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What do you think of fellow forumgoers?

I honestly don't see you that often, Keta, but you seem pretty cool from that.

tbh i love pretty much every regular member ever. Arylett and FMC and Mike the Foxhog and Green (he could stand to capitalize though) and Flora and the mods (see you guys don't need to eliminate me [James especially is like concentrated awesome]) and everyone else I haven't mentioned probably.

Aha, thank you.

Now on my opinions:

Cirrus is pretty much like, one of my best friends in this place, and she deserves lots of awesome points for the really interesting and invigorating conversations we have. They really make me think and it's amazing how much we can relate to each other.

Castycal is another one of my high up best friends. I think he already knows how much I love him. He's smart, funny, cute, and sweet, and really fun to be around too. I love all the crazy weird times we spend RPing together. They make me smile so much.

Blastoise seems neat and intelligent and fun. Also, a good roleplayer.

FMC's good at art, and nice and bubbly. Extra points! Also, she's sort of like an initiator in my mind, she like, is good at making projects and sticking to them. That's the impression I get, anyways.

Dannichu is rainbows. And exudes awesomeness. The end.

Green, I'm gonna have to be honest, but I liked you better when you actually typed with caps... now it just seems sort of ridiculous, to be honest. For some people, I'll have to admit, the lowercase works. Not for you, though.

ultraviolet I don't know well. But she seems nice and intelligent.

Blackthorne Steele I found a bit annoying at first, but he warmed up to me. Also, awesome Wi-Fi battle we had the other day counts extra points.

Spoonie, little known as she is, deserves like, a whole lot of praise. You're really smart and thoughtful, and an excellent art critquer, even if a bit procrastinaty and lazy. But ah, aren't we all?

Zora is like, amusing to be around. All the crazy injokes, like Georgio and Mansex and all that... ah. And 8{. We can't forget that one. That's pretty much like, the cornerstone of everything.

Zim Del Invasor is a generally awesome dude. He's a bit nutso, but I know he's got a real soft side. And he's quirky too. I like the quirkiness; it makes for some fun and unique conversations.

Tailsy is wicked sweet (...what is this phrase, am I a surfer dude.) because the 8{ injoke with Zora exists because of her. I also like her posts and find them amusing.

Mike the Foxhog is so crazy. He outweirds the things my mind thinks up, and that's wow. But in a good way.

...Whoa, that's a long list.
I'm only doing people I know really well.

Arylett: You have some of the best ideas ever, and I wouldn't have HALF THE STRANGE INJOKES I DO if it weren't for you.

Flareth: ...Fangirls too much. But gives me some of the best ideas! Me and 'Lett wouldn't have Emoboy's Poems without ya!

Mike the Foxhog: HAIL THE MOTH KING! (read: mike you are amazing)

FMC: Is amazing and I love her. I love my Cookies.

Moony: Best listener around when I have a problem. <3

Lil Dwagie: Is hilarious and MAKES SOME DAMN FINE POINTS about the state of the world.

RandomTyphoon: You are adorable. I don't think I have to say any more. (...like a boss)

WITH SPECIAL PROPS TO TAILSY because she is amazing and is COOLEST MOD.
I guess I'll go down the thread in order of posting and then add some when I deem it appropriate!

ultraviolet: To be honest, I don't know you very well. You're too far away from me in terms of timezones for me to talk to you much, I think. However, I think we've always been on good terms and I enjoy hearing from you, so ... yeah! Also, iirc you're pretty cute. :>

Keta: I respect you a great deal. I don't really talk to you much either, but you're intelligent and cute and seem to be a good person, aaand I don't really know what else to say here, haha.

surskitty: I've known you for quite a while. You were probably one of my first friends on TCoD but I have no idea how we met or anything. My most prominent memories are probably that of Floop, Dezz'uu, and our miscellaneous characters (Kyoth, you had some dude with pink hair or something!) and the FFRP which consisted of fifty pages of bullshit. Anyway, I think we've both changed, but I still like you and I hope we remain acquaintances. Also, Team Rocket.

Tailsy: I can't believe I used to have a crush on you. :B Well, I give you more than trouble than you deserve and I like you but you never seem to be active in #tcod, or if you are then I'm just never around. Oh well. Stay short.

