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What do you think of fellow forumgoers?

Well uh I don't really associate with most of the people here. Let's just say I tend to consider the younger members rather annoying sometimes(no offense, but once you grow up in a few years, you'll realize this too), and in general most of yall are pretty fun to be around. I probably wouldn't be here still if that wasn't the case.

Alright, now onto more specific people:

Zora: Very fun to talk to. TrsRockin's chat is just generally complete bullshit, but it's just so much fun. also she's kinda my boss and I'm just sucking up to her :P

Flareth: She and Zora are like a pair of fun pals. They make being at TrsRockin worth it(so do the other members there, but to my knowledge they don't come here). Also, I can steal borrow journal ideas on dA from both Flareth and Zora.

Alraunne: I don't really talk to Alraunne much, but I do look foward to seeing your sprites cause they're just great.

Other Spriters out there: Comment moar on my stuff. I need some criticism(I've heard my outlines are kinda dark, so more stuff like that would help me some). :P

Butterfree: This is more of a thank you than anything. But really, while it wasn't your site and guides that inspired me to sprite, they did play a role in helping me improve my skills. Plus TCoD's been a rather large part of my internet time for the past...2 1/2 years now? Seriously, thank you for keeping this place running.

EDIT: Fixing the time, as I certainly wasn't here for 4 years. I guess I sorta rushed my guesstimation.
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(damn, another adamant Ratatta!)
No, that's just a sign of the derp.
while I don't know you extremely well I think you're a pretty cool person, you have a great sense of humour and you make funny posts. also you have to admire someone who has a collection of team rocket pictures that probably exceeds all reason.
I only have around 2300 caps! And like 150 of them don't involve Team Rocket! (Let's not count how many of the not-Rocket ones are Team Aqua or Magma. It's probably most of them.) That's not exceeding all reason at all.... But hee, thanks.

I think you are pretty cool! And Australian. And intelligent. But also Australian. Did you know I think you're Australian? Because I do. We should talk more!
oh shit I didn't notice "in all seriousness", haha surskitty is right :(
it's okay we love you anyway
surskitty: I have always envisioned you as a large glob of awesome. Hearing your atrocious karaoke when we were trading a few weeks ago has tarnished that idea somewhat. Also if you really dislike your username so much you should really just change it. Floop wasn't bad!

Midnight: I'm still not sure where you stand on Tailsy having stolen surskitty from you. Or was it the other way around...?
I'm so awesome that my atrocious karaoke makes me more awesome. Like 90% of the reason I always do atrocious karaoke while trading with people online is so I can DEFEAT YOU ALL by making it impossible to breathe. Yeah, I'm awesome.

I don't mind being surskitty, but I do love complaining.

Also I consider Midnight to be adopted. Tailsy and I are AU twins and wives.

You're pretty cool. \o/ We should talk more.
Hooonesty tiiiiiime.

I really rather hate Arylett and all her little brainless groupies because they are much too old to be pulling the ~lol random weird lol~ game and they appear to be a bunch of sycophantic fools rallying around Arylett, who is not remotely interesting or intelligent or anything. Every time you guys do something you think is so ~lol funny~ or whatever it makes me choke. The whole semicolons-for-actions thing? Ridiculous. It takes way too much effort to believe that you are 18.

BUT WHATEVER. I'm an over-opinionated brat in the end anyway.

I notice there are a lot of people with whom I am constantly in close contact (or, well, have the ability to talk to anyway) and yet know nothing about and have, thus, no real opinions. This entails such people as zhorken, opal, eevee ... all those type people. It's weird.

Zuu you are possibly my favorite person ever, let's go take over the world.

Vixie you are pretty awesome! You do have a habit of missing certain sarcastic remarks but it's not like it's your fault and you make up for it in other ways. Like getting me more brandy, manager.

Walker you are a Cool Dude. I realize I don't know hugely much about you (lol, fuck grammar) but I still think you're neat and would totally hang out. Besides you sound like you live somewhere awesome and I am jealous. And timmy get in the box

I don't appear to know the rest of you. Fun times.
also i never rated verne

i totally hated you at first man but then i saw you liked ed edd n' eddy and now i love you

kind of
Typh: You're pretty much the only person here that I talk to regularly, but you're awesome and never fail to make me smile. :]

Dezzuu: I rather enjoy talking to you those times we actually get to talk to each other. And even though you've just started, your Japanese speaking skills far surpass mine. I'm actually a bit envious of you. :x

(I remember a bunch of people here from those days when we used to talk on YIM, but sadly due to my 8-month-out-of-the-year hiatus, I never really got to keep in touch. :x)
Mercy: haaa no ; ; and I know, but oftentimes I forget I have a /phone/ and I don't text anyone for ages. you're like ... one of two people that ever text me, too, so :B
Ruby's very serious. Verrrrry serious. Even when he's not serious.
What. I know I'm a bit severe on TCoD, but I thought I was quite friendly and silly on MSN. Perhaps I'm only silly when talking to people who are trying to be serious, which ...never happens with you.

Any way.

