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UK General Elections 2010

Your bloody nuclear weapons make Scotland sad. :(

You don't want to make Scotland sad, do you? Otherwise we'll all vote SNP and Labour will be screwed for like, life.

(Not really, but seriously. Why here.)
Anyone watching the election on Sky?

Nick Clegg is "not a man of faith" - did anyone else not know this?
I saw it, and was quite impressed by Gordon Brown. He seemed to be pretty concise in his final speech.
Brown was much better this time, from what I saw. Too bad this is the Sky debate, so that hardly anyone is watching it.
Anyone watching the election on Sky?

Nick Clegg is "not a man of faith" - did anyone else not know this?

Nope! I knew he's an atheist! I read an interview a while back in which he said something along those lines, something like "I don't believe but I don't have problems with belief" or something, which is a politician's way of saying "don't not vote for me because I'm an atheist".
I thought you could already be an atheist openly in the UK? Damn, times are worse than I thought.
I thought you could already be an atheist openly in the UK? Damn, times are worse than I thought.

No, he's openly atheist. So is our foreign secretary, David Miliband, but I don't know of any others off the top of my head. It's just not very good political sense to say "I'M AN ATHEIST" when you're about to go up for election because lots of religious people would rather vote for someone religious.

IDK he never actually said he believed in God.
I don't think that people would be more likely to vote for a religious person, they'd just be far less likely to vote for someone who said "hey y'all, your religion sucks".
What would you want with such skittish little twats anyway? Tsssssssssssssssssssssssssk.
Hey Watershed who you gonna vote for? I can't vote yet, but my stepdad's gonna go with the PvdA this year (and my dad doesn't vote). This is a pretty good thing since he was considering voting for the PVV :v

According to this I am 60% Labour and 40% Lib Dem. Woe.

ttly relevant video gaiz

No, he's openly atheist.

not just "doesn't really give a shit"... but outright atheist? that is bloody awesome.

I thought you could already be an atheist openly in the UK? Damn, times are worse than I thought.
in the real world you can be, but politicians don't seem to recognise that churchgoers (and to a lesser extent believers) are in an ever-increasing minority. in my school you're regarded as a bit of an anomaly if you go to church but as Harlequin pointed out, it's quite hard to name fullblooded (and successful) atheist politicians.
Yeah, Clegg's a real atheist iirc.

Sadly enough the only atheist politicians I can remember right now are Josef Stalin and every other Communist leader (not the best examples), Boris Yeltsin (a drunk and a disgrace), Pim Fortuyn (shot) and Job Cohen, who's the only one doing alright I suppose.
Yeah, Clegg's a real atheist iirc.

Sadly enough the only atheist politicians I can remember right now are Josef Stalin and every other Communist leader (not the best examples), Boris Yeltsin (a drunk and a disgrace), Pim Fortuyn (shot) and Job Cohen, who's the only one doing alright I suppose.
I heard rumours that Churchill was an atheist. It's probably bullshit but awesome if true!
Clegg's an atheist, but his wife and children are Catholic (or at least, the children are being raised Catholic).
I imagine it would be rather hard to raise your children to believe in someone you don't believe in. Kind of like Santa, I guess. o_o

Oh yeah, in the past few days I've been watching old Mock the Week repeats, and I find it hilarious whenever there are jokes about Clegg. "Who is he?" "He's about as likely to get into power as..." And here we are, with him top of the polls. It's kind of surreal.
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Buh. Just had all three main party candidates in my constituency come in to our school and answer our questions, and then we had to vote for each of them in a mock election.

Except they didn't really answer any questions. They just said stuff that wasn't really related to the questions and basically didn't give us any information. One of them actually said:
Lib Dem Bloke said:
Go home and tell your parents to vote for us!

Needless to say, I didn't vote for any of them.
David Miliband, our current foreign secretary, is also an atheist! That's a prominent politician idk.


(I've read a lot of stuff about this, but I can't find what they were actually talking about before he said it - was what she was saying actually bigoted and, if so, why all the hate? Far be it from me to defend Brown, but if the shoe fits...)

Clegg's an atheist, but his wife and children are Catholic (or at least, the children are being raised Catholic).
I imagine it would be rather hard to raise your children to believe in someone you don't believe in. Kind of like Santa, I guess. o_o

My sister and I were raised Catholic by my mum, and my dad's an athiest. He doesn't find it hard. He just sits there and says he's a Protestant from time to time, just to annoy my mum. And he says I don't eat pork because I'm Jewish.

Oh yeah, in the past few days I've been watching old Mock the Week repeats, and I find it hilarious whenever there are jokes about Clegg. "Who is he?" "He's about as likely to get into power as..." And here we are, with him top of the polls. It's kind of surreal.

I had a giggle the other day at Russell Howard's Good News, which aired right after the first debate (in which Clegg won resoundingly) and he only mentioned Clegg because, as his show was on the BBC, he had to. I bet he felt silly about that :p

I'm annoyed that I missed my local TV debate, but the South West's concerns and, well, anything else, are pretty trivial (the other day, a homing pigeon that went off-course made headline news. I'm not joking.), so it's not a massive deal. I'm looking forward to the big BBC one on the economy, though :)
Is Clegg really top of the polls? I'm a bit out of it since I've been in Malta for the past week, but last time I watched Sky News saw Cameron was still on top at about 36% and Clegg had 32% or so.
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