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Balia's eyes widened; the Poochyena was helpless! She wasn't even sure how she did it - she had been feeling weak after her Flame Wheel, but the heat returned, making the air ripple. Opening her mouth, she locked on the Rocket and neighed angrily, feeling a ball of fire suddenly flare up in her still-open mouth. And then she launched it, feeling the heat ease as the Ember (or whatever it was, but she thought it was Ember) arrowed at the Rocket who was still holding the squirming Pokemon. In case this wasn't enough, she charged right at him, feeling proud of herself. Fire attacks weren't so hard to control! The fact that the Torchic was also punishing him escaped her. The more the merrier, after all, as long as he dropped the Poochyena.
The man instantly dropped her as he was singed rather badly by all the Fire attacks. Arkra fell to the ground with a thump. It wasn't particularly pleasant, being dropped like that. She opened her mouth wide, all of her rows of sharp fangs showing as she gasped. Arkra was very relieved at being able to breathe through it again.

She felt so weak and helpless. How easily she could be subdued! All they needed was to grab her only weapon, her mouth. Arkra was ashamed at being the first one to be nearly captured by the Rockets, but very grateful at the Torchic and Ponyta for saving her. "T-thank you..." She breathed, putting her bizarre anger out of her mind for the moment. After all, they had bigger problems. There were the scents outside very similiar to the Rockets, in fact, there were many scents, all heading towards them. It seemed as if there was a swarm of them out there.

Arkra knew it was very unlikely that they could fight off so many. In her mind, she thought that the best plan was to run away rather than to waste all of their energy fighting one after another only to be captured when they were weakened. Of course, she didn't voice this, she had heard how arrogant the silver flamed Ponyta was (would probably say her idea was stupid) and she knew that she was not fit for the role of leader or schemer.
She snorted. "No problem. Now how about all the ones on Team Two leave once we wipe out this little group?" She tried the Ember again, swaying a bit as one of the Rockets entered and got burned. The constant pounding of heat was taking its toll... Resolving to get better with kicking, she reared up and flailed her forelegs around in front of the door, hoping that she didn't look like she was drunk. She heard a harsh crack as she hit one's arm, then, unable to keep her balance, she dropped back to the ground and rammed into the next one. "Hey, Poochyena, want to team up? I'm flashy, so you distract them so that I can hit them hard!"
"Arkra, not Poochyena." She said simply, she wanted to be called by her human name. "Um... no thank you... I'd rather not." Arkra didn't want to risk being picked up again, she had lost all her confidence, and the fact that fighting could bring out that savage beast that seemed to be lurking inside of her... no... she couldn't fight.

"And... there are a lot... they're very close... They're coming..." She mumbled, sounding whispy and her voice trailing off. Did Team Rocket have grunts to spare? It surprised her at how many they had sent simply to collect a few weak Pokemon, none of them were even evolved! And they didn't seem very intelligent either... But the fact that there were so many of them was daunting, Arkra waited for the other members of Group Two to take action, she didn't want to run into that swarm alone.
(I just skimmed through the last five pages, so if I missed anything in this post, feel free to point it out.)

Yelping, Shelby awoke from his dream, only to be fed with complete darkness, at least...from where his head was facing. Heart beating really fast, his assumed hands sweating, and suddenly feeling like he had a really large pair of shorts on, Shelby tried his best to sit up, but was finding it amazingly difficult. His dream turned into an absolute nightmare as his eggs were turned into two death balls of destruction, while the love of his young life was turned into a dark, evil-looking hooded figure baring a bright-red "R" on her chest. Wasn't fun, wasn't fun at all. But now...those were the least of his problems as he doing his best to try and get himself up in a sitting position. He never had a problem with this before, and during his school years, he was very awesome at doing any form of sit-ups, it was more-or-less, his only meaningful talent during meaningless fitness tests.

Placing his arms on his stomach, he was met with complete surprise. It didn't feel like his stomach. In fact, it felt quite hard, almost shell-like. Making a perturbed face, he tried moving his fingers, only to find he couldn't remember how. "What the heck?" he said to himself as he stopped for a moment to ponder his ability to move his fingers. He then closed his eyes tightly, as if he was trying to remember a forgotten memory, only to find that it wasn't anywhere in his memory banks. Letting out a panicked sigh, he continued to move his arms higher up his stomach with complete dread. This wasn't feeling natural at all. It almost felt like he didn't even have hands! Then suddenly, his arms stopped moving. Just when it felt like they were going down a crevice, they stopped! Closing his eyes tightly again, he tried to force his arms to reach his face, but they just wouldn't go any higher! Shelby couldn't touch his face, and if he couldn't reach his face, how in the hell was he supposed to eat?!

