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UK General Elections 2010

According to the BBC the Liberal Democrats are back under 30%, with Labour taking up the difference. :(

ALSO why does David Cameron keep saying he can cut the number of immigrants to the "tens of thousands" when 80% of those immigrants come from the EU, and would therefore be exempt from any 'cap' anyway?
That was the best debate yet, but all the talk (mostly from Cameron) of the "deserving" and "undeserving" poor made me feel ill.

And most of the immigration talk was rubbish - I completely support Clegg's amnesty idea, and he didn't explain it anywhere near as well as he could have ):
I missed the Sky debate (:() but I thought that this was very good. I thought some of the policies laid out by all of the parties were interesting, but my opinion hasn't changed: I am still planning to vote Liberal Democrat next week.
Haha. What's wrong with Plaid?

Their focus is too much on Wales and Wales alone, and not enough on the country as a whole. And that's fair, and totally expected since Plaid Cymru means Wales Party, but I want something with a broader scope because I plan to study in England and will probably move there as an adult.

Also, my constituency is an incredibly safe Labour seat: in 1918 (when it was created) it was held by the Liberals. In 1922 it was won by Labour and it's been Labour ever since. At the last general election Labour won 60% of the vote, but the Liberal Democrats won 13.8%! (Taking second place, which I think demonstrates how safe a Labour seat this is.)
My heart is warmed by #iloveimmigrants becoming a trending topic on Twitter following the debate.

Where I live (I'm part of the Newton Abbot constituency in Devon), it's a contest between LibDem and Tories, but LibDem are slightly more likely to win. I'll be voting for them (twice, in fact, because I'm also doing a proxy vote for my mother).

I could have chosen to vote in Canterbury, but it's much like the Labour situation where Harle lives; they've won every year for the last 160 years or something.

My cunning plan is to get the LibDems in, have them change the voting system to something less completely unfair than the current one, and then vote for the party I actually want to win in the next general election. Sorted.
Depending on the situation in my constituency in Sheffield (optimism yay!), I'll vote based on whichever constituency my vote will be worth the most in. As it is the Aberavon constituency sucks because it is dominated by Labour and has been since its creation. The next constituency over, Neath, is also incredibly Labour and has been for roughly the same amount of time as Aberavon.

I'm getting sick of seeing PETER HAIN and VOTE LABOUR posters all over the place, to be honest. I go to college in Neath and seriously it's like every other house has a Labour poster, and I've seen no Liberal Democrat or Conservative posters.
13.9 sounds about right for the second-most popular party in Canterbury, too - which is the Greens, yay!

There's about an even split of LibDem and Tory posters around where I live - I've seen a couple of UKIP ones, but not a single Labour (though we have had Labour and Green leaflets through our door). And I imagine that anyone who put a BNP poster in their garden would get their house egged. Hopefully. :p
I've only seen VOTE BOB (who's our Conservative candidate and never stops bloody tweeting) boards.
I think somebody wrote 'the builder' underneath one.

Stirling was p. Tory after 1983 (when they fixed the boundaries) until we all went and voted Blair, so we're a target seat :( although I think it's Labour/SNP who might win here, seeing as we voted SNP in the Scottish Parliamentary elections... then again nobody fuckin' votes there. I don't think most people even know we have an SNP candidate (or a candidate who isn't Anne McGuire, the food expenses-claiming git).
I live in Lincolnshire, where the Tories are most popular. :( I don't know anything about the local politics but since I can't even vote I don't give much of a crap yet. Not to mention I'll be buggering off as far away as possible for uni.

All I've seen are Tory posters. EVERYWHERE. I don't know why but I feel really annoyed whenever I see one, like the dumb "Vote Conservative" stands are physically blocking my way and need to be punched aside. >|

Oh yeah, somewhere between here and Hull when I went on a Geography trip lately, there was the rather amusing one Brown alluded to in one of the debates -- a huge Conservative "I cut pensions. Let me do it again!" or something poster with a big picture of Brown doing his adorable giggly face. Well that's great Cameron. But you should have had a picture of him looking miserable!

I watched the debate yesterday, or at least I watched most of it after I realised I was missing it. It made me cringe a lot because they kept talking over eachother and just generally being an embarrassment. But it was funny seeing those 'worm lines' after the election, apparently the people chosen press buttons for who they think are doing well as they speak. Every time Brown or Clegg said something good their line would increase accordingly, but every time Cameron did it would go down. Lullllz.
Urgh, those giant billboards with Brown's giggly face on saying "I [did something awful]. LET ME DO IT AGAIN" are pathetic. Hate-ads have no place in a proper election, and it's not as if those things are really Brown's fault - the recession would've still happened under a Tory (or any other party for that matter)'s government.
Ugh, the whole Liberal consensus here is incredibly overbearing. Why is nobody able to see that a vote for the LibDems isn't only a vote for completely ridiculous policy that, far from being fair, rewards the rich more than the poor, but also a vote for complete political ruin?
My mate told me his house got a leaflet from UKIP saying something like "we will only let immigrants into this country if they fluent in English". I lol'd.
Gonna watch the second and third debates today, whoop.

Meanwhile I found this site today and am probably extremely childish for laughing at it.



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