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What do you think of fellow forumgoers?


sorry, i'm never going to stop being mad about it.
Staff member
Reviving this thread because it's been over a year since the last one was posted in and it was a fun thread!

So, post your opinions of anyone on the forum!

... uh I don't know who to start with, so someone else can go first. xD
Oh lord, when I was still in grade school/an idiotic freshman I remember being terrified of this thread. (wow, even back then my self-esteem kinda sucked)

Well, UV and Green are pretty cool from my experience :)
Oh man, I don't know how much of the oldfag/irc group agree with me on this... I don't think I'm alone in saying I automatically discredit most people who are below 15 years of age. It's incredibly biased, probably jaded of me to do so, but I find it a surprisingly accurate gauge sometimes. I'm too inactive to name specific names.

I'm not a furry nor a polyamorist, my personality and personal beliefs clash with those. I don't hate them though. :P

I like the #codr crew a lot~ hi NWT, hi Midnight. They're fun, though I should talk to Midnight more often? #tcod is interesting to hang around, particularly today, and Tailsy is cute, no one is permitted to deny that.

(thoughts on Keta?)
Tailsy is like my alternate universe BFF. I LOVE YOU, TAILSY but not like that particularly not on these names that would be creepy and gross

I want to beat up opal with pillows and head-flicks. Also, reclaim my keyboard permanently.

Zhorken's pretty cool, I think. He's not very fun to flick in the head, though; he's all jumpy for the next few minutes.

H-land's a bit like a bidoof. We should play more Super Smash Bros, H-land! And hang out more. I vote you go on a trip to DC.

Ruby's very serious. Verrrrry serious. Even when he's not serious.

Espeon's kind of flaily and sort of biderpaderp. :( Don't worry, Espeon, we all love you! (I only kick when I care. Which is sort of creepy, now that I think about it, but I think it's my sacred duty by this point. The great me in the sky approves.)

Butterfree's kind of like Ruby in that she exudes an aura of I ARE SERIUS THIS ARE SIREUS BUISNESS except like Ruby I can't imagine her intentionally spelling anything incorrectly. I should talk to her more, but I don't know what I should talk to her about. Possibly our clefable overlords? I don't know; she exudes seriousness.

Verne's pretty awesome but I always feel bad whenever I think he might be mad at me. :'(

Keta is pretty cool! I'd hang out in #codr more, but I have waaaaay too many IRC tabs open and #codr is usually inactive. You should let me know if something is happening, though [sage nod sage nod]. Also I think people between the ages of 8 and 14 don't actually exist. They are like spindly insects except less cool and more capable of typing.
I honestly don't see you that often, Keta, but you seem pretty cool from that.

tbh i love pretty much every regular member ever. Arylett and FMC and Mike the Foxhog and Green (he could stand to capitalize though) and Flora and the mods (see you guys don't need to eliminate me [James especially is like concentrated awesome]) and everyone else I haven't mentioned probably.

uv you would be way cooler if you rode kangaroos and existed in roleplays NOT THAT I HOLD A GRUDGE (espeicially about the kangaroos).

kronogreen i pretty much hate you BUT that happens sometimes, pal! So carry one being ... stupid or something.

Flora I seem to have no feelings toward you whatsoever. I have a strange suspicion I dislike you, though.

Keta you're that cool ungodly smart one right, get OUT

surskitty you present quite a conundrum, as I sometimes really like you and at other times want to punch your nose inside out. You do a lot of stupid stuff but also a lot of cool stuff. So I get really frustrated with you.

Verne is opinionated and should be chucked off a cliff
YES (but not on these names because Jessie/James is gross)

Yeaaaah :( I *do* do a lot of stupid stuff. BUT SLOWLY I GET BETTER ... I think ... ... maybe ... ... ... ...
Flora I seem to have no feelings toward you whatsoever. I have a strange suspicion I dislike you, though.

Waaaaay back after the forums imploded and the original thread was still around (or possibly before that) you did say a couple times that I annoyed you.

Honestly I used to be kinda scared of you. But you seem to be pretty cool, so.
YES (but not on these names because Jessie/James is gross)

Yeaaaah :( I *do* do a lot of stupid stuff. BUT SLOWLY I GET BETTER ... I think ... ... maybe ... ... ... ...


but it's okay surskitty, because these names are a part of who we are! And I've forgotten what I'm talking about. Waaaah.
Only the people I think I know well enough to talk about, so:

Dannichu is the best person,
Tailsy has the second best accent in the world.
Ruby is probably my closest friend.
Butterfree is almost as good at chess as I am.
Zhorken is equally as terrible as I am when it comes to calculating density at 4:00.
surskitty is ridiculous.

And Eevee, never mind that he isn't here any more, seems scary but is actually very huggable.

So you'd be right to think that way.
ultraviolet - I don't actually know you very well, but I do respect (and appreciate) the quality of your posts. A good forum member, if my opinion is worth anything.

KronoGreen - Slightly annoying at times, perhaps, but it's probably because of things out of your control.

Flora and Ashes - Another good member who always makes well thought-out posts. And you seem very mature for a 15 year-old. (I'd rather not think about what I was like two years ago.)

Keta - Always enjoyed your presence a lot. I don't see that changing soon.

surskitty - I think our personalities clash a little too much. We're just not ever going to be good friends, which is unfortunate, I guess.

Blastoise - Another 15 year-old whose posts and maturity put myself two years ago to shame.

Tailsy - We're very distant now. I recall us being very good friends early on, but like surskitty, I just think our personalities clash too much.

Verne - No words. I'll try anyway. Reliable, approachable, interesting, genuine, and a good friend overall.

opaltiger - I find you annoying at times, but maybe that's just the result of my own jealousy. Regardless, I respect you more than you might suspect, and I definitely enjoy reading your posts.
I know, right?! I always make overly-excited posts where I end up sobbing hysterically at the end, so I felt it was appropriate.
retsu I shall now be much more mature and eloquent than you can ever dream of being

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