VPLJ is my protege who is better at everything than me.
Dannichu is the most radiantly agreeable person you could wish to meet.
NWT is very fun to talk to on Jabber but I never see his posts on TCoD.
surskitty is very serious and proper.
Music Dragon quietly makes the funniest posts.
opaltiger has really long hair.
Everyone who's posted after me...

Arylett Dawnsborough - I used to find you and your posse ridiculous and irritating (see Verne's post), but lately I have become desensitized to it. Rage has been replaced by pity.

Zora of Termina - I have no opinion about you either way, mostly because I don't catch your posts very often.

Dezzuu - Yeah, I used to absolutely despise you, but now I consider you a good friend. whoo

Vixie - I still find some things you do a tiny bit irritating, but I really can't say I don't like you. You're intelligent and open-minded and a good person.

Walker - No opinion. It's probably more of a dislike than a like, though, simply because you did a lot to anger me in the past.

Full Metal Cookies - I like you enough, though I really can't say I know much about you.

Music Dragon - Your posts have grown much more caustic in the last few months and I love it. To say I value your presence here is an understatement.

Mike the Foxhog - My mind is firmly set in "this-person-is-annoying" mode from when you first joined. You haven't done a lot to change that perception.

superyoshi888 - Don't know you very well, but I doubt we could ever form a meaningful friendship of any kind.

superbird - No idea who you are.

sreservoir - You seldom make posts I disapprove of. I like your attitude and wit. Perhaps it's an acquired taste.

Mercy - Once again, no idea who you are. If Zuu approves, though, I probably would too!

Ruby - I'm a bit sad when I think about it, but I've come to a sudden realization about how little gratitude I've shown you for all you've done for me. Even when I was being a complete moron, you were willing to talk to me and let me pour out my troubles. You have been one of the most consistently friendly and approachable people here and I really do appreciate it.
superyoshi888 - Don't know you very well, but I doubt we could ever form a meaningful friendship of any kind.

I honestly don't think I could form a meaningful friendship with most people here anyways. There's mostly just the people I know from TrsRockin, but that forum is so small you kinda have to know everyone there.
What. I know I'm a bit severe on TCoD, but I thought I was quite friendly and silly on MSN. Perhaps I'm only silly when talking to people who are trying to be serious, which ...never happens with you.

It's because people think you're serious when you're being silly.
Let me just say this: Mewtwo is the best misleading avatar-to-username-ratio-girl I have ever met and deserves a derp de derp pie in her honor. :)

I'm somewhat fond of Walker because of his posts and because he thinks my brother is cool.

Blackthorne Steele is fun to talk to, his avi is awesome, and should also receive a pie.

Kam is wonderfully crazy and I envy his endless ability to recieve birthday gifts. :3

Esque deserves a pie full of Awesome brand Awesomesauce solely for her signature. She seemed very sweet when I talked to her. Yay.

Ketsu! My seems-much-older-than-she-actually-is buddy I luv you!
Dezzuu said:
Mercy: haaa no ; ; and I know, but oftentimes I forget I have a /phone/ and I don't text anyone for ages. you're like ... one of two people that ever text me, too, so :B

Haha, no worries. The same thing goes for me as well. :]

departuresong said:
Mercy - Once again, no idea who you are. If Zuu approves, though, I probably would too!

I vaguely recall talking to you a couple of times on YIM, so I understand why you wouldn't remember me. :]
Doing people I know really well....what, it's like TWO people?

Zora: Been my best internet friend for years now, even BEFORE she came here. She also doesn't kill me when I fangirl too much. And she makes me laugh.

Arylett: Makes me laugh too. I mean, I actually laugh when I'm in a chat with her and stuff.

Markku V- Another friend I've had for years, from even BEFORE he joined here. It seems you forgot someone on your list, Zora. We were a close knit gang of RPers on another forum for years. WE RP less now but we still remember it.
...Yes, it would seem that I have forgotten someone. But does he come around here anymore anyway?
Ah well, I'll add him anyway. :l


departuresong: Seems intellegent enough. I don't really have an opinion other than that.

Superyoshi: Is a pretty cool guy.

And now
Markku: Should already know what I think of him.
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lol no one knows me enough to actually write one of these for me.


I don't trust new people at all when they first join. I have always done that nothing personal guys. Especially when a new member joins ASB.

3. Blackthorne Steele - When you first joined you seemed like an idiot who was out to make trouble. But you turned out the opposite and you're one of my biggest friends on here. But you're still an idiot. :P

Barabu - You seemed like a spammer to me at first. But after a while I realised you were ok. And you're Blastoise's brother, so I didn't think you'd spam.


Shadow Serenity - Again, with my untrustinglynessitudetion of newbies, I thought you to be an idiot and a spammer who'd intereupt ASB threads. But it turns out you are a great person and an awesome ref.

Venre - No offence, but I hate you. You just seem to be self absorbed and you hate a lot of the people I like on here. Nothing personal.

FMC - One of my best friends, I would never charge onto 2fort without a Scoot to be a shield.

opal - I don't know you, but I fear you because you're an admin and stuff.

Most mods/admins - see opal.

Negrek - Fear and respect you. You're my boss,((Bank wise)) and head ref so I have a massive respect for you.

Krono - <3 Green Day forever.

Brock - an idiot who needs to fricking die and should be banned FOREVAR!!!
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