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Open Triforms


disaster pigeon
I've decided to try to make another RP... Don't kill me.

Triform: A human with the ability to change into three stages of Pokemon(example: Turtwig- Rhydon- Aggron). They can change at will, and can be captured like a normal Pokemon, even in human form. Most keep to themselves, and other Triforms.

For decades, Triforms have existed among normal humans, sometimes as Pokemon and sometimes as humans. Their existance has only been discovered. Scientists are studying Triforms, as they've been dubbed, to see their abilities and such. More information will be released as studies continue.

That was fifty years ago. Technology hasn't advanced much since then, and Triforms have become a taboo subject. They have faded back into secrecy, though some know a few who have decided to live in cities and reveal themselves.

And then there's the Releasers, who wants to capture the Triforms. The captured are never seen again, and the few that are never recover. They are like average people, and your neighbour, best friend, parent, or sibling could be a Releaser without you knowing. They say that Triforms are tortured for exactly six months before being killed, if they don't find a use for them.

Some Triforms have decided to stay anonymous, as a Trainer's Pokemon or a Trainer themself, but some let as many people know they are a Triform as possible. All unite with one purpose: to destroy the Releasers.

-You can be a Triform on the side of the Releasers, or a Triform on the good side.
-No Legendaries. Dah.
-You can has up to three characters.
-You can also be a human, good or bad.
-Ideas for new team names will be considered.
-Keep swearing to a minimum, I guess.
-Un-evolving Pokemon count as final evolutions of Pokemon.
-The usual, chat-speakers will be shot, Mary-Sues will be mysteriously killed.

BTW, we need some Trainers who catch the Triforms who are Trainer Pokemon.

No more til we get some Trainers for the Trainer Pokemon.
Name: (WHUT)
Age: (Over 12, plox.)
Gender: (...)
Line: (e.g. Turtwig- Lairon- Rhyperior)
Human appearance: (WHUT)
Personality: (PO is fine, I guess.)
Side: (Releasers or good guys?)
Role: (Trainer's Pokemon, Pokemon, Wanderer, Citizen)

Name: (WHUT)
Age: (Over 12, plox.)
Gender: (...)
Appearance: (WHUT)
Personality: (PO is fine, I guess.)
Side: (Releasers or good guys?)
Role/Job: (If you're a Triform's Trainer, say which Triform you're a Trainer to)

Name: Storm
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Line: Charmander- Dragonair- Salamence
Human appearance:

Personality: PO'd.
Side: Good
Role: Trainer's Pokemon- Charmander

Ask, and joo shull reshieve.
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Name: Zyra
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Line: Pichu - Grovyle - Kecleon
Human appearance: Zyra is rather short - around four feet ten inches tall. Her hair is long, shaggy and blond, going most of the way down her back. Zyra wears a purple shirt that is long-sleeved, and black gloves. She wears blue jeans and plain white shoes. Zyra's eyes are light brown.
Personality: Mostly, Zyra is secretive, but when around friends, she can be very protective of them. She usually just hides in the shadows, not wanting to be social. She tends to be rash most of the time, but is careful when she's in a good mood.
Side: Good peoples...
Role: Trainer's Pokemon - Kecleon
Name: Nasir
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Line: Drifloon - Kadabra - Magmortar
Human appearance: Nasir's hair is long, straight and white, about waist-length, with a zigzag-shaped end to it. His eyes are coal black. He stands about 5'2" and wears a black shirt and blue jeans.
Personality: PO, I guess.
Side: Good guy-zerz.
Role: Citizen
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Name: Demur
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Line: Totodile, Gabite, Togekiss
Human appearance: Demur is African-American, with medium-length black hair. She has brown eyes, which always seem to be watching something and give her a very wise look.
Personality: Demur's personality actually seems to change. In human form, she is usually quite cunning and intelligent. She can make sacrifices readily for the greater good. In Totodile form, she is playful. While she's a Totodile, she likes biting things, and being silly. As a Gabite, she is rather mean, courageous, and uncaring; she doesn't care much about other people and is ruthless, not liking company very much. And when she's a Togekiss, she is very sweet and kind, and can't stand to watch anyone get too hurt or have to sacrifice themselves to save others. She would rather go instead.
Side: Good guys
Role: Trainer

Pokemon: Drifty Drifblim (M)
Gespenti Ninetales (F)
Thunder Raichu (M)
Spectre Haunter (M)
Eve Leafeon (F)
Betta Feebas (F)
Name: Flora
Age: Fifteen
Gender: Female
Appearance: Flora has waist-long black hair, horribly contrasting with her pale skintone. Her eyes are a bright blue. She usually wears a pure-white dress with black shoes.
Personality: Er...PO?
Side: Releasers
Role/Job: Plain-old trainer.
Name: Elise
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Line: Dratini-Pidgeotto-Weavile
Human appearance: In her human form, Elise looks thin to the point of being unhealthy, which looks even more extreme because of her height, about 5'11. Despite that, she looks younger than she is, being flat-chested and having huge gray eyes and freckles. Her hair is brownish red and always cut short, even for a boy's. Wears too-long blue jean shorts and a plain black tee-shirt, she's always barefoot.
Personality: PO
Side: Good Guys
Role: Pokemon (Assuming this means as a wild Pokemon...?)
Name: Java
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Line: Eevee-Monferno-Rotom
Human appearance: She has brown hair, almost the color of coffee. She usually wears an orange vest with a long-sleeved white shirt under it and a pair of blue jeans one size too big, so she wears a black belt to make it fit.
Personality: Well, she likes to infiltrate coffee machines when she is in Rotom form. Otherwise, PO.
Side: Good Guys
Role: Pokemon
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Name: Dr. Ruby Lehrer
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Line: Taillow-Pikachu-Blaziken
Human appearance: {Points to avvie}
Personality: PO
Side: Good Guys
Role: Professor.

She is Dr. Lehrer's faithful companion and never leaves his side, unless he is shifted into Taillow, in which he recalls her before shifting into so he can take off and fly with her with him.

One other thing: Since he is a Pokemon Professor, can he have one Pokemon? If so, can it be Espeon?
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Well, she likes to infiltrate coffee machines when she is in Rotom form.

*thinks out scene*

Releaser 1: I feel like some coffee :D
*goes to coffee machine and tries to get coffee*
*no coffee*
Releaser 2: NOOOOOOOOOO ;-;

...Which is probably the cast of my mom, grandma, and someone else.
Name: Mysti
Age: 12
Gender: Females.
Line: Mudkip(:3), Lucario, Charizard(or if Lucario is a final stage, Dragonair, Lucario)
Human appearance: Blonde, curly hair/ Pool blue eyes(this is a clean pool, not a dirty one)/ wears random things.
Personality: PO
Side: Triform thingy!
Role: Trainer

Black, except the mane, headfluffthingy and tailtip; they are red.

Shiny with lavender eyes

Tail has a crack in it

White is silver
*nod* 'Cepted.

And I just re-read the forms- Evoli, a Pokemon means you are a Trainer's Pokemon. You can be wild, but you're just a Pokemon most of the time.

Meh. I should add more to the front post...

Let's have two more Releasers before we start. And you can have up to three characters, if you can manage. Just remember Mary-Sues will be mysteriously killed~ *hides Dragon Claw*
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