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Although usually a flick would do nothing to wake up a pokemon in an artificially-induced sleep, Charlene wasn't quite there yet, as she'd been struggling the whole way. Or perhaps the Sing failed to send her to sleep entirely. Either way, she managed to shake it off - but, her drowsy mind interpreted the flick as some sort of attack.

She probably wouldn't have done it had she been fully awake, but she extended her mind to grab the skitty to try to hurl him at a wall. Even with the weight difference, it wouldn't be entirely too difficult with her psychic powers (though perhaps a bit draining), and at such a close range, he probably wouldn't even manage to get off a Protect if he knew the move.
However, for Felsen, not even a nuclear explosion would be enough to wake her up, much less a flick, especially with her new rocky hide.
"Don't... touch... me..." Rachel managed to growl under her breath at the Skitty, her head now spinning and whirling. If a brain could vomit, she would be hurling all over the place. She felt sick. She felt like she was going to die. Now more than ever unable to battle, the Torchic simply collapsed. If she wasn't going to fall asleep, she was going to go unconscious completely. And she was going to allow it to happen. There was no way to fight it, more or less...

((I'll send you the info of what's going on, Blaziking.))
Hoshizora didn't feel the flick; she was a Ghost type, and matter could go through her easily. In addition, when she slept, she was always half-phased out. Because of this, she didn't move at all, except for the occasional float up and down.
Arkra groaned as she felt something touching her. To wake up Arkra, wasn't very hard. She usually slept lightly and now was no exception, especially with her senses of hearing and smell elevated. The Poochyena had caught the scent of whatever had touched her. It was one of the Pokemon in the room. But she was still in a state of semi-consciousness, though she could feel these things, she wasn't aware of them.

And then she could hear something being hurled across the room, it was rather loud to her sensitive ears. It was this sound roused her from sleep almost completely.

But sleep seemed a much better alternative than waking up. Oh, she didn't want to wake up yet. No... it was the best sleep she'd ever gotten in her entire life. So satisfying...

No, you have to wake up!

Forcing herself to wake up was nothing new... back when she was a human, she had to wake up early every morning on her journey. But that didn't mean it was any easier.

Using as much willpower as she could, the Pokemon forced herself to open her eyes. She shook her head several times, trying to wash away the sleep. Get up, get up you lazy body! It's time to wake up! She said in her mind, as she had done when she was a human.

It took quite some effort to lift her tired body from the ground. The first few times she had tried, Arkra had forgotten that she walked on four legs now and lost her balance, falling down several times. She was in disbelief that she was still a Pokemon, she thought that maybe it was all a dream.

"Argh... come on stupid body..." She whispered to herself, so as not to wake up the sleeping Rockets.

After those few tries, she finally found her balance again and stood up. Arkra surveyed the scene, it seemed everyone was sleeping except for her, the squabbling Doduo, and perhaps the other Pokemon that she very vaguely remembered touching her.

How were they going to wake all of the other Pokemon up before the Rockets woke up? That was the first thing that went through her mind.
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Something brushed Deuce's faced, irritating him slightly. He snorted, opening his eyes slowly and blinking a few times. Luckily, he had been of the few that had been able to awake from the sleep relatively easily.
Getting to his feet unsteadily, he nudged the others that had fallen around him - if everyone woke up fast enough, they could all make a run for it while the other rockets were asleep.
"Eugh... who flicked me?" Balia demanded, rousing with the flick. It wasn't painful, but a combination of the constant heat, the flick and her own fury at the stupid Skitty using that stupid attack was enough to get her to wake up. Now feeling the very strong urge to trample the unfortunate Pokemon, she got to her feet, swayed a bit and nearly stepped on a Rocket, catching herself just in time. No need to wake the enemy up, after all. "Why did you even use Sing? We all have better hearing than the humans, and you nearly doomed us all!" Flames doubling in size and brightness, she made a rather impressive sight, glowering at the Skitty that had probably been thrown into the wall by now.

((Back! =D))
"Stop shouting!" He hissed, nodding towards the sleeping Rockets. "Do you want to wake them? Shelve your pride for a second and help me get everyone awake. Then we can make a run for it!" Deuce walked as carefully as he could and started nudging the other pokemon.

This is really crazy. I can't believe I'm a pokemon, Deuce thought. Well, at least these people - pokemon - seem nice enough. His flames died low as he surveyed the Rockets, thinking. He had an idea, and turned to Balia, forgetting his quarrel with her.

"D'you think it's worth knocking them unconscious?" He whispered cautiously. "I mean, just in case. I was thinking we could kick them in the head, give them a concussion or something."
Aaron woke up immediatly. The nightmare torrent coming from the Rocket recruits was so refreshing. It was like standing under a gentle waterfall. He just felt so alive, and so did the orbs on his necklace. He saw many Pokemon asleep or barely awake and sent them a Psywave made with the refreshment feeling he was having.
((Do abilities apply in this? Houndour have Early Bird as one of theirs.))

A prod in April's side roused her from the sleep, although she was still groggy and didn't move. A sharper prod, however, sent getting hastily to her feet. "Sorry!" she gasped breathlessly. "What are we doing now?" She glanced around the room and saw that a number of other Pokemon were already awake. She padded over to join them.

((sorry about the multiple short-posts... they'll get longer during the action scenes :P))
Jackson awoke when someone touched him and floated up to his usual height. "What's going on? Oh, yeah. We're fighting the Rockets. I'll leave when you're ready but if you're not ready I won't leave." Jackson was usually very talkative in the morning and right after he woke up.
Zak was sleeping soundly when he was hit with a Psywave, waking him up instantly. "Agh, my brain," he said, clenching his head. He looked around at all the other pokemon, many of whom were awake. "So, what do we do now?" he said to the group.
Balia bestowed a pitying glance on Deuce. "If we tried to concuss them, they'd die. Our hooves are too hard, and even the lightest kick would crack their skulls." she said loftily, glad that a friend of hers had once loaned her a Ponyta that she had trained for a few weeks. She wasn't a complete idiot when it came to her new shape... "As for what we do... Go with the plan! Unless your nap drove your memory away. The coast is clear, so if you're not in the first group, leave." She snorted and carefilly stepped over the sleeping Rockets to the door, sticking her head out and looking around. "No one's coming. That idiot's Sing probably put a few other rooms' occupants to sleep as well."

A wave of energy came over Rachel. A Psywave, to be exact. And it wasn't full of negative energy. Slowly, her headache began to ebb away... In its place was a sense of energy. Willingness to continue.

"What?" she asked, feeling refreshed. The drowsiness and migraine were a faint feeling in the back of her mind now. They would probably come back to haunt her later, but for now she was fine.

"Should we all try to make an escape...? They're still asleep... Or should we try to knock them completely unconscious?" Or kill them? a sadistic voice in the back of her head asked.
"My plan. You can go with Group Two - they'll inform you, I'm sure, unless none of them were paying attention."

Charlene shuffled out the door, still somewhat tired after throwing that skitty. "I need Group One to come with me, but if any Group Two members would like to finish off these Rockets and perhaps take anything useful - but not any of their pokemon or pokeballs - you're welcome to do it. Just be fast."

It was pretty miraculous that everyone had awakened from their sleep so quickly when Sing-induced sleep was usually deeper than any normal sleep. They must've been pretty lucky.
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