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Open Ultimate Trainer Takes Over!

Gwen's first thought was a Togepi arm - it would be very simple. But something told her that Mr. Joggert wouldn't be happy with it, and so she decided to draw the head of Mespirit, the image of which was floating comfortably inside her own.
Aria nodded, and slowly drew a Crobat without the wings. First, she drew the basic outline, then the eyes, which took a few tries, and finally, the mouth. It looked weird without wings, but if she drew wings, she wouldn't be following Mr. Joggert's instructions.
"Remember, class, be sure to show how the muscles would connect to the body!" Mr. Joggert shouted to the class, "If it's an arm or leg, draw the curves that would connect it to the body! If it's a head, draw the neck!"
Err... thought Gwen, suddenly faced with a problem. But the problem fixed itself within a second, as the floating head suddenly developed muscles and bones which showed the connections to where the body would be.
"Phew!" breathed Gwen quietly, and continued to draw.
((It's actually art class, we're just learning about anatomy.))
If it's just a head and wings, just draw the head, and muscle connections to the wing," said Mr. Joggert.
((Oh, Sorry))

"Man, art class sucks!" Link whispered to himself. Just then, he fell over on the ground, unconscious.
Mespirit felt something very wrong, and turned to see that link was unconscious on the ground. He glided over, still invisible, to inspect.
"Hello, Link, are you awake in there?" he asked.

Gwen heard a thud, saw who it was, and dived over to him.
"Link, are you OK?" she asked, shaking him.
Link was still on the ground, unconscious. Combusken came out of it's pokeball, and ran straight to Dr. Lehrer's office to tell him what happened. ((Combusken learned english from Lehrer's blaziken))
Aria nodded, and began drawing the bones and muscles.

Suddenly, something happened with Link.

"...I don't know," she replied to Gwen. "I've not studied humans much. Just Pokémon..."
Dr. Lehrer yelled, "Someone call an ambulance! Get the nurse!" Dr. Lehrer ran over to Link. Latios said to everyone "He's having a seizure!" "Move back, We need help, get everything out of the way."
"Why didn't I remember? I knew that!" Aria hit her head. "I think I might have a cell phone..." Hesitantly, she took it out of her pocket and began to call the ambulance.
Gwen was in shock, and didn't here Latios.
"Move, Gwen, now!" commanded Mespirit, to no effect.
Mespirit instead triggered one of Gwen's pokeballs. In a flash of red light, a Lucario appeared.
Carrie, move Gwen. Link is ill, and she tried to help but ended up in shock when he started fitting and no-one knew what was happening.
The Lucario nodded, and lifted Gwen up and carried her to her seat, which Mespirit had already moved by the door.
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