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Closed Twospirits

The two Latis floated mysteriously before the group, saying and doing nothing. Latias merely smiled softly at them, and Latios stared down at them with a serious gaze. The pair were rather intimidating, their powerful auras radiating out into the clearing.

Apollo hid behind Artemis, his big blue eyes wide.

"What if they eat us? I don't want to be eaten!" He whimpered.

Latios spoke then.

'We will not eat you, child. We too are in your shoes. Our herd disowned us, and so we sent out the call to gather. We are special.'
Artemis stays her ground, a cold look in her eyes when she hears the Lati's stroy.

"So you too were abandoned as well. Thrown out by the ones that are suppose to be your 'friends'"

She looks over her shoulder at Apollo, studying him.

" How are we special? We were thrown away like trash...unwanted."
Silver nodded at Artemis's note. "I was driven out of my herd, and I don't do well alone. But I kind of agree with Artemis. What's the difference between us and a normal Pokemon, other than the fact that we only have half our soul?"
Phantasmos nodded

"Yes, we are special. We possess a mental link to our other half. Some people just don't want to accept that they can't go back to the way things used to be. Some people don't understand that we need to settle our differences and work together, even if it seems we can't.

If that stupid Ninjask doesn't take the hint, I'm gonna have to slap him silly...
Celeritas couldn't help but laugh - a high-pitched, irritating, humourless sound. "Special, because we have half a soul. Of course. That just means that individually, we're worth less than anyone else, doesn't it?" Though it was impossible to determine his expression, his flat tone conveyed everything his words couldn't. "Simple math. Half is less than one. We need two of us to be worth the same as one pokemon, don't we? It takes twice the work just so you can claim one kill. Maybe it's part of the fun."

He tilted his head, red eyes fixing on the unnaturally-still shedinja. "Can't go back to before? Well, of course not. But we can go home. And, of course," he said, sounding slightly more amused, "we have to work together. But the whole twospirit thing doesn't help much - splits us into pairs. Stupid. Are we supposed to have partners, or team-mates? I don't need a partner. Team-mates, I could use."

It still didn't get it. It was still useless to him, and Celeritas didn't want anything to do with it. Well. There ought to be someone else in the group that he could talk to. If not, there was nothing stopping him from just leaving and living his life by fleeing from the enemy until these guys died or managed to defeat the damn monster.

His form then blurred, and he was suddenly hovering almost right in front of the latias and latios. "More importantly, there are more than one of you?"
Ricky folded her arms in annoyance.
"I don't mean to butt in or be rude, but obviously there are. And would you stop complaining? Some have it worse than you. As in, one of us almost definitely being attacked and killed if they tried to go home."
..Which was true. She was already the odd one out in the pack as it was because of her strange markings, but being not only friends but the partner of a Seviper. But she didn't want to hurt Basil at all, the sight of him didn't make her want to fight. Even sparing one of his kind in a fight would get any of her species kicked out of the pack. And the hug.. She really was a freak. There was no longer any home to go back to.
Hearing Ricky speak, Basil thought about his own species at that point. Sevipers didn't really have an actual society. There was more of a loose alliance, an unwritten agreement not to kill another of the same species. And this alliance centered around only one thing... Killing Zangeese.
He shook his head. He had been alone practically all his life. He had grown to expect it, hunting alone, fighting off the little white mammals who had instinctually become his enemies... except he had always felt alone. He had cried out for someone to care. And it was Ricky who had answered his cries.
They had previously only spoken to each other through the telepathic link that they had inadvertantly stumbled upon. Yet it didn't matter to him that Ricky was supposed to be his worst enemy, or that he had only now just met her for the first time in person. She was his first and only real friend.
"Yes... I now have betrayed the code as well. Any other Seviper now has free reign to kill and devour me. But I couldn't care less... I am now with my one and only friend. I have no one else, and I never have."
"Of course...Pokemon have fear of change. We are a major problem to them." Aster laughed coldly, "How will that ever stop? It won't, right?"
"Guys, I think we should stop arguing." Ruin's tails flicked calmly, and there was no hostility in his gaze as he switched it to Phantasmos and then Ricky. "Quarreling like this will only give us a repeat of our past. We need to work together and not blame each other."

