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UK General Elections 2010

Anyone else going to watch the 'alternative' election night on Channel 4?

...I will, but purely for the reason that the rather lovely David Mitchell will be there. :D I'm not overly fond of Jimmy Carr though.
Jimmy Carr is awesome D: <3 David Mitchell though. IDK I was going to watch the 'alternative election night' (or record it idk) but now I'm going to 'spoons for curry club so.
Alternative election night, obviously.

Hello, Charlie Brooker is in it...
I hope to hell the Tories don't get in cuz they will screw this country up so much if they do! They're only in it for themselves and they're not helped by the fact that David Cameron is a toffie nosed noob when it comes to running the country!

Thing is as well, cuz there's a local election as well, I'm also not going to be voting Lib Dem, simply cuz they've screwed our area up quite badly, what with fortnightly bin collections which is the second definition of stupidity (after political correctness)!
I hope to hell the Tories don't get in cuz they will screw this country up so much if they do! They're only in it for themselves and they're not helped by the fact that David Cameron is a toffie nosed noob when it comes to running the country!

Why would they "screw this country up"? And Nick Clegg is just as posh as Cameron - both went to private schools.
The fact that both are products of the public school system is irrelevant to any perception of 'poshness'. Cameron's whole persona and image is that of a 'posh' person, whereas Nick Clegg seems far more down to Earth and in touch with reality.

The actuality doesn't matter: Cameron appears to be more 'posh' than Clegg.
Jimmy Carr is awesome D: <3 David Mitchell though. IDK I was going to watch the 'alternative election night' (or record it idk) but now I'm going to 'spoons for curry club so.

I love how British this thread is. :D

Thanks for the article, Tailsy. *pastes it on Facebook*
I love how British this thread is. :D

Thanks for the article, Tailsy. *pastes it on Facebook*


also yeah, 'spoons. <3 'spoons. I had lunch there a fortnight ago, it was nice. Never tried curry club but whatevs, should be good times.
I still beg everyone to vote tactically against the Conservatives tomorrow. They may actually win a majority.
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also yeah, 'spoons. <3 'spoons. I had lunch there a fortnight ago, it was nice. Never tried curry club but whatevs, should be good times.

I resent Spoons for banning over 18s after, like 6pm. Even if you're only ordering food. I always forget my ID ("I'm not drinking, I don't need my driver's licence!") and get kicked out and it's so, so embarassing D:

Bleeeeeh. I think I will end up anti-Tory tactially voting. I wish so much I could vote for the party I actually want to win. The voting system is so, so unfair ;~;

I'm still stupidly excited about actually voting, though :D
I resent Spoons for banning over 18s after, like 6pm. Even if you're only ordering food. I always forget my ID ("I'm not drinking, I don't need my driver's licence!") and get kicked out and it's so, so embarassing D:

Bleeeeeh. I think I will end up anti-Tory tactially voting. I wish so much I could vote for the party I actually want to win. The voting system is so, so unfair ;~;

I'm still stupidly excited about actually voting, though :D

Oh, god, this hit my friend, too! Luckily whenever I go there at night I take my ID, but it's so annoying to get kicked out. Apparently sometimes I actually look like an adult so you know.

I don't have to vote tactically -- safe Labour seat here. I could vote for a snail and it'd have no bearing whatsoever.
fuck I'm ten months too young to vote. ten bloody months. and the next election isn't for another five years. I even know a couple of guys at school who are *just* old enough and I utterly resent them. :(

and also argh I wanna stay up for the Alternative Election Night but I have a German exam tomorrow so I need sleep.
fuck I'm ten months too young to vote. ten bloody months. and the next election isn't for another five years. I even know a couple of guys at school who are *just* old enough and I utterly resent them. :(

and also argh I wanna stay up for the Alternative Election Night but I have a German exam tomorrow so I need sleep.

Four months. :|
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