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Open Ultimate Trainer Takes Over!

Mr. Joggert looked up from his desk. A bunch of people wee crowded around an unconscious Link, including Dr. Lehrer. "What is going on here?!" Yelled Yogurt.


Ned ran over to Link. "Go, Suicune!"
Suicune popped out of its Pokéball. "Suicune, try to heal him! Use Endure, but on him!"
Link started to glow slightly, and grew less pale. "Now use Calm Mind!"
A pink aura glowed out of Suicune, and Link's thrashing became almost stopped. He should be fine for now, telepathed Suicune, but not permanently. Someone, call 911.
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"My son is having a seizure!" Dr. Lehrer said. And then out of nowhere the seizure stopped. Dr. Lehrer bent over and took Link's pulse."He's going into Cardiac Arrest! Commencing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation."

((Funny, I was ninja'd there, but Lucas and I had the same idea))
Great, that Cardiac-whatever Dr. Lehrer is doing will buy him some time, telepathed Suicune.
Ned got slightly annoyed. "No one has a cell phone? Fine."
He ran over to the class phone and called 911. "Hello? This is Ned Nadalas! We're in Liza Denson High School, and one of the students was having seizures, and is now going into cardiac arrest! Send an ambulance and a Chansey!"
He hung up the phone and ran over to Suicune. Can you teleport him to the ambulance with Extrasensory?
Not at the moment, but I can once it gets into my range.
Okay, send a telepathic message to the ambulance with that plan.

Suicune did as told. Ned then rushed over to Dr. Lehrer and told him the plan as well.
That one word was the only thing to get through to Gwen. She reached for one of her pokéballs, and sent a Chansey out. "Candace, help Link," she said, oddly calmly. "Please," she added, much more quietly, as the Chansey waddled over to the group surrounding Link.
"Chansey!? (What's happening!?)," Candace shouted, and Carrie translated to the humans in the group.
She began drawing an Eevee head about 10 second before Link had a seizure.
"Oh holy crap. Crap. Crap."
I know CPR and stuff, I think. The teacher has it covered, I think. Oh sweet Mew. Don'tdieLinkdon'tdiedon'tdiedon'tdie...
Zelda was about to open her phone and dial 911, when someone already did.
Don't panic. Don't. Last thing we need is a hysterical girl here, too.
Out of nowhere Link woke up with a scream. He was completely confused."What's going on? Where did all of you come from? Dad? Where did you come from?" Link demanded. Latios was laughing inside because he had heard Zelda's thoughts. He decided to not tell Link until later. "You had a seizure and then went into cardiac arrest"
"You're alright! Great!" Ned turned to Dr. Lehrer. "Do you think he should still go to the hospital?"


Mr. Joggert saw Link wake up, and was relieved. "Okay, everyone, recall your Pokémon and get back to work!"
"I don't think he needs to go to the hospital just yet. Everyone do as Mr. Joggert says and get back to work. Except you two." He pointed to Ned and Link. You two come with me. He then left for his office.
"WHAT?! Get back to work?! Someone just had a seizure an' almost died, dammit, what the f-, what, what the crap? Can he even walk?"
Zelda half-yelled in a frenzy, not sounding even vaugely composed. She tried to calm down and knelt down near Link. She sounded far less agitated, and asked quietly,
"As stupid a question it is considering your heart just stopped, are you okay? I thought.."
Wow, if that doesn't sound corny and cutesy.. well, I can think coherently enough for my mind to wander, at least. Thank... whoever's up there he didn't die. Die. God. Gods. Gourds. Whoever.
Ned followed Dr. Lehrer.


"I do care, but I can't do anything. There's an ambulance coming, and he woke up. That's all that needs to be done."
Link heard Zelda's outburst and blushed. "I'm fine, thanks" Link said. "She's right, he can't really walk yet." Dr. Lehrer came back in the room. "Everybody come with me. I have a feeling something wrong is happening here."
Zelda smiled shyly at him for a moment, then returned to looking annoyed. She stood up and shook her head, muttering sarcastically.
"Something is wrong? Whatever gave you that impression?"
Still, she obeyed and stalked a few feet closer to Dr. Lehrer.
Mespirit put Candace back in her pokéball, whist Carrie encouraged Gwen to stand and to follow Dr. Lehrer out of the classroom. Mespirit did not immediately follow, however, as he wanted to see what Yogurt would do next. He remained, invisible and undetectable, near the window.
Ned talked to Zelda as they walked. "Well, Zelda, Link just had spontaneous seizures and went into cardiac arrest. Wouldn't that make one think something's wrong?"
Gwen heard him and began to turn, but collapsed and slumped into Carrie.
"Come on, little one. You can't help him. Leave that to someone else."
Mespirit drifted over and became visible again, hovering above and beside Link.
"I can help you up. If you want me to I can lift you psychically, but you may need someone with whom you can make physical contact to support you. Or you could just lie there and I could levitate you like you were in a hospital trolly?"
"Sure, whatever.
Could the Latios with Dr. Lehrer come and collect Master Lehrer from the classroom he just nearly died in. Thankyou.
That OK for you, Link?"
"Oh, Link! We need to get him!"
Ned ran to the art room, but saw that Gwen's Mesprit was helping. I guess I'll wait here until he's ready.
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