Wanting to turn his head, he found he couldn't remember how to do that either! "What's happening to me?" he whispered to himself as he tried to turn himself over, only to find that he tried a little too hard, and began to roll uncontrollably on the cold surface. Without the ability to move his head, meant his face was constantly kissing the surface as he continued to roll, roll, and roll...until eventually, he stopped.

Opening his eyes, he smiled, it was about time the rolling had stopped! Only to be meant with the sensation of falling, which was equally not as pleasant. Unluckily for Shelby, his cage was stacked up upon two other cages, so his face wasn't necessarily a happy one, as his assumed bottom landed, causing something to pop out his shorts, his short arms unable to stop the object from popping. "That...didn't feel very good." He said to himself as suddenly, a feeling of the uttermost misfortunes overcame him. He felt the urge to cry. He felt the urge to hastingly chase after whatever popped out of his shorts. A tear rolling down his eye, he chased after the unknown object, not bothering to notice that he couldn't even remember what it was like to even have feet and toes.

The egg then rolled out of the room, into a blinding light, as Shelby noticed that it looked like an egg; that the object he was chasing after just wasn't some mound of complete darkness. His feeling of instant relief suddenly vanished as he continued to chase this egg. For some reason, this egg felt like his life, that this egg was the meaning of life, and that this egg was the reason he was even alive. "Didn't I...hate eggs?" He thought to himself as he continued to chase the object, and suddenly found himself coming into the light. The egg stopping as it hit a wall. Feeling relived again, he continued to run towards the egg, knowing that it was no longer rolling into an unknown destination, finally at a pace which he could actually catch up too! You see, a pace where you aren't moving, is the best pace anyone can go to catch up with something.

As Shelby left the room, the light now completely enveloping his body, he continued to run, completely oblivious to his new body as he did a swan-dive for the egg when he felt he was close enough. Jumping on two nubs isn't as easy as one could assume, but Shelby looked like a pro as his little arms finally grasped the egg, and he felt a feeling of absolute bliss as he cupped back into his shorts.

Leaning his back against the hallway wall, he smiled. The moment was perfect. His eyes were closed in complete bliss as he smiled, and hugged the egg in his pants. He didn't even know that he was in the middle of a presumed dead battlefield, and clutter of Pokemon around him were all wondering why the heck they were Pokemon in the first place.
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((O.o 10 pages... I also skipped somethings))

Aaron woke up only to see himself surrounded by darkness. Strangely, the darkness made him more awake than ever. He tried to stand up. I... can't feel my legs... He tried to reach them, but he couldn't feel his arms either. "Okay Aaron, relax, this is just a nightmare." He looked down and saw a pretty necklace made of red orbs on his... neck? But he couldn't see any torso, so he didn't have a neck, either. Wait, this necklace... I'm a Misdreavus? He tried to explore the surroundings. He hovered forward and felt a cold barrier through him. He turned around to see a cage. No, the room was full of cages. Some were intact, but others were totally destroyed. A light, coming from a door, and some Pokemon fighting guys in black suits. Silently hovering next to them, Aaron said "Boo! Hi there!"
((Can we please have some sort of rule so people in other timezones don't get left four pages behind? I don't even know where I am now.))
(I second that. For me, coming on at around midnight (I live in the Pacific Time Zone) is the only bearable time to log onto TCOD, because most of the people that annoy me are off sleeping. Having to read 5 pages every night isn't a huge deal, but not something I wish to continue doing, because it's read this whole story happening during the day, and try and catch up with your character with everything that's happened during the night. @___@; Thus, long post that no body wishes to read. XD; )
(It's irritating having all this action come about when I'm not around, I can only come on the internet in the afternoon and at night due to school; apparently Deuce has been staring into space and drooling while this has all been going on. I'm not asking for people to wait for me specifically, but I think we should have a limit as to how many posts you can add at a time. Or something. I don't know, it's difficult with more people.)
(Thirded. I have a friend over and I can't really get on until she goes to sleep, around early morn, yeah. Perhaps when a certain amount of pages add up, maybe two, the RP should be halted to give the people who haven't posted a chance to read all of them and reply.