Verne: I like you ... a lot.

opal: Again I don't know you very well but I've always respected you and I'm quite jealous of your ever expanding intelligence. ; ;

Furret: We started off really roughly. I used to really hate you. But now I think we're cool and I like hearing about how you're doing. Yyyep.

NWT: You're my bro. Bros don't need explanation.

Zhorken: I like the occasional discussions that are generated in #tcod where we get to share our opinions but apart from that I don't really talk to you so I'm not sure what to say. :X

Vixie: We don't really talk much anymore either wtf. Anyway, we seem to be fairly similar and it's always nice to meet someone with similar certain problems to help each other out ... I'm terrible at this.

Walker: Editing you in because I'm terrible and skipped over you because I had done so badly with everyone else. I'm really proud of you and your crusade to get Hiram Farm infinity votes and I hope that everything turns out okay. I like hearing you talk about competitive battling even though I am a moron at it and I sort of resent it, so if I ever need Pokemon advice I'll come to you. :B

PM me angrily if I've forgotten someone.
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Disclaimer: This is more of "What do think of fellow [IRC]ers?" but whatever :I

(James) is great because she's never been afraid to tell me I am an idiot because [reason]. She's also very supportive and become a rather good friend over the years (even if she doesn't feel the same).

Zhorken is a neat kitty I've always likened to a sort of "twin", even if this isn't a very accurate description. From Day One, I've secretly wished to be more like him--he's adamant, assertive, and adorable. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to say he's possibly the biggest influence in my life. It certainly helps that I can talk to him about literally anything and he'll understand more than anyone else would.

Zuu ... It's uncanny how much of myself I see in Zuu. We oft talk about how much everyone's grown up over the years. Zuu might be one of the youngest in #tcod, but... they're really important to me. Definitely someone I do not want to die without meeting.

Ketai is someone who comes and goes and I always miss her when she goes. We used to play MapleStory together, so there is nostalgia factor, and she's got such a bright personality; I always smile when she is around. (She is also far too humble; she is very pretty, whether she likes to admit it or not :|)

opaltiger is my Eternal Sworn Rival. He is prettier than I and it is most certainly unfair. He also has the tendency to make me feel like I have the IQ of a rock. Sort of a Red-Green relationship, although I'm the only one who feels this way :B In all honesty, opal's been there to lend me a hand when I've fallen and if it weren't for him, I'd be banned so. (I daresay I am the better Leo, however! If just marginally.)

Tailsy (Jessie) ... ... ahahah. Hahahah. Ahahahaha! I honestly have no clue how to say what I want to say, but I mean gee, what would we do without our resident Scotswoman? The character award definitely goes to her.

23:20 < Tailsy> VIXIE IS LAAAME
23:20 < Walker> vee
23:20 < Tailsy> but not really
23:20 < Tailsy> i like vixie really
23:20 < Tailsy> ealy really

(I can't tell if she's being serious, double serious, or not serious at all)

H-land's puns make me want to punch him in the face sometimes, I'll be honest. But H-land is pretty awesome otherwise. We share many common interests, big and small. He's really nice, too; I have a postcard from him tacked onto my bulletin board here :3

Walker is the resident baby. Even if he doesn't like to admit it. Still, he's become an integral member of the #tcod family and it's always disappointing when I type "Wal + tab" only to notice he isn't there when I have something very pressing to talk to him about. Usually it's about competitive Pokémon, since I have noone else to geek with ever since Scizor/DDF left.

ultraviolet is affectionately known to me as Jessiroo -- my favourite Australian on the planet. Much like Zhorken, I admire her laid-back demeanour with the ability to get serious and assertive when she wants/needs to. Amazingly honest, and a simply wonderful friend. I'd travel to all the way to Perth to spend a day with her.

Alraunne is my best friend in the world. I absolutely love her and she means everything to me. She was there when I needed a friend the most, and has been there ever since. Even if I've been a horrible monster. Friends and love come and go, but people like her... they stay with you, in your thoughts and dreams, no matter what.

