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(warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

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nice one, guys
(warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

Here's one reason:

Depressing, isn't it?
Re: (warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

lol, I'm liking your sig. Touhou <3

Give another reason, and I might agree. Maybe explain?
Re: (warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

Haha, that's awesome. Not depressing at all XD
Re: (warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

May isn't the only one to have suffered such a terrible fate...

Re: (warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

Nooo Piplup ;-;
Re: (warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

oh vore fetishists you silly things

(this is more disturbing knowing it's porn)
Re: (warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

oh vore fetishists you silly things

(this is more disturbing knowing it's porn)

Vore, one of the few fetishes I haven't really picked up upon...

Re: (warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

I was orginally going to say "bitches had it coming for sticking their feet in pogeymenz mouths"

But then I learned that its porn

So instead I will attempt to shift the focus of this thread by posting realistic pogeymenz


Re: (warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic


That's why you don't fuck with Diglett.
Re: (warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

From the title of this topic I thought it was going to be about "realistic" pictures of Pokémon... like, well, a bit like the ones President Michael Wilson posted, but more like... the Mario picture in Fredie's sig.

Anyway, O_o... just O_o.
Re: (warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

Why can't they be eaten by Pokemon that chew. @_@
Re: (warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

The Diglett was hilarious

the Seviper and Swalot ones
Re: (warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

Vore porn relates to realistic Pokémon how?
Re: (warning: a little disturbing) You know, I'm just glad pokémon isn't realistic

I think he means "be thankful they don't actually portray these things in the franchise."
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