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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What do you think of fellow forumgoers

Methinks my fellow forumgoers are cool beans. :|

This place has more intelligent, mature people than any other forum I've been on.
Stop this weak-minded chitter chatter about being mature. We need to settle this punctuation argument.

Everybody can straight away tell a true semicolon from a semicolon that is pointing out an action. There is no chance of confusion. In fact I understand ;;Hugs;; more quickly than 'I give you a hug'. Not to mention that 'I give you a hug' sounds flatly artificial. There is nothing that better points out an action than the semicolon, though the asterisks does it just as well. (On the other hand Eevee's q does it worse: qHugsq is unreadable. The semicolon and the q shouldn't be judged as if they were the same.)

This forum is an informal setting in which established purposes are mostly meaningless. Where is the established purpose of the apostrophe here? and the bracket and comma?
One of the people on Myspace, (on my friend's list), their name is

But, Furret, the established purpose of my precious language is the saying of thoughts. That isn't meaningless. You should be fighting against things that muffle what one's saying, chatspeak and redundancy and long-windedness, fighting for clarity, not against Arylett's semicolons. Arylett's semicolons are thoroughly clear.
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I must say, I use *'s to denote actions.

*Hugs surskitty*

Like that.
...surskitty, I apologise. You were the first person that came to mind.

thank you

Walker: you would be a lot cooler if I saw more of your posts but so far you've never done anything even in the same ethnic region as stupid so that makes your baseline well above some other people. And your name reminds me of those Shanarra books which is even better.
%hifives Walker%
Well I wrote too much I suppose. But I had to counter all the silly things everyone had said, and there were quite a few.

Go Ruby \o/

I like semicolons but I also like commas.
I use hyphens for actions. -nom-
Well, sort of, Tailsy. I just don't like people being stuck up about grammar when they don't know much about it. "I will continue to argue with you if you keep abusing my precious language like that" is horribly stuck up.
It's not even being stuck up about grammar, it's being stuck up about conforming to a set standard.
Oh, but it's not YOUR language, now is it.

It's everyone's language. :D

who speaks English
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