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Of course, since Felsen found the escape somewhere behind Charlene - who had by now gotten pretty far ahead, expecting the others to follow - she never noticed it. In fact, she barely noticed their absence, being focused on the intersection she'd found herself in, when the alarm started blaring.

"Aaaaahhh!" she yelped, whipping around. The ringing of the alarm filled her ears, and her hands couldn't reach her ears any more no matter how she tried. A door somewhere behind her, which had escaped her noticed, slammed open and three Rockets spilled out, one with her hand on a gun. A raticate stood by the feet of another, looking around. Neither seemed to have noticed Charlene yet, but it was only a matter of time since they were looking around. It didn't help, either, that the sound ruined her concentration so she couldn't attack.
Oh God, so much light... Aaron was barely awake, only because of the alarms. He saw the Rockets next to a Ralts. Rushing for them, he used his newly found Confuse Ray in the humans and joined the Ralts. "Come on! I'm not leaving without you!"
The rocket picked up Mysti and took her back to her cage."HELP!!!SOMEBODY,HELP!!!"
she screamed,but all the rocket heard was "Eee!Eevee Eee,Eee!"She kicked the rocket right where the sun don't shine and he dropped her.Then she ran out the emergency exit door.
Zak ran out of the door with the others, wincing at the loud alarm going off nearby. He turned around and saw Rockets running towards the door after him, then he looked at the pokemon who had escaped with him. "WHAT DO WE DO?!" he yelled above the alarm, "MORE ROCKETS ARE COMING AND NOT EVERYONE HAS GOTTEN OUT YET!"
Balia rolled her eyes, charging right into the mess and flailing her hooves. "Hysterical idiot." she muttered, before trotting over to stand in front of Charlene. "By your scream, I assume you need help?" she asked, and then rammed into the Raticate, sending it tumbling. Whirling around to shoot a weak Ember at the Rockets, she followed it up with a kick. "Follow the plan! Get out of here!"
Eevee then turned around and saw not everyone was out.What do they care?she thought.Then she remembered the ones that were kind and darted back in to help.Luckily that nap helped regain her energy and she used Double-Edge on one of the rockets.

((WHoever said Double Edge takes away a third of the pokemon's energy?I used Double edge more than 10 times in a row with the same Pokemon without healing at all in Emerald.))
(( If your pokemon had the Rock Head ability, it wouldn't take recoil damage. Any other pokemon does lose health from using the move if it hits. ))

"Argh..." The blaring alarm still prevented her from using her powers, and from really thinking, so Charlene could only pick a random direction and shuffle as fast as possible, which really wasn't that fast. Several Rockets ran out of some rooms she hadn't noticed before, but most didn't bother with a random ralts that could've been anyone's. They instead ran for the emergency exits.

She didn't know what the emergency was, really, so she didn't know if she ought to follow them since it could be less dangerous, but it might be because someone realised they'd escaped... the Rockets were running back in the direction of the cage room, after all. After the initial shock, it was getting easier to think, but the sound still cut through her concentration when she tried to use her powers.

She'd also lost the keys - her only possible projectile - and an ekans stopped in front of her while his trainer kept running. Charlene glared back and sent out a blast of psychic energy, but the sound cut the attack short. The ekans seemed to get the message, though, and keep going. She didn't know what thought processes could've caused that, but she was grateful.

"Argh... go with the flow, I guess," she muttered with disgust - the only hope really was to try to blend in with the Rockets' pokemon and hope nobody recognised her. She didn't have any real unique traits like that eevee which would instantly tell the Rockets that she was an escaped experiment, so it would work... Rockets were coming from everywhere, too, so there was no other choice.

She switched direction and shuffled along with the crowd, hoping nobody would take interest in her.
((I used Marril...And I used Take Down with Mudkip and could use that many times in a row))
Eevee saw Ralts and immediately noticed her plan.She raced back outside and rolled in mud,making her mane's color-changing unnoticable.Then she went back inside and blended in,trying to find the others that were transformed.
((Double-Edge makes the user recieve 1/3 the damage they dealt, not 1/3 max HP.))
Hoshizora looked around. "Is everyone outside?" She yelled. "I might have to do that gas thing again!"
(( Oh, right... whoops. I guess I do need school to regain my reading comprehension (alternatively, play the games outside of the underground). Although for the purposes of RPing, to do enough damage to steel to break it, you'd still get more damage than what the games give you in return. At the very least you'd be getting a ringing headache after a single one. ))

"Stupid," she muttered as she heard Hoshizora's voice. Well, humans probably wouldn't understand unless they had some machine, but the pokemon probably would, and would want to investigate... and maybe they could tell their trainers something. That wasn't good... she finally shuffled out of the door, though, and stood beside an espeon.

< Where's your human? > the espeon asked, tail swishing. < You should be with it at all times. Won't it punish you? >

"No," she answered, not quite knowing how it managed the telepathy. "She's dead."

< Oh. You failed, then. If your ability is only at that level, I suppose it cannot be helped. > The espeon bowed its head. < I hope your next one trains you well. You are new here? >

"Yeah." She glanced around, when suddenly she felt a dull headache.

< Your mental defences are weak. If you'd like to share my human, I can train you. >

"Is your trainer a good one?" she enquired. She was kind of surprised. Rockets should abuse their pokemon like proper villains, she thought.

< I evolved, didn't I? > The espeon smiled. < She'll take an interest in you when she finds out you're one of the experiments, but she won't turn you in. If we share her, you'll grow stronger, and you won't be experimented on or killed. >

Charlene suddenly got a very cold feeling, and shivered. The espeon knew? So easily?