But I don't really mind, I'm used to fast-paced RPs and to coming back to ten pages. And my friend has to go home eventually. But it'd still be nice.)
(That's a good idea. I mean, the starter of this RP isn't even on track with it all. o.o)
(Fourth-ed? I go to sleep when everyone suddenly jumps on and the thread booms. I wake up to 2-3 pages and have to sneak on so that my dad doesn't get ahead of me to check his motorcycle forum. :P That said, I am one of the people who post the most here. Erm, sorry! *hides*The idea's very good, and even I find the post influx annoying sometimes. Meh, timezones are very troublesome, aren't they?)
How about fifth-ed? I myself am having trouble getting around to posting simply because I have to read a page or two beforehand...

NEW RULE: You are allowed a maximum of three posts per day, to allow for others to catch up. Use them however you please, but please choose to use them wisely. This limit will not be extended under any circumstances for one specific RPer, and I may only permit more if the situation being RPed actually requires it for some reason ot another.
((That sounds fair. I... sixthed? the thing about it being annoying that the thread suddenly explodes with posts..))

Kailani waited until the last possible instant, when many of the humans had entered, to spring out of his keystone, striking one with a blast of ghostly energy as he did so.

Let's see what this form is capable of.
((Not seventhed. I don't mind reading a bunch of pages, because I know I'll get done with it eventually.))

Jackson watched the battle going on, and finally decided to leap into action. He floated into the battle, and managed to Tackle a grunt. It wasn't strong, but it could be used a few times.
Hoshizora phased out and snuck up on the first grunt to come through the other doors, and gave him a poisonous lick of her toxic tongue. "That should do it," she said when she pulled her tongue in, and used Spite on another Rocket, putting him in a daze while she licked him, causing him to fall to the ground.
From where she crouched at the back of the room, April could hear the battle raging near the entrance to the door, could see the flames that the Ponyta and one other Pokemon - was it a Torchic? - were blasting at the people who had entered the room.

I guess it's time for me to join the battle, she thought to herself. Baring her teeth, she crouched even lower before springing up and racing under the table across the room.

She almost collided with one of the Ponyta as she emerged from the table. She toppled over, having lost her focus, but pushed herself back up quickly.

Muttering "Sorry!" to the Ponyta, she faced the Rocket standing in front of her - one that had just come into the room. Inhaling some air, she crouched down so that she wouldn't be seen too easily, and shot the flames that she had used on the cage at the Rocket.

He spotted her just as she breathed the flames, though, and hastily dodged, causing the fire to hit only the edge of his arm. He lunged at April, and with a surprised yip she turned to flee, only to have the Rocket wrap his arms around her and prevent her from moving.

She struggled against the barrier, but he held tight and wouldn't let her go. Twisting her head, and reached for his arm and bit hard into it with her newly developed fangs. The Rocket recoiled with a shout of pain, and April took this opportunity to wriggle out of his arms and blast another shot of fire at him. It hit dead-on this time, and the Rocket collapsed, singed.

"Anyone need help?" she asked breathlessly.
"Me! Me!" Another Rocket had taken an opportunity to attempt to capture Arkra, due to the fact that she was such an easy target (her only weapon was her mouth, she could't breathe fire or use psychic powers like some of the others could.) and one of the few not fighting. She ran away the instant he tried to capture her, narrowly escaping.

"Graah! Stupid Pokemon... come here you damn mutt!" It was a chase, she and the Rocket ran all over the room and Arkra ran quicker than she had ever imagined she could run. It was awe-inspiring and running on four legs felt as natural as walking on them. She could outrun him with ease, it felt like a dream! But then she had begun to slow down, she was getting exhausted.

The Poochyena ran under the table and the stupid Rocket grunt unwittingly crashed into it. He doubled over in pain, his stomach had hit the table hard.

Arkra was exhausted and panting in a strange way, she didn't feel herself sweating, but her mouth was wide open and her tongue was hanging out of it. It was hard to keep it in her mouth. She was panting, she knew, like a canine...
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So they need help. Now he had full control over his movements (it wasn't hard, because he was a floating head), was time to attack. He closed his eyes and went in a full tackle to the closest Rocket, but when he opened his eyes, the guy wasn't there. By turning around he found the Rocket shivering with cold. This won't work. While thinking of something to do, Aaron reached a part of his mind that wasn't of his knowledge before: a mystic, raw power, that he could shape and use. He concentrated in this power and shot it at the recruit. He let out a scream, grabbed his head and fell unconscious in the floor. "Wow... That was educative." Aaron said to himself.
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