(more later ??? pm I guess if you really want me to say something about you)
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I find it hilarious that people find my posts entertaining :D all I do is shout and flail like an idiot!
surskitty: I've known you for quite a while. You were probably one of my first friends on TCoD but I have no idea how we met or anything. My most prominent memories are probably that of Floop, Dezz'uu, and our miscellaneous characters (Kyoth, you had some dude with pink hair or something!) and the FFRP which consisted of fifty pages of bullshit. Anyway, I think we've both changed, but I still like you and I hope we remain acquaintances. Also, Team Rocket.
Fyrr's the guy with pink hair, who is one of the few characters I've had for ages who hasn't been altered significantly. I probably write him rather better now than I used to, but I still think of him as the same character. Flyp's no longer particularly recognizable -- it shows up in a few of the ficbits I write in my standard fantasy setting universe that I'm not showing anyone anytime soon -- but Fyrr is. I sort of miss our elaborate bullshit RPs, but they were bullshit and my RPing style probably doesn't mesh well with yours anymore. :(

We met in my Pikmin RP, I believe.

I want to punch you in the face periodically but I still like you \o/ let us remain friends
surskitty (James) is great because she's never been afraid to tell me I am an idiot because [reason]. She's also very supportive and become a rather good friend over the years (even if she doesn't feel the same).
I like you! I just think you're a bit of a biderpaderp. :B You're okay, though.
Tailsy is wicked sweet (...what is this phrase, am I a surfer dude.) because the 8{ injoke with Zora exists because of her. I also like her posts and find them amusing.

I don't remember this

what does this mean
I want to punch you in the face periodically but I still like you \o/ let us remain friendsI like you! I just think you're a bit of a biderpaderp. :B You're okay, though.


(damn, another adamant Ratatta!)
Like Vixie, this is mostly irc people.

surskitty: I have always envisioned you as a large glob of awesome. Hearing your atrocious karaoke when we were trading a few weeks ago has tarnished that idea somewhat. Also if you really dislike your username so much you should really just change it. Floop wasn't bad!

Tailsy: You are equally cool and I should really talk to you more. Not much else to say sadly.

Espeon: You are cool man. Stop second guessing yourself already, we aren't secretly considering banning you for being a pestilence upon the channel. But maybe that's just what we want you to think...

rikuu or whatever you go by once you get on the forum: You are in the same boat as Espeon albeit to a higher degree and please continue coming here I need a Muslim friend to complete my collection. ; ;

Vixie: I was going to say nice things here but then you went and called me the resident baby despite the fact that rikuu is two years (possibly three depending on when his birthday is!) younger than I am. So instead I'm going to say that you are a big meanie who needs to go and jump in a lake. >:(

In all seriousness, you're cool, and I often find myself in the same position when pressing vi + tab. You're a bit blunt sometimes when it comes to people having The Dumb, but hey. Everyone is here.


opal: Probably one of the most intelligent and level-headed people I know, and in my opinion you make the most interesting posts on this forum bar skoot and Tailsy's WACKY ADVENTURES. You could write a 500 page novel on why watching paint dry is, in fact, the most interesting thing in the world and I would read it in a heartbeat.

Midnight: I'm still not sure where you stand on Tailsy having stolen surskitty from you. Or was it the other way around...?

Zuu: I'm pretty sure you've reached the perfect balance of funny and serious. Teach me your ways, oh great one.

ultraviolet: You seem very nice, but we're rarely on at the same time and it makes me sad. Stop being in such a far off time zone. :(

Blastoise is cool but hasn't been on irc since... last summer? Not sure, actually, but you should fix that.

Vixie: I was going to say nice things here but then you went and called me the resident baby despite the fact that rikuu is two years (possibly three depending on when his birthday is!) younger than I am. So instead I'm going to say that you are a big meanie who needs to go and jump in a lake. >:(

you are still in high school, little boy -- for awhile yet.

also rikuu has been there for two days, he is not a regular

EDIT: oh shit I didn't notice "in all seriousness", haha surskitty is right :(
I don't remember this

what does this mean
One time, you had an avvie. It was some old dude in a suit, leaning back and making a bizarre face, that looked like 8{. Zora showed me this, and it became an epic long-running injoke. I'm not sure if you remember or even if I'm explaining properly. Sadly, I don't have a picture of this avvie.
One time, you had an avvie. It was some old dude in a suit, leaning back and making a bizarre face, that looked like 8{. Zora showed me this, and it became an epic long-running injoke. I'm not sure if you remember or even if I'm explaining properly. Sadly, I don't have a picture of this avvie.


okay I understand!!