The Tauros turned to Latios. "So you're the one who brought us here..."
Who was complaining now? Celeritas wasn't angsting over his observations - it wasn't like he was limiting it to himself, anyway. Everyone here was worth less than normal pokemon.

"If you wouldn't be welcome back home, you hardly have one going back to, isn't that right?" Celeritas's swarm, of course, was more logical than that - get rid of the threat and he could go back. Sure, he looked different, but that was hardly important when you flew too fast to be seen. Anyway, speed and accuracy were more important to the ninjask swarm, and he was firmly average in both. Different? Special? Not so much, except that he was being threatened.

He turned around to stare at the tauros. Very far from the normal temperament, too. Not all pokemon of the same species acted the same, of course, but when there was a strong tendency for a species to act that way, there was probably a reason for it. And if this tauros was treated as different his whole life, being calm like that probably wasn't normal either.

Probably something with having half a soul, or whatever. His feelings couldn't be as strong.
"Half a soul?! HALF A SOUL?!" Angel screamed, "Worth less?! Oh I don't think so! I am worth more than all of you!! ALL OF YOU!! Oh, except you Mr. Latios and Ms. Latias..." and she added faintly to herself, "and possibly the Gallade..." then her voice picked up again, "But especially you, you condescending little insect!! Why don't you and your little shell of a partner go get killed by that beast?! It'll spare us a lot of arguing and annoyance!!"

She gasped afterward. She'd forgotten to take a breath during that rant, and couldn't continue with what she wanted to say because she needed to catch it.
"What? That isn't even what I was.. okay, forget it, this really isn't getting us anywhere. I apologize for acting like that just now."
This was sincere, but Ricky still had an urge to laugh. There was something ironic about this situation. Basil and herself got along very well, if only because of their telepathic link and being "two of a kind". And the closest thing to a fight or argument was with a completely different sort of Pokemon altogether. Things were going to go downhill very quickly unless everyone got along at least moderately well.
Control yourself, Ricky. You're supposed to be the calm one for Basil's sake, if nothing else.
She did, however, lose it and laughed nervously for a few seconds after Angel's outburst. Taking a deep breath, she asked quietly,
"Can you please keep the insults to the minimum? We're trying to avoid any fights, arguments, and attempted eatings for as long as possible. Although the third one is excusable. Somewhat."
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"Well, it seems the Gardevoir is an arrogant little bitch too, Celeritas. You two would make a great couple. It would save me the trouble of having to ignore your narrow minded blatant speeches about working together...."

Phantasmos was hoping he could get the two riled up enough to start raging. Then the Latis would show those idiots who was boss and how to get along.
The gardevoir's exclamation was unexpected, enough to shock Celeritas into silence for a few moments. Then he recovered his wits, giving another high, irritating laugh.

"Thought psychics were supposed to be smart, and that's how they get their powers - so I guess you won't be able to do much when it comes to fighting the enemy." It was times like these that he wished his kind could show expression as easily as some of the more human-like pokemon; a sneer or smirk or grin would have been most appropriate. "Oh, yes, you are worth less than a real pokemon - and if we go by the size of your soul, unless you know exactly how big each species's full soul is, we'll have to go with half is equal to half. The only other thing we have to measure each other by is usefulness, isn't it? I'm the fastest - that's my niche. What's yours? What can you do that the espeon there can't? Or even the gallade - they've got psychic powers as well as physical, don't they? And with half a soul, you're probably even weaker in psychic power, because your mind would be affected while everyone else's bodies aren't. I think perhaps you're worth even less."

The latias and latios were psychic too, weren't they? Heh. Lowered the gardevoir's worth even more, then. He hovered higher in the air, glaring down at the gardevoir.

"Useless partner, possibly useless team that I'm probably not going to like - maybe it would be better to get eaten, actually. Save me a lot of pain. If that has the side-effect of killing Phantasmos, well, that's no loss for you guys. Shame."

(( Since the twospirits share pain and such, does that mean their's pretty much a permanent pain split between each pair? That could get... complicated with shedinja and ninjask. ))
The Gardevoir merely smirked. Her initial rage cooled down, she glared at the Ninjask.

"Oh? I think the same argument applies to you, Mister Ninjask. What can you do that the Shedinja can't? Without your speed, you can't do anything. What if a Pokemon used Gastro Acid on you, cutting off your special ability to gain speed as a fight went on? What if after that, or even without that detail, you wound up paralyzed? On top of that, the Shedinja can't be hit with anything it's not weak against. That's an advantage you don't have."

