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Mysti perked her ears at the question.Maybe-Maybe someone cares after all!she thought as her mane and tail-tip started turning yellow.
"Group Two," Charlene answered simply, "like everyone else I didn't mention for Group One. And there's no way I can see to get past the door - it'll probably trigger an alarm if we break it, so we'll just wait until a Rocket comes along. The gastly should be coming in to warn us when that happens, so we'll be ready to attack. For now, just relax and conserve energy."

She glanced over at the eevee, figuring that the skitty asked just because the eevee was sulking. Hmm. Whatever.
"It's nice how you change colors," Hoshizora told the Eevee. "I wish I could do that."
She turned to the rest of the people - er, Pokémon."I'll float through the door and look out." She concentrated, and disappeared after her star glowed faintly. She appeared behind the "leader." "Is this how I do it?"
Eevee turned around at the compliment.Maybe it's just that Ralts that doesn't like me...she thought as she returned to the group.
"Maybe I should bring up the front in Group Two," said Jackson. "I can break any obstacles in the way. Unless you'd rather have me in the back. I don't care which." He nodded to Hoshizora as she phased and disappeared. "I'll see if I can search my instincts a little," he said with slight laughter in his voice. He began to probe his mind and think, figuring out how he might be able to use some of his attacks.
Arkra was still a little confused about the plan, she wasn't sure exactly what she was supposed to do, all she knew was that she was with Group Two. "Just follow them. Do whatever they want. Let them do all the fighting." She told her numb mind. Still, she stayed quiet, she would let the others do all the thinking for her. They would take all the responsibility and blindly she would do whatever they wanted. It was easier that way.

Now she noticed what she had put in the back of her mind. All the different scents that the Houndour was talking about. So distinct, so strong. It was as if it was a new sense, it didn't feel like smelling at all. There were so many details in this new sense of smell, details she didn't even know existed. It was as if a whole spectrum of scents she hadn't known before were now at her access.

"But... I can't run in this form... I can barely walk..." Still, she hadn't gotten the hang of the four legs deal. Arkra tried a third time to walk about. "Slowly... I can't fall again." And she finally managed to get across a few inches without tripping. At last she was learning. She did a few practice walks and soon found that it felt so easy, so natural, as if she had been doing this her entire life. Arkra grinned, she couldn't help herself, she was so proud.
Charlene stared at the gastly, confused, until she realised the gastly hadn't phased through Charlene. "I suppose so," she said, though she wouldn't be able to know if it had happened without feeling it. She didn't like feeling it, either - it was just uncomfortable. "And sure, you can lead Group Two once we split," she told the porygon. "Just make sure you thoroughly check your programming for anything that seems too Rocket-related. Even if we're all honestly trying to help each other and escape, any one of us might have microchips in our minds, 'xcept maybe the ghosts. But you might have it as part of you, whether you know it or not. It's possible that they unlocked your attacks earlier than you're supposed to get them, but that also means you could unknowingly be giving them information or they could control you from far away... just check thoroughly, okay?"

If the porygon was truly loyal to the Rockets, it would know it had to be careful. Otherwise, it should be a bit more nervous and more careful that it wasn't leading its allies to a trap.
"I found the door!" Felsen shouted suddenly, jumping up and trying to get to the knob. "God, are the people that live here giants or something?"
Jackson nodded and began to search his data for anything rocket-related. He found something strange in his tail. It was square shaped and sending data to his system. "Uh-oh. I think I found something," he said. "It appears to be something to increase....
"Wait. Increase my power? Definitely Rocket. We gotta do something."
"Cranidos, get away from the door," Charlene ordered in her most authoritative tone. "We already knew where it was. We're waiting for someone else to open it from outside. The door's locked - or, actually, we never checked. But if it's not, that means this must definitely be a trap, and they're actually waiting for us to escape for their own purposes."

She'd wanted to save energy, but she used her psychic powers to try to turn the doorknob anyway.

It wouldn't open.

She nearly sighed in relief.

...then the porygon reported some bad news.

"Oh. Uh. Crap," she said, though that wasn't the word she wanted to use at all. "If it increases your power - it might not be whatever it is that would make you obedient, but... then there could be something else. But still, you... can you get it to turn off?"

She didn't think it was necessarily a good idea to weaken themselves before launching their plan, but this probably was necessary.

Then she glared at Kram. "Meanwhile, you have been doing nothing but complain. If you're not going to add anything of value whatsoever, be quiet!"

(( btw you're implying it's like a microchip, right, not part of the data that makes up Jackson's body? ))
Hoshizora nodded. "Okay. I think I have this." She phased out and in once more before phasing out and going through the door, still hidden. She could see a strange person that didn't seem to notice her. The Gastly turned around and headed back to the room with the rest of the Pokémon, becoming visible again. "There's someone behind that door."
Kailani continued to observe the situation until one of them pointed out that he had something that increased his power.

"Could it be possible," he began, "That this is used as one ultimate failsafe? Say, if we go rogue, they could activate this... something and overload our power."
Felsen continued to try jumping for the doorknob, but saying at the same time, "You keep on talking about a Cranidos, yet there are none among us, unless they're your imaginary friend. Quite sad when you mistake any of the Pokemon surrounding you for a Cranidos."
((Yeah, it's a microchip. Not part of Jackson's body.))

"I don't know," Jackson admitted. "I'm not much of a computer mechanic. Still, I'll try."
He began to search his data until he found the exact location of the microchip. He explored inside it, and being a computer himself read some of the data. "Hmm... this chip has nothing to do with obedience but it is a Rocket's device." He went back to reading, until he found an interesting place in the microchip. He attempted to unplug it.
It worked.
"That might've done it," said Jackson. He would have been smiling if he had a mouth. He looked at the chip one last time, not finding the data that he had before.
"Looks like the memory was erased," he said. "But the Rockets might still have a way to turn it back on."
In an attempt to see if it had worked, Jackson tried the same thing he did last time for a Tri Attack. Nothing came.
He turned to Kailani. "That's a possibility... but only time will tell."
"Crap, already?" Charlene demanded of the gastly. "We don't have time for it now - everyone get away from the door, and the idiot jumping at the doorknob, you are the cranidos, and get the hell away from there! We don't know what the Rockets are going to do, and they've definitely heard us, okay? You're supposed to be part of Group One, so you're not supposed to get killed by them yet."

She narrowed her eyes, deciding that she'd try to use this paranormal power she had to blast whatever came through the door, and if the cranidos got in the way, sucked to be her.
"Okay!" said Jackson. He floated to the side of the room. It was hard since he was used to walking, but he was learning. Hidden in the shadows, the Porygon waited for something to happen. "Cranidos, come over here with me."
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"Uh, don't you think we should get back in the cages - just temporarily, ot locking them, anyway? By the sound of it, whoever's out there would have heard the racket we made when attempting to escape, and they might have something in mind in case they thought we managed to escape. Then when they let their guard down, we can surprise them and attempt to escape..." suggested April, backing away from the door anyway.
(o.O WTF How do you know my name?)

Felsen looked down, and did indeed find the body of a Cranidos. "Oh, I see," she said calmly, going to an unoccupied space and lying on her back.
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