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Open Ultimate Trainer Takes Over!

"If I may chime in," said Ned, "It is also suspected that the house that he lives in - from Liza - caused this."
"Firstly, Ned, what evidence is there to back that up? It's clear that Dr. Lehrer dislikes our new Queen for some reason, so I will question the motivation behind the suspicions. Now Link provides some interesting informatin, which was not actually known before. Of course it's possible that this was an accident or an errror, unless you have any other reason to suspect otherwise Secondly," Will continued, turning back to the doctor, "Having not passed any laws yet, what exactly do you have against her? Whilst I will agree that it seems odd that we have not seen the old king since is defeat, could that not be down to any number of reasons which are unrelated to Liza Denson?"

"I do not claim that we should trust her - or anyone - explicitly and without reason, but why do you have a problem with her?"
"Oh I'm listening, sir, but all your evidence that there is something going on seems to be to be circumstantial at best. If you have anything else that may persuade me otherwise then I'm all ears."
Mysti and Chris walked into Dr. Lehrer's claasroom. Mysti began to doodle, not knowing what was going on. Mysti likes doodling when there's a boring lesson, and she was currently doodling her with her Suicune.
"I'm not arguing, I'm voicing my concerns. So far everything seems to be built around a grudge you hold against her, and a few coincidences. I'm still waiting for a good reason why you thing something's wrong.

How about I let you just tell the other boys and girls what you want, shall we, and I'll just sit here," he said, sitting in a nearby chair, "and listen until you've finished. Who knows, maybe you'll answer my questions anyway."
"The lesson's starting," Aria said aloud accidentally. She was so excited... luckily, it wasn't very loud, and she guessed that Dr. Lehrer could hardly hear it.
"...Who? Oh, the queen? I don't know much about it," she said, continuing doodling - this time, a random Pikachu.
"Good boy. One more argumentative outburst and you will be out of my class. Anyway, She did give me a house, however, there were, as Link said, 'Ornaments' that smelled odd, and now Link has had a seizure and gone into cardiac arrest, even though he was i perfect health. If I hadn't gotten there he may have died. Also, we don't know what happened to the old king. Also, she hasn't made any public appearances since her coronation."
"Dr. Lehrer, let him speak his mind. What right do you have to take away his ability to debate his arguement?" Ned turned to Will. "I have no problem with her. Her sudden leadership seems suspicious, but there is no evidence to back that up. So, I will stay just that: suspicious."
Aria stayed silent, wishing the lesson would start like she hoped it would.

She ran over the types to herself, whispering, "Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Rock, Ground, Steel, Poison, Flying, Bug, Psychic, Dark, Ghost... Dragon... Ice."
"Easy. Any allergies? Did he see blinking lights or different colors quickly? Hit on the head. The first Link psychically messing with him as revenge for name theft. Aliens. Voodoo. I did it. More voodoo."
Zelda said, looking very serious even as she thought of sillier and sillier reasons.
"Everyone knows Liza's evil. And kingie is taking a dirt nap. More likely, a burnt up and hidden somewhere- nap. Or executed."
When I get more Pokemon and train.. Liza, you're dead. Or just locked up.
"You realize I said that after suggesting Link had a seizure cause by The character Link, Aliens, and voodoo respectively, correct?"
Zelda snickered, rolling her eyes. Maybe she was overdoing it, trying to look like she'd been kidding.
Yes I can, cuz' it's true.
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