Man that avatar is the best thing ever.
tbh i love pretty much every regular member ever. Arylett and FMC and Mike the Foxhog and Green (he could stand to capitalize though) and Flora and the mods (see you guys don't need to eliminate me [James especially is like concentrated awesome]) and everyone else I haven't mentioned probably.

FMC's good at art, and nice and bubbly. Extra points! Also, she's sort of like an initiator in my mind, she like, is good at making projects and sticking to them. That's the impression I get, anyways.

FMC: Is amazing and I love her. I love my Cookies.



UH what am i doing here oh right um. I am probably not gunna do ~everyone~ just a few people

Zora: Is My Zora and is amazing. :3 And we have lots of injokes. NOT EVEN LEVEL FOUR ASS PROTECTORS.

'lett: You're a good RPer! I like that in someone. You haven't done it a lot (at least not on the teecod) lately though and I am sad. :C We need to talk more.

Blastoise: Is pretty cool too! You always have the best reactions to my avis.

Verne: I used to be really scared of you x: But not so much anymore! Even if I never talk to you! You're really funny though.

Tailsy: You're also funny, and one of the coolest mods~!

UH i dunno who else to do. :C I guess you do me and I'll do you? or something? god i need to socialize more.

okay I understand!!

Man that avatar is the best thing ever.
I agree completely. 8{

'lett: You're a good RPer! I like that in someone. You haven't done it a lot (at least not on the teecod) lately though and I am sad. :C We need to talk more.
Really? I didn't think my crappy (coughexcessiveuseofdisguisedselfinsertscough) RPing was missed... the RP forums in general seem sort of dead though, it's a shame. I only really do RPing with one person anymore, and in IM, not really anywhere else. But I'd be more than happy to talk to you some more. :3 I should add you on MSN, I'm on there like 24-7.
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KronoGreen said:
you're pretty cool and your signature atm is... c:
to be honest, you annoy me but I think that's mostly because you're a fair bit younger than me and I know you mean well (mostly) so you're okay I guess.

Flora and Ashes said:
Well, UV and Green are pretty cool from my experience :)
I distinctly remember not liking you for some reason but I don't remember why that was and I certainly don't not like you now, so... you're good in my books. c:

Keta said:
(thoughts on Keta?)
I know you're on IRC sometimes but I don't remember actually speaking to you personally so I don't know you all that well. :|

Verne said:
uv you would be way cooler if you rode kangaroos and existed in roleplays NOT THAT I HOLD A GRUDGE (espeicially about the kangaroos).
augh I am so guilty about that I'm so sorry :C but yeah everyone Verne is just about the manliest guy on this forum and is heaps of fun to talk to.
also yeah I'll mail you a kangaroo one day and then you can ride her everywhere.

departuresong said:
ultraviolet - I don't actually know you very well, but I do respect (and appreciate) the quality of your posts. A good forum member, if my opinion is worth anything.
hurr, a good forumer am I? I honestly don't know you that well either, but thankyou. c:

Arylett Dawnsborough said:
ultraviolet I don't know well. But she seems nice and intelligent.
You're one of those people I have added on msn that I think I've talked to like... twice? xD You strike me as an overly friendly person but I get the impression that you share a lot of in-jokes with your other friends and I don't think I could keep up... or something.

Dezzuu said:
ultraviolet: To be honest, I don't know you very well. You're too far away from me in terms of timezones for me to talk to you much, I think. However, I think we've always been on good terms and I enjoy hearing from you, so ... yeah! Also, iirc you're pretty cute. :>
This is partly my fault because I keep forgetting to reply to my visitor messages, so... yeah. But you're awesome! You tend to make humorous/well-thought out posts and you seem to be an easy person to talk to. So yeah we really should talk more often.
and thankyou, if I remember rightly you are too~

Vixie said:
ultraviolet is affectionately known to me as Jessiroo -- my favourite Australian on the planet. Much like Zhorken, I admire her laid-back demeanour with the ability to get serious and assertive when she wants/needs to. Amazingly honest, and a simply wonderful friend. I'd travel to all the way to Perth to spend a day with her.

you are one of the kindest, most affectionate people I know <3 I really hope things are working out for you at uni and such. You're awesome fun to talk to and I'd really like to meet you sometime.

