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Closed Twospirits

Artemis comes out of her trance and looks at Apollo, nodding slowly at him.

"Yeah...lets go. I'm curious what they can be as well."
Ruin turned to Silver.

"I'm not naturally the curious type, but I think we should stay in a group." His voice didn't have a hint of hyperactivity in it, which was average for the Tauros.
"Partner?" It took Basil a little while for it to sink in, but then he grinned. "That's perfect! Then there's one for both of us, right?" He looked up and wagged his bladed tail, appearing excited about his conclusion. But then suddenly he got distracted by the two orbs. "What are those, Ricky?" When they started to change shape, forming the Latis, Basil stared to back away, staying low to the ground. "I don't like the looks of that... they look dangerous."
Vai yelled and jumped back as the lights expanded. Her frozen fur stood up, and she crouched down.
Wait, is that Latias and Latios? Vai flicked an ear, and stood back up.
"Latias? Latios?" She asked.
"What? No! We're not supposed to eat them, t-", Ricky began, trailing off at the sight of the Latias and Latios. She stepped closer to Basil, retractable front claws extended just in case.. Somehow, the way he acted made him seem babyish to her, something to be protected.
"Latios....and Latias...." he muttered, flitting closer to them, "You are one of us as well?"

He stared at the legendaries in wonder.
Silver looked up as the rest did, gazing at the Psychic-types, amazed.

Wow... I thought they were only legends...

In case they didn't want to be stared at, she averted her gaze.
Ruin looked at Latias, and then switched his gaze to Latios.

"Salutations," he said, looking between them as not to be rude. He didn't want to flatter them too much or anything.
Mark's mad dash came to a sudden halt as he caught sight of the two Legendaries. After a quick glance at the Latias, the Minun stared up at the Latios, fixated upon his favorite Legendary.

"Umm, hi, umm, Mr. Latios, umm, sir..."
Ivy slowly approached the two Legends in awe. She felt the fur on her back bristle and her eyes were wide.

"Wow..." she said in Vai's general direction. He noticed the others greeting them, so she figured she would do the same.

"H-h-hello." she said shyly.
Serenity delightedly watched the balls of light take the forms of Latias and Latios. She dashed over to Latias and said excitedly, "Hi! I'm Serenity. What's your name?"
Artemis makes her way toward the lights, finding that they have taken the shape of Latias and Latios. She stops at a short distance and studies them, finding the same mark on them as was on everyone else.

Are they like us? Were they abandoned by their friends and family as well?

She turns her head and looks back at Apollo, waiting for him to catch up.

"Hurry up, you slowpoke"
(( I'd say it's better if soul-mates can feel the other's emotions, and possibly sharing thoughts if they trust/accept each other although they might not consciously speak telepathically. It must be mutual, though - it's like, if you've got two doors between you, you can open one of them but still can't get through the other if the other won't let you in. People often make a difference between a mind (thoughts) and a soul (emotions), but there's no doubt that they're connected whenever they're considered separate concepts. ))

"Their different fighting styles work together," Celeritas growled. "Ours don't. Our attacking styles are the worst kind of mix of similar and different - similar enough to be redundant, different enough so we can't do it together to enhance the attack! Look." He turned to the others, looking at them all, trying to prove his point somehow.

"Look at those nidoran, they look the same and attack similarly, but they can keep up with each other and they can do the same things, together. The plusle and minun, and the volbeat and illumise are the same, although they're better at actual support of each other, if they let themselves be. The tauros and miltank, too, have similar attacking abilities, but like the nidoran, they can use them to strike together, or one after the other so their enemy can't recover. And there are those with more differences than similarities, but they work. They cover each other's weaknesses, and don't hinder each other, look...

"The gardevoir and gallade have different styles completely, the physical and the special, but they won't get in the way of each other because of it. And to attack your mind and body at once, that's pretty damn scary. The espeon and umbreon wield the two most powerful elements, and both they and the leafeon and glaceon can cover many of the other's weaknesses - they have different elemental specialties, so they can beat more enemies.

"The zangoose and seviper are weird together - they should be angry at their soulmate, more than me, even, but whatever. Not important. Since they're different like that, they can still beat enemies together. The seviper can't even accidentally poison the zangoose, and they can slash together or something, and it works! And even though the zangoose is faster, they don't have such a great difference in speed that it gets in the way. Unlike us.

"And Latias and La... ti... os..."

Celeritas stopped, the first time Phantasmos could've gotten a word in without being ignored by the ninjask.

"...if the legendaries must step in... oh no."
((Alright, then))

"Latias and Latios! Why are they here? We'll continue this debate later, but this isn't over"

Phantasmos floated over to the Latias and Latios

"Hello, I'm Phantasmos. From the looks of your chests, I'm assuming you're also soulmates, correct?"
Breo stopped beside Elegance. "I don't think we should be getting so close," he told her, staring at the two warily. Curling his tail around his paws, he looked on in wonder at the two powerful beings. "What are you two doing here," he asked in awe.
Angel stared, her mouth gaping. These Pokemon certainly weren't commoners. No, quite the opposite. They were legendaries. The only sort of Pokemon that Angel would be willing to bow to. And so she did. She bowed quite corteously once she had approached.

"Latios, Latias... I am honored." she spoke quite civilly, unlike her tone before. She was humbled to be in the presence of two Pokemon who were up further on the hierarchy (or at least, she thought there was) than she could ever hope to be.
Breo stopped beside Elegance. "I don't think we should be getting so close," he told her, staring at the two warily. Curling his tail around his paws, he looked on in wonder at the two powerful beings. "What are you two doing here," he asked in awe.

'Aren't they known to be nice?' Elegance said.
Bedivere looked at the Gardevoir's behavior in front of the legendaries, and turned his head to them again. "You know what?" He said calmly, "Something tells me that they're the reason we're here" He turned to Angel again. "Or what do you say?"
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