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UK General Elections 2010

Also, is it just me or is Cameron rather odd-looking especially even with make-up? :/ Really, a big picture of his face is the worst thing they could have done.

The photoshopping and excessive makeup not only looks awful, but I'm amazed that nobody on Cameron's election team sees how covering up and concealing blemishes to make them look less bad than they really are is problematic, particularly when "you can't trust Brown" is their big election message.

Plus, they're essentially saying that the British people aren't intelligent enough to know this isn't a beauty contest, and maybe if Cameron looks young, energetic and pretty enough (you can hear Clegg cackling away here), people will vote for him. It's patronising.
I'm not from the UK (but you guys know how left-wing I am) and even I can't fathom why anybody would choose LibDems over Labour.
The photoshopping and excessive makeup not only looks awful, but I'm amazed that nobody on Cameron's election team sees how covering up and concealing blemishes to make them look less bad than they really are is problematic, particularly when "you can't trust Brown" is their big election message.

Plus, they're essentially saying that the British people aren't intelligent enough to know this isn't a beauty contest, and maybe if Cameron looks young, energetic and pretty enough (you can hear Clegg cackling away here), people will vote for him. It's patronising.

I know, it's totally messed up logic. The 'common people' don't want someone without blemishes to run the country, they want someone who'll you know, actually sort out the economy for us. It just makes me wonder whether the Conservatives really are completely removed from reality...

...I've actually seen people on Facebook going "omg nick is so dishy i'm gonna vote for him!" I... I don't know whether to laugh or cry. :P

Is it me or is this forum massively left/centre?

You seem surprised.
I'm not from the UK (but you guys know how left-wing I am) and even I can't fathom why anybody would choose LibDems over Labour.
opal wants me to give you a proper answer to this. Well, there are a number of reasons. The Liberal Democrats have not been in government, so they seem like a change, their economics man Vince Cable supposedly predicted the recession years in advance, they are better for civil rights and human rights than Labour have been, they voted against Iraq and against fees for university, they are not associated with striking trade unionists nor with aristocrats and bankers, and their leader is friendly and urbane but not so rich-looking as David Cameron.
Gonna watch the second and third debates today, whoop.

Meanwhile I found this site today

These have been plastered up around my school for a week or two. It's funny when a new one gets put up that I haven't seen before. But then I find it sad that people have been putting up BNP ones even as jokes.
BNP are the politicial version of:

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