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What do you think of fellow forumgoers?

What about me?



You...blurt out the first things that you think of. The fact that you use phrases such as "hai" and "baibai" turns me off a lot, honestly. I'm a grammar and spelling freak :/

However, ignoring the initial turn offs I actually don't mind you at all, and wouldn't mind talking to you! So, to put it shortly, there are a few turn offs I get from you, but I certainly don't dislike you.



I first met you after you posted in my Forum Help thread.

My first impression of you was pretty good.

I've come to respect you as well. Though, you might not choose to take this full force since I respect almost everyone here. We've become really good friends, though we don't have real conversations any more and we've drifted off.

derp this should be my last. I think. Um.
Hm... I'm starting to think that my general response to everyone isn't enough. Let's see how many people I can think of things to say about.

SpikeAlraune: I preferred the name Alraune actually, but whatever! You make amazing sprites and art in general and I'm pretty sure you're just great at everything you do. You're also a really friendly person and, for me, definitely the person to approach if I need a mod though I hardly know any of the others

Arylett Dawnsborough: well, I don't know you greatly well, but I have talked to you a bit... You do great art and seem very friendly, and I wish I could think of more to say.

Big Red Cherry Bomb: I really only know you from reffing some ASB battles, but you seem pretty good. And your battles tend to be fun to ref.

Boss: while I wish to avoid saying anything that could be regarded as provocative, I have a very strong feeling there is some connection between you and Conrad.

Butterfree: the Scary Admin. Except that you aren't scary. Like me you tend to come off cold but are friendly underneath, and I do appreciate your help with my HTML issues.

Conrad: while I wish to avoid saying anything that could be regarded as provocative, I have a very strong feeling there is some connection between you and boss.

Crazy Linoone: is crazy. But friendly. And you always make interesting arenas. Speaking of which, here's to hoping our battle gets reffed soon.

Dave Strider: I reffed a couple of your battles, and I only realized when I read Homestuck that I had always been spelling your name wrong. I was like "Dave Strider that's like that guy Dave Stryder isn't it and wait he's named after it and I've been spelling it wrong" Why didn't you tell meeeeeee D:

DJ P0N-3: you seem fun, at least if your battles / arenas are any indication. And yeah, I'm working on your reffing, as soon as I'm done with this and Kratos v Mawile.

Espeon: I don't know you very well, but I will say this again: you forgot you were a mod? How? If I had that kind of power I'd always be looking for ways to use it.

Indikitty: well, you already know how I feel about you. You annoyed me at first, then you slowly grew on me, and now you're almost like the little sister I never had. Plus it's always fun to complain about the anime with you. *hug*

Karkat Vantas: maaaan, you really didn't like me at first. Still, we've moved past that! You're pretty friendly, if a bit abrupt.

Kratos Aurion: you... scare me just a little, actually. I think it's that time you ended up all grumpy at me, even though you said it wasn't my fault; I hope it passes soon.

Melodic Harmony: we were far friendlier a while back, but now we've kind of lost touch. :(

Meowth: the Foxhog. You're friendly and often fun to talk to, but your randomness can be somewhat grating at times. I know you're not likely to change, though, so I guess I'll just have to make do. *Shrug*

Negrek: you're honestly more of a 'scary authority figure' than Butterfree is, for some reason. I do admire your tireless dedication to keeping ASB running, though.

RunsWithScizor: I don't really have to tell you how I feel about you, now do I?

Zora of Termina: I don't know you all that well, but I do know that your drunk battles are hilarious to ref. Plus you're a funny pretend drunk.

Man, looking through the users list reminded me just how many people I don't know. And it kind of makes me sad how many people I know but can think of nothing to say about.
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Arylett, I've always enjoyed our conversations together, which are farther inbetween than I'd like. Like what a few others have said, it'd do you a lot of good to look at the bright side of things more often. Regardless of that, you're pretty darn awesome and I'm glad I've gotten the chance to know you.

Cirrus, I really wish I knew you better. You seem like such an interesting and kind person.

Crazy Linoone, I've really enjoyed reading your comic. Also, back when OS was alive, you really contributed to its positive atmosphere and continue to postively contribute to the forum.

Dannichu, you're deserving of every bit of praise you've gotten in this thread.

Hiikaru, you're refreshingly upbeat and helpful; it's a always joy to read your posts.

Kinova, you're so thoughtful! You wouldn't believe how happy your birthday card made me or anyone else who's been fortunate enough to recieve one from you.
Phantom is fantastic, and we definitely need to chat more. You also have excellent taste in TV, are fabulously nerdy in the best possible way, and run the best mafia games :D

And Spoon is amazing. I wish you'd be more active, because I don't see you around anywhere near as often as I should. I'll love you forever for making OS in the first place, which really brought all the arty people on the forum together (a community within a community if you will) and I've still got a load of OS-y group pictures on my wall at uni :D And on top of your club-making skills, you're such a sweet, lovely person :3

And I don't think I've mentioned so far my utter love of Hyde/Pathos/Pentimento/Shai/whatever you're going by this week :p I'm so sorry I've been so terrible with communications recently, I really miss our wonderfully geeky, horrendously long PMs. I plan on watching Glee properly over the summer, so I can discuss it with you :D

Edit: I just noticed this:

Guys mods aren't scary

But Dannichu is terrifying srsly

Ahahahaha, Mike I love you and your fantastic sense of humour so much <3
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Boss: while I wish to avoid saying anything that could be regarded as provocative, I have a very strong feeling there is some connection between you and Conrad.

Conrad: while I wish to avoid saying anything that could be regarded as provocative, I have a very strong feeling there is some connection between you and boss.
Yeah, yeah, you and Indigo both, but you do know we were both members of TCoD before, right? You guys really don't have to beat around the bush, you know. "Some connection" is frustratingly vague, which means that even if I wanted to clear things up, I couldn't.
I hadn't known that, actually. And I wasn't more specific because that's just how vague that feeling was. I apologize.
Oh, no, it's cool. It's just that if you wanted clarification on something, it would be hard for me to help with a description that vague, and I thought you might've been watering down your thoughts out of fear of offending me (which, really, you don't have to worry about - I can take bluntness).

Anyway, my only connection with boss is that I've been his friend for a long time.
I know not a lot of people know me here, some might know of me, but some not really at all besides the fact that I like Doctor Who. (which is getting a bit old, I might change my specs when I get a spare moment) But I thank everyone who has been so open and nice. It means a lot that I can say what I feel and feel like I am actually being heard somewhere, and not just typing into the void. It means a lot.

Sometimes I just wish I'd met a lot of you in real life, sadly reality had other plans. It's nice to know I can go somewhere and feel like I have friends there. The world is a harsh place. I feel like TCoD makes it feel a little warmer.

greatest guy ever no seriously no one is better etc etc etc

I mean what
Boss: while I wish to avoid saying anything that could be regarded as provocative, I have a very strong feeling there is some connection between you and Conrad.
ding ding ding you're a winner! we're friends. connection established

and provocative..? like a come on? *blush i am so embarrassed*
I'll vajazzle my fun place into the shape of a cock so that you feel more at home.
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