down Hitmonlee while Gardevoir's watching's just adorable.
omg I love this.

Mawile and Chimchou are (for some reason) just going LOLOL and I love it.

I may have died from the cuteness of seeing Mewtwo and Mew flying together. <3
I don't know why, but the Regis just look adorable.

And Kricketune trying to be gangsta is hilarious. Not to mention Spiritomb's expression.

Oh, and Onix's reaction to Honchkrow trying to do a dramatic pose.

This is like that one 'Let's find Pokémon' book. <3

I was expecting Kecleon and Ditto to be disguised, so I looked for a red zigzag and a Pokémon with dot eyes only to find there weren't any.
I found Kecleon but not Ditto. He's right in front Grumpig who's right in front of Kyogre.
Ditto's in the second row from the from, between Shellos and Roselia.

Yes, this is awesome~
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