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UK General Elections 2010


No but seriously, there is a reason only 64% of voters didn't vote Conservative, and it's because the Conservatives are doing it wrong, will do it wrong and have done it wrong. Labour has consistently had to deal with the mess the country has been left in by the Conservatives after each time they've been allowed to rule.
Thatcher was naive to be so completely taken in by an untried economic ideology which she did not even understand.
I'm with you that things like the mining industries were going to close down in the near future anyway, but the way she brutally did it and did nothing to replace the jobs and, really entire infrastrucure, destroyed in those communities was both callous and foolish.

Of course, this is from a woman who believed that "there is no such thing as society", so. (evil woman be dissing my subject )<)

As far as I'm concerned, Britian is still nowhere near recovered from the damage she did to the country, and I for one would do just about anything to stop her party being allowed to wreak havoc, particularly against vulnerable people (sorry, Cameron, but "We'll cut benefits for people who refuse work!" is a shockingly cruel policy and the sad thing is you'll never understand why) again.

I realize I'm biased; My parents actually think that Thatcher was the antichrist. We've got a Margret Thatcher characature teapot in a prominent place in our dining room because my dad likes looking at her twisted visage. He's especially fond of her giant nose.
...I really don't know.
The other thing I hate is that she saw almost all politics in terms of economics, and the Labour Party copied her!
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Thatcher practically destroyed my community. When the mines closed they weren't replaced with anything at all, and that left most of the men here jobless. How the hell is a community supposed to recover from that?!
Poor Gordon and his muckle big ears.

Thanks for the video Danni, I've seen this guy before and his videos are pretty awesome.


I'm hung like Parliament. Are you?
Gordon Brown has, in effect, resigned as leader of the Labour Party.

He hasn't 'in effect' resigned -- he's resigning as soon as a new party leader is found. This is a good thing for the country, but a sad thing for poor Gordon :( Oh well, now the way is paved for a LibLab coalition!

Also Cirrus: :B [btw it's defs not an official poster, it's just awesome]
Laughing at the journalists jumping to corner everyone who comes out of Downing Street right now.
Gordon leaving was predictable but I still want to give him a hug. I just feel so sorry for him with all the horrible shit constantly happening in his life, haha.
Also Cirrus: :B [btw it's defs not an official poster, it's just awesome]

I would be seriously amused if it were an official poster. :P It should be! They should start using it!

And nooo Gordon. ;-; Now he's going to go off back home and everyone here will remember him for being incompetent... the poor bloke.
All that trust in the LibDems was sure worth it!
I certainly am looking forward to seeing Cameron's slimeball face on the news all the time oh my golly gosh
Well, it's possible they formed a minority government! ... Okay Clegg is still a douche but >:(

And aww omg Gordon :( his wee resignation speech was so sad.
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