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Weapon Generator

Dr Frank

The Erratic One
Weapon Generator!

Just type in a word, and out comes a weapon! And by the way, its case sensitive.

DrFrank : magic wand - lvl. 8
FLUFFY: katana - lvl. 34
Kook: tong far - lvl. 9
Omanyte: katana - lvl. 38
Is there a generator for every damn thing now?

Full real name: Katana lvl 13
Real first name: Sword lvl 65 o.o
Momoharu: Saver lvl 4
Momo: Trident lvl 6
Raiha: Panzerstecher lvl 5? o.o

God I"m gonna have fun with this one.
My full name gets me a level 58 Magic Wand.

Zephyrous Castform is a level 10 'hitter' (resembles a morning star, it seems).

fdgfndusbngpwegbewuf gets a level 7 chain...
jess: magic wand (Magic level:47)
full name: hitter (Attack level:59)
Real Full name: katana level 1 ;.;

jesus: sword level 65
noah: halberd level 12
Chuck Norris: halberd level 22
Mr. T: Error
Mr T: halberd level 8

So Jesus does trump Chuck and Mr. T....
Sapphiron- Level 19 Bow
Jiraku- Level 46 Referee's Fan
Marsilon- Level 3 Magic Wand

And now for something completely different:

Edward Cullen- Level 5 Halberd
Mary-Sue- Level 27 Saver
Nostalgia Critic- Level 19 Armor
Linkara- Level 4 Saver
Real name with surname: Hitter lvl 4. D:
Nickname with surname: Halberd level 59. O_O
Full name: Sword lvl 4. Damn, I suck.
Just nickname: Panzerstecher level 58.
Stormecho: Magic wand level 60. Woot!
Basaina: Saver level 4.

...I alternate horribly low with high. :D
Skroy Horitz: Halberd (Attack Lv. 27)
Just "Skroy": Bow (Attack Lv. 18)
Just "Horitz": Magic Wand (Magic Lv.28)
<Real Full Name>: Chain (Attack Lv. 5)
<Real First Name>: Halberd (Attack Lv. 10)
<Real Last Name>: Saver (Attack Lv. 24)
<Real Nickname 1>: Referee's Fan (Decision Lv. 46)
<Real Nickname 2>: Saver (Attack Lv. 4)
Ninjabait: Lv4 Halberd.
Umbreon-dana: Lv57 Halberd.
Full Name: Lv14 Hitter
Middle Name: Lv28 Axe
Ninjabait-chan: Lv4 Hitter
First Name: Lv3 Bow and Arrow
Last Name: Lv11 LifeSaver
First+Middle Name: Lv28 Saver
First+Last Name: Lv10 Katana
Middle+Last Name: Lv24 Saver

The Saver looks badass. =D

Also, WTF is a Hitter?
Full name: Anklet (Magic level:59)
Slartibartfast: Sword (Attack level:28)
Last name: Saver (Attack level:28)
First name: Seiryuto (Attack level:12)

I pwn you all with my magical anklet. x.x
Full name: Anklet (Magic level:59)
Slartibartfast: Sword (Attack level:28)
Last name: Saver (Attack level:28)
First name: Seiryuto (Attack level:12)

I pwn you all with my magical anklet. x.x

you entered the 3 pm battle
I'm "Pokemon" In that one!
I entered the battle after that as "NekuSakuraba" and "ShoMinamimoto"
Last edited:
My Full first name: katzbalger (Attack level:4)
First name I use: magic wand (Magic level:38)
Username: hitter (Attack level:25)

<Full Name>: Hitter (Lv. 11) (I thought they were called maces...?)
<First Name>: Falchion (Lv.30)
<Middle Name>: Saver (Lv.19)
<Last Name>: Magic Wand (Lv.14)
Shining Eevee: Choshoshikon (Lv.4)
Meta Knight: Saver (Lv.4) (Obviously anything but a sword :P)
Eevee: Magic Wand (Lv.17)
Vee: Tomahawk (Lv.12)
TwilightEevee: Sword (Lv.22)
Pikachu: Saver (Lv.22)
Lucario: Saver (Lv.25)
Kirby: Sword (Lv.1) (O_o)

I could do this forever. Also, my first name apparently pwns.
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