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What are you reading?

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Still finishing The Married Man fff. It's really good, but I never find enough time to read a good chunk of the thing.
Also started The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.

I think I might also have found the most disgusting book on Earth but I'm not sure whether I'm ballsy enough to read it. Just the descriptions made me feel physically ill.

It is absolutely NOTHING like the musical. There's freakin' sex in every part and there's other weird stuff and it skips like 20 years and I don't even get how old anybody is.

But after this, I'm gonna read the sequel, Son of a Witch (I thought it was a funny pun)
^ XDDDD Yeeeeeeah. My sister and I have a running joke about Fiyero and Elphaba's "kinky scarf sex" (she ties a scarf around her waist and then they have regular sex).
It's a pretty awesome book, though. All that lesbian subtext is just a bonus X3

I'm halfway though Hugh Laurie's The Gun Seller and it's good and I hate that man for being so multitalented (though it's not as good as Fry's novels X3).
Egh, Wicked bored me. :| Couldn't figure out what was going on when I tried reading it, and it read like it needed bits cut. Quite a few bits, really.

Sadly I'm not really reading much lately. Just rereading Dresden Files, really, plus ... whatever else I currently have near my bed. I need more modern-ish fantasy. :<
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It was a birthday present from my girlfriend. I finished all 374 pages of it in one day, and apparently there's going to be a trilogy.

Apparently the book got a lot of attention because Stephenie Meyer recommended it. However, unlike the stuff Meyer writes, this book was readable.
I've been reading quite a bit today, but not as much as Monday.

So far today I have read/are reading

Warriors-The new prophecy-Moonrise
Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

It was all I had at my mum's friend's house.
Lord of the Flies. English class, oddly enough the first time I've had to do it. Not too horrible so far.
Why would it be horrible?

You just mechanically assume that it doesn't have space monoliths in it. Wait till the last chapter.
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Oh, the monoliths must be only in the film. I haven't read the book.
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