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Open Ultimate Trainer Takes Over!

"Link had a seizure and went into cardiac arrest during Yogurt's class. He woke up, and now we're trying to figure out what caused it. Dr. Lehrer thinks it was caused by ornaments in a house that was received by Liza Denson," replied Ned.
"I majored in Chemistry in the Ketchum Pokemon Institute. I studied the ornaments, and they did have some harmful chemicals in them. I disposed with them in a safe manner. The effects either lingered, or there are some more that I didn't get, or have been put there since I removed the others. All of these are very plausable."
Aria said to Mysti, "I was expecting class, but it seems to have turned into a discussion about Link's seizure..."
"I know. Doodle with me?" she asked, whipping out two papers, one for her and one for Aria. On her paper, Mysti began doodling Eevee and all it's Eeveelutions.
"Why didn't you just tell me, then?" Aria asked, taking a paper from Mysti and carefully drawing a Kricketune. "I asked quite a few times when class was going to start."
In a few minutes, when she was finished, she took a pen from her pack and wrote "Beethoven" in calligraphy on the bottom.
Mysti got done with her picture. "Drat, all out of paper..." she muttered. "Anyone have paper I can use?"
"FRICKING ENOUGH DRAWING!" Dr. Lehrer yelled. "NO MORE DRAWING!" He was VERY tired of the students drawing. He wished that they would contribute to the discussion instead if just sitting there.
He is serious about this. I've never seen him flip like that; he must be under stress, mused Will
"What do you expe..."
Shut up Mespirit

Uxie drifted over to Gwen
"Are you OK miss Jones?" he asked
"Yes...I think so. Can you tell Dr. Wilson I'm sorry about not making it this morning?"
"He was worried about you; knowing you are OK will probably be enough. Don't worry, I'll tell him when I get the chance."
"I think you better wrap up what you want to say; clearly if you try and spend time discussing it some of the students are going to get bored - in fact it seems they already have," said Mespirit to Dr. Lehrer. "Incidentally, what action are you planning to take on this?"
"I am planning to see what Ms. Deston is up to in her little castle. And any student that wishes to come with me can do so. Otherwise leave."
Mysti perked up at the question. "Go to the Queen's castle? I'm in!" she said, closing her book and rinning to Dr. Lehrer. "Hey, if Mysti's goin', I am too!" replied Chris.
"Of course, Ruby," replied Uxie

"Hmm," said Will, "So let's see. You are going to take a bunch of teenagers and attempt to break into the queen's castle to look for evidence of something which may or may not be happening. OK I'm in.
((Sorry. Too many Legendary fairies.))

"We won't break in unless we have to. I will ask nicely first. If we have to then we will break in.

((Has anyone seen Mew Mew?))
((She hasn't been on the forums since Monday))

"I'll come too," said Gwen, standing up. "I want to know what happened as well."
"Are you sure?" chanted Mespirit and Uxie in unison.
"I am going to do this you two, and you won't stop me," replied Gwen, in defiance of the two fairy pokémon.

((I suppose it would be over the top to add a character with an Azelf))
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