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Open Ultimate Trainer Takes Over!

((Oh, Cool!))

"Young Mr. Lehrer. Your 5 minutes late! That is detention for you!" You could tell Mr. Joggert was furious. Just then, Dr. Lehrer walked contently into the room."Only 5 minutes Yogurt. 5 minutes that I let him stay because he was finishing up a battle. So, How about you think about that detention, and all of those black marks the other students received for finishing up battles in my class!"

((Bakuphoon, could control Yogurt for the response to this? I just feel weird doing it for this part. I feel it wouldn't be the same if I did it.))
((Ya okay.))

Yogurt was startled when Dr. Lehrer walked in. "Dr. Lehrer." He mumbled, "If these students are late to class, then it is my responsibility to punish them, you have nothing to do with this." He said it low so that the pupils couldn't hear. "And you should be teaching your next class now, shouldn't you?"

((Leaving for bed now, good night.))
"I don't have a class right now, Mr. Joggert. And since they were with me it is completely fine for them to be late. There is no need to punish them. If you wish to settle this I will battle you and whoever wins is right." Dr. Lehrer was in the mood to battle a challenging opponent.
Mespirit turned himself invisible, aware that with Yogurt this angry anything could make him explode.
"Gwen, put Towy back in his pokéball," he said to her alone.
Gwen did so, the Togepi vanishing in a flash of red light.
((Philly, on your post coming into class, you said that Link was Ned.))
"Y- Mr. Joggert, what's the problem coming in a little late, if we have both a pass and permission from a teacher?"
"Hmph. Show me the pass then. Can't be too careful..." Mr. Yogurt said grumpily and reached his hand out to Link. Pfft. Kids these days.

Meanwhile, Valor was finished with his Umbreon drawing, and put it in his bag. He got another sheet of paper and began drawing a Pelipper.
Zelda arrived at her next class as Link was handing in a pass for something. Calling back Kitty, she sat down in a desk in the corner. She was pretty sure she'd get in trouble for being late. Not that it mattered, really. She put her head on the desktop sleepily and waited to get in trouble again.
(Um...Okay. Wow, I missed, um, things.)

Ayumi was being dragged by Sarah around school to get to class. Once they arrived, Ayumi rubbed her arm.
"What were you trying to do? Pull my poor arm out of it's socket?! I'll show you what pain feels like." Ayumi pulled one of Sarah's jet black ponytails.
"OW! Ayumi, you're already late, and now, you're gonna have to answer to me later. 'Kay?" Sarah whispered. Ayumi shivered, and nodded her head. Sarah noticed that people had passes, which they did not. Crap. I am now in trouble, but I don't care. The girls sat in their desks, Ayumi much more used to trouble than Sarah.
Yogurt accepted the passes, but jerked his head to the side when someone walked in. "Young lady, you have detention, unless you can cough up a pass!"

Meanwhile, Ned moseyed over to his seat, and continued to work on his Heracross drawing from last class.
Dr. Lehrer pulled out a slip of paper and quickly wrote a pass o it and slipped it to the young girl who had just walked into class in trouble.
((Oh yeah, forgot to mention Mysti and Chris are being ignored because they are in Yogurt's class. I'll just make him finally notice they walked in late))
"Hey, you!" he said, pointing to Mysti and Chris. "Detention unless you can cough up passes, too!"
"JESUS CHRIST MAN!" Dr. Lehrer yelled."They were all with me and I say NO detention. I wasn't paying attention to the clock and le them out a little late. Now leave them alone, so that I can leave and go back to work." Now Dr. Lehrer was infuriated. Mr. Joggert was being too stubborn for his taste.
Gwen visibly jumped when Dr. Lehrer shouted
"Calm, cool, composed."
I Know I just wasn't expecting it, that's all. Honest.
"I know."

((Hmm...Do I add another character or not?))
"Hmmmm, I'm sorry. I lost composure. But consider all late students excused." Dr. Lehrer was calm now, and he walked out the door.
Link was not surprised, in fact, he expected it. He just sat at his dest waiting to se what Mr. Joggert would do.
"Yes, I suppose..." mumbled Mr. Joggert, "But try not to be so late next time!"
He walked over to the board. "Okay, as I said before, we are learning about Pokémon anatomy today. Put down your current drawings and draw an arm, leg, or head of a Pokémon, with correct anatomical form." Mr. Joggert then sat down at his desk.


Ned heard Yogurt's instructions, and started to draw a Heracross's leg. Why am I so obsessed with Heracross? He mentally shrugged and got back to drawing the leg.
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