< Don't think of fighting me, > the espeon added, before she could. < You can't be that strong to let me read you so easily. Let me introduce myself. I am Jewel, female if you cannot already tell, level forty, and I hold your life with my mind. Tell me whom the others are, and know I can simply search for it in your mind. Nobody else will know what I am saying to you, either. Nothing can break a private link, except for a far more powerful psychic. >

"Damn you..." she hissed. The espeon laughed, both within her mind and out loud.
Balia paused, just as she was about to escape. It seemed like every Pokemon for itself, but a tiny shred of loyalty remained. Sure, she could just run off and leave the others to blunder around by themselves, but being in a group sometimes hlped, and no one would dare to catch a whole group of Pokemon traveling together. Looking around, she spotted Charlene, along with... an Espeon? That flashy Eevee couldn't just have evolved, could she? Besides, I don't think it's daytime... Curious, she trotted close enough to hear the Espeon laughing. Ears twitching, the Ponyta would have come closer, but a Rocket lunged at her, fumbling for a Pokeball, and she bolted for the exit, wondering why she was feeling so guilty. Weird. It's not like the Espeon's attacking her or anything...
Mysti saw the Ponyta running out the door.She almost bolted out,too,but then she saw Charlene.The Ralts who had mistreated her so.With an Espeon?This was just too much!Her rage built so much she started glowing.When she stopped,she was no longer an Eevee.And it was nighttime.

((That only means one thing:Mysti Evolved into Umbreon!Note that her rings change color this time,not her mane and tail-tip.And her rings are currently red.))
(( Oh wow managed to happiness-evolve already huh
I offer: an excuse ))

< Not telling me anything? Perhaps I should show you the benefits of my teachings first. Observe the umbreon that just appeared. >

Charlene did, reluctantly. She didn't care about a random enemy even if it was a dark-type. Or had red rings, which could be explained away as some odd variation in colour.

< Dark-type pokemon are our natural enemies. We cannot mentally communicate with them, so public broadcasts are useless when they are involved. We cannot sense them. Many of our attacks do not affect them.
In short, psychic energy does not affect them directly at all. >

"I already knew that," Charlene lied. Even if she didn't, the information was kind of obvious.

< Oh? Perhaps you'll also know that they repel psychic energy naturally, as well? We have tried to create psychic/dark pokemon before. It never worked. Injecting dark energy into a psychic-type in large amounts can drive them insane, erase everything in their heads, or kill them. Doing the same with psychic energy to dark-types does nothing. >

"I don't care," she growled.

The espeon was silent for a moment. < Was there an eevee? >

"...yes." How had she known...?

< That umbreon only now disappeared from my radar, and of course the light from evolution revealed that it was an eevee from not too long ago. There are not many trainers with unevolved eevee in our organisation because they're so easy to evolve... except by happiness. But we fixed that. With a drug, of course. Once injected, an eevee can evolve into an espeon or umbreon startlingly easy... but it can have terrible effects on the body. Most aren't immediate, but they lead to a very early death.

< I didn't need that drug, however. My human is that kind. If you'll willingly tell who your allies are... Don't be controlled by any false love for them, human. >

"I don't care about them. But I'm not going to help you Rockets!" she snarled, looking for anything she could do. She couldn't yet teleport and didn't know how...

She didn't know why the espeon told her about the drug, either. Maybe it was to get her to worry about the eevee, but she didn't care about that anomaly.

< Not willingly. > The espeon's gaze sharpened into a glare, and her jewel glowed. The same light appeared around Charlene. < Weak as you are, you'll never be able to know if you're truly helping us... not with your pathetic mindscape as it is. I can kill you with a thought. I can find your friends and kill them, too. But I won't. Do you know why?

< You'll never know if you're helping me or not, and that alone may drive you to aid my cause. >

She turned away, laughing. < Go. >

"I'm not going to help you."

Charlene slowly shuffled after the ponyta, not looking back. She wasn't going to do anything for the espeon. She hated to follow its orders, but she wasn't going to give up this chance to escape... but she wouldn't help them. She wouldn't. She'd even do less and let the idiots run around screaming, if it meant the espeon had less influence on their actions.
Mysti's rings then turned purple,surprized that she evolved.When she saw the group of Rocket grunts heading for her,they turned brown and she immediately dashed out.SHe was never going to forget that Espeon.She would've made friends with it,if it wasn't a Rocket.She didn't care if it was a Psychic type.But she couldn't.She had to get out of there.
Arkra looked at the Gastly, who seemed to have threatened to do that terrible gaseous thing again... Well, she had made it out... But there seemed to be some still in. She wondered vaguely whether or not they should just leave them in there... After all, wasn't it every one for themselves?

No... this was cruel. And she had recalled the Ralts... the one who had helped her out of the cage. This, this wouldn't be fair. They would wait outside properly.

"Do you... do you think they're all right?" She said with some concern in her voice to the Gastly.
Jackson replied for her. "They'll be fine," he said gently. "They can take care of themselves. Don't worry." He hovered over to the Poochyena and reassuringly stroked her fur with his snout.
She smiled a toothy grin at the Porygon as he stroked her fur with his snout, then bashfully looked down at the ground. Never would she have thought she would think this, but good thing she had fur... Otherwise they would've seen her blushing.

"I g-guess you're right..."
((Sorry, but I'm losing track of all these people, so correct me if I'm wrong on any of this: the Porygon, Gastly, Cranidos, Skitty, Poochyena, one Ponyta, and Sandshrew (me) are outside, the Ralts and the newly evolved Umbreon are running to the door, and the Happiny, Spiritomb, Houndour, Misdreavus, Doduo, Torchic, and the other Ponyta are still inside, right?))

Zak looked nervously at the group he was with. Jackson, Hoshizora, and Arka seemed to be content with their own escape. "Come on, guys! We've got to help them!! Balia, Ratte, Felsen, will you help out?!"
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