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What could be, or what is


  • What could be

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • What is

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters


If you're gonna dig, dig to the heavens!
Do you believe more in the power of what could be, or the power of what is?

How has this affected your life?
That'd probably be "what could be". "What could be" really presents an attitude of inventiveness, and a desire to create things, whereas "what is" feels like a way to just pass on a boring desk job, to live for what's there instead of what could be there, to live in the past instead of the future.

...And I personally think that the future holds more than the past for us. With the power of what could be, you're living life. Otherwise, it's just bland repetition, and nobody wants that. Amirite?
That'd probably be "what could be". "What could be" really presents an attitude of inventiveness, and a desire to create things, whereas "what is" feels like a way to just pass on a boring desk job, to live for what's there instead of what could be there, to live in the past instead of the future.

Wow, you sure are unimaginative...
If I only looked at what is, I'd kill myself. The only nice thing about the present is that it will be superseded by the future. =P
You seem to underestimate what is.

The world is already mind-bogglingly huge; how could you find the world as we already know it boring?
You seem to underestimate what is.

The world is already mind-bogglingly huge; how could you find the world as we already know it boring?

What do you mean what is?

The world you were talking about doesn't exist anymore.

Its the world of 19 minutes later.

I like the world of 19 minutes later because the world of 19 minutes later is better than the world you were talking about, and the world of 20 minutes later will be better still.
If you want to get really technical about it, there is no such thing as the present. Doesn't invalidate my point-- the world, in the moment I am posting right now, is plenty big. So big, in fact, that you wouldn't be able to experience everything that's happened in the past in one lifetime, nor ten lifetimes, nor a hundred, nor even a thousand-- the world of the past is huge, not to mention incredibly interesting.
If you want to get really technical about it, there is no such thing as the present. Doesn't invalidate my point--
Yes it does, as I am arguing for the future, and you thus arguing for the past if the present doesn't exist.

the world, in the moment I am posting right now, is plenty big. So big, in fact, that you wouldn't be able to experience everything that's happened in the past in one lifetime, nor ten lifetimes, nor a hundred, nor even a thousand-- the world of the past is huge, not to mention incredibly interesting.
Its just huge and interesting, not say, "nice to life in" or "full of good people", for instance.
What makes you think the future will be any better?

Pick any year in the past, and it will have less inventions and ideas than the present/near-future.

Most inventions and ideas are positive and benefit humanity overall, by comparing whole centuries.

Ergo, this trend will continue, and the future will always be better than the past.
For me, the power of "what could be" is very influential, usually because the "present" never happens in the way I expect it to. And usually the way the future works affects what I do. It's sort of hard to explain, I guess.
What could be is only important if you can turn it into what is.

That's a pretty bland, over-general statement. You're pretty much debunking all of fiction, 90% of music and all non-documentary films as unimportant. And I couldn't disagree more. Us humans aren't a 'what is' kind of people. Even grounded, productive people take 'what could be' and apply it to 'what is', to make something that wasn't either, but entirely new. We are a imaginative, creative species, and that is as, or even more, important as reality.
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