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Open Ultimate Trainer Takes Over!

((Why did everyone ignore the fact that Aria was dialing?))

Shrugging, she put her cell phone back in her pocket. At least Link was okay. She got back to drawing her Crobat.
Latios flew into the classroom. "Sorry for leaving you hear Link" Latios telepathically lifted Link onto his back and flew off to the head of the group as it entered into Dr. Lehrer's classroom. "Something strange is going on class. Link is perfectly healthful. Healthful people don't have random seizures. I think something happened to him. And I get the feeling it links to the new house we recently received from Lisa Deston."
Will heard people on the corridor, and decided to take a look. A group of students were going back into Lehrer's classroom. This was not normal, and Will decided he'd find out what was happening.

"You might as well," came a voice from behind him.
"Shut up, Mespirit, I'm going anyway," responded Will.
"I still have an issue with you. You actions in your erlier battle could have injured Gwen."
"And? You stopped it, I saw you"
"I have a problem when people injure, or even allow the possibility of injure, to my friends"
"I thought you didn't have any friends"
"Not when I told you that I didn't. but I didn't know Gwen then, did I?"
"Whatever. I'll apologise to her if it makes you happy."
"It'll make me happier, but not if you do it now. She's in shock. Link Lehrer just had a seizure and then a heart attack. That's what that group's about."
"I was going, wasn't I?" asked Will, as he slipped quietly into the classroom. He moved around so that, whilst far back, he could see Dr. Lehrer clearly. Mespirit, however, flew forwards, hovering fairly close to the teacher.

Carrie, meanwhile, had found a seat and settled Gwen into it.
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((Well, I've never had to call 911 before. How am I supposed to know what it's like trying to help someone who's having a seizure?))
"..The heck, Ned? This man has no sense of sarcasm."
She laughed bitterly. Zelda raised one eyebrow at the teacher (something she'd practiced for weeks) and went, Bom bum buuuum... dramatically.
"Oh noes, the evil L.D. Lets all form a riot."
Why am I talking like this? I know I'm pretty annoying, but not like this usually..
He has really got it in for her though, hasn't he? thought Will.
"So it seems," came an unexpected and unwelcome response.
"Shut up Mespirit. No-one invited you into my head anyway, so go away."
Latios, tell him I can think what I want to think, and then you can stay out of my mind. Were you not listening when I told Mespirit to do the same all of 30 seconds ago?
((...Whoah, guys. I just went to school. Now, is Yogurt's class, the one with all the late students and the one where Dr. Lehrer yelled at him, still in session?))
"I think we need to find out what's really going on in her head. I don't think that she rose to power in the usual way."
"I will hear him out, and would have anyway, but that doesn't mean I can't think things before he's finished speaking, Latios," projected Will.
"She's 25. How many 25 year olds who didn't live hundreds of years ago do you know who rose to power 'the usual way'? he said in response to Lehrer's own statement.
"Do we? Is the country in anarchy? Are there people starving to death? It seems to me she isn't doing so bad a job, so why do you care?"
"She merely rose to power three months ago. She's not even finished moving into the castle. She will start making laws soon enough. Plus, have you seen any sign of the previous king since she beat him?"
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