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UK General Elections 2010

This could go any way, now. LibCon government, LibLab... AND I wish the Liberal Democrats would stealing Labour seats. NEEDS MORE CON GAINS BITCHES.
If The Green Party/Caroline Lucas doesn't win in Brighton, I'm actually going to cry.

Also, it's a disgrace that some people weren't able to vote. Yes, people going ten minutes before closing time are a bit silly, but there's no excuse for three-hour queues or running out of polling cards )<
Does anyone else LOVE David Dimbleby? He's brilliant. <3 He just called the BNP the National Front. And his other comments on the leylandii. <3
Dimbleby's absolutely fantastic <3
Though I admit the trippy purple-and-pink background of Parliament behind him is addling my sleepy brain.

Actually, I'm absolutely loving the BBC team here; Andrew Marr, Fiona Bruce, Jeremy Paxman, Kirsty Wark and Jeremy Vine - there's nobody else I'd rather have breaking all this horrible news to me ):
I wish they'd stop talking to this prick Conservative MP.

No, the SNP aren't gaining any seats because people want your party to fuck off, you stupid cunt.
I really, really love Emily Maitlis. She's brilliant. I'm a bit of a fan, really.

Still disappointed with this election. ... AHAHAHAHAHA no one made a sound when the dewsbury bnp result was mentioned.
Cardiff South and Penarth are mostly Labour, with Cameron and friends behind by 10.7%.

sadly the Lib Dems are down by 16%. :(
WELL let's hope Cameron gets a Conservative minority government and then when he proves he's a dick and the Conservatives suck, a LibLab coalition (SRY for spelling that word incorrectly yesterday, I was drunk and not thinking :() can topple the government and force another election (preferably after some kind of electoral reform).
so uh. we have a hung parliament. what now.

also fuck's sake 57 Lib Dem seats. I thought they'd be getting much better results.
Graah, Conservatives have won in both the constituencies that I am sitting on the edge of. My fault for living in such a rural area...
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Well, what we wait for now is details on any possible LibCon/LibLab Con minority goverments. A Conservative minority government that falls due to a LibLab alliance blocking anything passing through Parliament is the best outcome, forcing another election soon.

Plus side: at least after we suffer through this Conservative goverrnment they'll be out of power for a while again, and a new generation of voters will have first hand experience of how shit they are.
I have nothing serious to add but my friend just decided:
Clegg is Luke Skywalker, and he's being tempted into the Dark Side by Darth Cameron as we speak, while Gordi Brown Kenobi is trying to steer him right
This gave me a giggle.

I am decidedly not happy with the idea of a Lib/Con government.

I've heard that we could end up with a "traffic light" government, with Caroline Lucas and Plaid Cymru (GREEN) the SNP and Liberal Democrats (AMBER) and Labour (RED). That sounds good to me (or at least, preferable to anything else on the table at the moment).

On the other hand, even if the Tories DO attempt a minority government, they'll not get very far, with all the concessions they'll have to make to get votes.

That said, they'll be an incredibly unstable government even if they were a majority - most LibDems are liberal, most Labour MPs support Labour ideals, but not all Conservatives are conservative, as shown by Cameron going after the gay vote while having Phillipa Stroud (who claims that homosexuality can be "prayed away") as an MP.
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