Walker said:
ultraviolet: You seem very nice, but we're rarely on at the same time and it makes me sad. Stop being in such a far off time zone. :(
I think you were one of the tcodf bigshots I used to be afraid of when I first joined but yeah I still really don't know you very well. But you seem like a cool, intelligent guy and yeah.

And I'm sorry everyone that I'm on at weird times or that I'm far awaybut australia is far from everywhere... so :\ now onto other people that are cool:

surskitty: while I don't know you extremely well I think you're a pretty cool person, you have a great sense of humour and you make funny posts. also you have to admire someone who has a collection of team rocket pictures that probably exceeds all reason.

Vladimir Putin's LJ: you're hilarious and I love your comic, and you produce some really great art. I'd really like to get to know you better but I don't see you around so much anymore.

opaltiger: uh yeah you're probably one of the most intelligent people I know and that's somewhat intimidating, but I really respect you for that and you're also one of the few people who doesn't get hugely caught up in drama. I haven't talked to you a whole lot, but you strike me as someone worth knowing.

Music Dragon
: I think I've talked to you more than anyone from this forum and I've probably known you the longest, too. You're one of my best friends and I would love to meet you one day. You're a great writer, too.

ugh I probably forgot someone so just... yell at me or something
Music Dragon: I think I've talked to you more than anyone from this forum and I've probably known you the longest, too. You're one of my best friends and I would love to meet you one day. You're a great writer, too.
You were actually believable until that last part!

(PS. Have I influenced your vocabulary? Since when do you say "hurr"?)

okay I understand!!

Man that avatar is the best thing ever.

Am I crazy or did he look ever so slightly like John Cleese

ANYWAY time to make (active) people on my friend list feel special through the medium of short sentences about why they rule. IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER.

Arylett Lettcubes Dawnsborough is immensely fun to be weird with, though I must strive to speak with her more so that I get more nicknames.

Blazheirio889 is a fun person despite being an awful driver.

Blaziking has been very supportive throughout the umpteen breakdowns of my GBA Final Fantasy games, and for that I am grateful.

Dannichu = rainbows = awesome. She talks lots but that makes up for the fact that a typical conversation with her lasts for about seven massively long VMs. She should draw everything in the entire world.

Flora do not stop being adorable. You are ludicrously fun to talk to in spite of the typical conversation between us being ":D" ":)" ":3" on a permanent loop. Also, OCELOTS.

Dwagie's own unique brand of angry insanity and access to Russian Winnie the Pooh cartoons makes her one of my best friends around here. :3

Leafpool is very nice when she's not being very mean. But she made me read Warriors so that's okay.

Typh I fucking love you man

Rasrap Smurf is my favourite person to be pointless with. Also my oldest friend on the current incarnation of the forums.

Zephyrous Castform is the most fabulous person ever. He should become president of everything.

Zora is the best drunk in the world. Period.

If you weren't mentioned but should have been I probably don't hate you, I just don't think I know you well enough to say anything remotely pointful and have probably been meaning to talk to you and get to know you better for ages but am paranoid about annoying people D: But if I've spoken to you or had any interaction with you on the forums at all you're probably alright
And while I'm quoting Tailsyjessie, I should mention she has the adorablest avatar ever.
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Methinks you are meaning someone else? I have never, to my knowledge, been on the irc.

Actually, yeah, I was thinking of Zephyrous. But my comment about irc stands, you seem pretty cool. c:

I think you were one of the tcodf bigshots I used to be afraid of when I first joined but yeah I still really don't know you very well. But you seem like a cool, intelligent guy and yeah.

Man, I keep forgetting you joined after me. You're like one of five people on irc that's done that. Still, the fact that somebody's mistaken me for a major scary person makes me oddly proud. Not sure if that's necessarily a good thing.
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