She looked around at the rest of the gathered Pokemon. "The argument applies to everyone here, aside from the Zangoose and Seviper. What can they do that their counterpart can't? Sure, the Gallade might have physical advantages, but his skills in both are split between the two. But who is to say that we are weaker, have less emotions than a normal Pokemon, just because we have half a soul? I for one have never had problem with that."
Phantasmos was surprised at the Gardevoir defending him....a Shedinja. Most Psychics hate Gost types and Bug types, but he was one of both.

"Well, I guess I should thank you for defending me against this annoying little pest that has the other half of my soul. But I still do think you need to be a little less lofty. It's not like we all are horrible Pokemon who have no life and are worthless. I mean, technically we should all be on the same level. But, that's my opinion. As long as we don't hurt each other, we can argue all we want"

Phantasmos was hoping the Latis would step in to stop this debate and start talking about who the Pokemon here really were...
Ivy, sitting back and silently listening to the argument, felt her respect for the Gardevoir, someone she was more than willing to dismiss as a pompous brat, spike. Still, the Shedinja had said everything she had wanted to say, so she remained silent.
Bedivere had been listening, but he didn't seem to be reacting until Celeritas insulted Angel, yet he didn't do anything until she was done talking. Once she was done, he stood up, and walked over to Celeritas, and grabbed his head with his left arm, while move his other arm upwards. "You heard her, bug, you're nothing without your speed, so I suggest you shut your trap unless you want to test your speed WITHOUT those wings of yours!" He let go of the Ninjask with a force as if he was trying to throw him away, and walked back to Angel. "Come to think of it, I don't know your name yet, mind telling me? And I'd also like to note that they might have said I'm a half of you and you're a half of me, but just so you know, your half is worth a lot more then mine"
(( Just because that's godmodding, Male Gardevoir, the first action's going to be done with more ease than I would've done otherwise. Also I had the post partially done by the time I saw your post and was too lazy to change. STOP POSTING SO FAAAST ; ; ))

Celeritas, though, was never caught by the foolish gallade in the first place - a chance to prove his speed right there, but it was more instinct to suddenly dodge the grab, snickering, and hover too high for the gallade to reach.

"You wouldn't even think of asking if you could see a swarm of ninjask against an opponent. The value of speed? Can't be measured or explained. A major point of it is that you don't get hit by something that can slow you. Obvious, isn't it?" Maybe it wasn't, to the slower masses, but it should be.

"But yes, my speed is what makes me unique amongst us, and Phantasmos's shield is what make it unique. I've got an equal chance of being hit by most things, but I can dodge almost anything, if I do it right. Phantasmos? Oh, sure, absolutely no chance of being hurt by a lot of attacks, but when an attack can get through his shield, he can't defend himself too well. And your gastro acid comment? I can still function without ever-increasing speed, but Phantasmos is suddenly vulnerable to everything. Fun, isn't it?"

Oh, look, another reason why he was superior to the shedinja. Perhaps he should thank the gardevoir for letting him come to that conclusion, but on some level he'd already known that anyway.

"Our abilities are useless when it comes to helping each other, of course, but as a contribution to the team - if we actually make our group into one - is more useful. Maybe. Depends if we get into a situation needing those skills."

And, he thought with annoyance, here came the part where he had to repeat what he'd already told Phantasmos. Funny how it came to that, although the question was a little different.

"If you're very similar to your partner, with your connection, it'll just enhance both of your abilities. There's an actual point to that, you know. And some of the pairs here have abilities that complement each other, which is even better - even if you're both morons, a gardevoir and gallade fighting together can work great, especially if you don't even need to plan things out - you can just feel what the other is going to do.

"Not feeling emotions strongly isn't a bad thing, and unless your body's affected greatly by your soul, you're probably not going to be weaker. But - if you think a soul's got a value in the first place - having only half a soul obviously means you're lacking something, doesn't it? It's not quite the same, even - maybe especially - if your other half has another body and mind."

They were focusing more on his comment that they had less value because of having less soul than he cared to - to him it was just an obvious observation, like the observation that he was faster than they were, and might be worth some discussion.
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