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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What are yo supposed to eb doing right now?

I have a project for Art Class that's worth 20% of my grade, is due in two days, and is half-done. But it's very... uncanny valley at the moment.
What I should be doing:

- Preparing my final exam for speech
- Preparing the two very important things I have to say to two people tomorrow...
- Cleaning my room
- Doing something productive
Nothing. And I'm doing great st it.

Actually, I really need to EV train a bit and get a Salac berry, but I'm lazy and tired. Because of my stupid nocturnal mind.

Oh, dammit. The toads outside are having a croaking competition. Sleeping'll be a bitch tonight...
Tech summative.
Reviewing for my French exam.
Practicing violin.
Practicing keyboard.
Taking a shower.

Yeah I don't know.
I should totally play actual songs I was told to practice on my piano. But instead I play whatever comes up on my Video Game Soundtracks. I love doing that.
Just eating lunch. I'm not doing it because it's not ready yet. Haha, I have an uneventful life.

I guess I should be revising for my maths re-sit but I don't need to be doing that 24/7.
Since I'm supposed to get up at six in the morning tomorrow for animeNEXT ( =D! ) but I'm not sleeping quiiiite yet, I guess I should be doing either that or writing some fanfic or another. Or training my Quilava. Any of the previous would do.
I'm supposed to be sleeping. Yet at nearly midnight, I don't feel like doing so. I'd rather stay up and go on various websites from my iPod, which has horrible Internet connectivity.
Whatever I'm doing right now is something I shouldn't do, as I'm not allowed to be at my computer at this time but I say SCREW THE RULES I AM BORED.
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