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What do you think of fellow forumgoers

surskitty - cool but sort of scary-ish at times.
Shiranui - all I know about you is that you know Mike and you used to colour all your posts.
Verne - the main thing that sticks out for me is that you really don't seem to like anyone (myself included) that isn't one of the 'cooler, older (As in, been on the forums for longer)' members. Sorry. But, as FMC said, you are clever and witty and some of your posts are amusing to read, in a good way.
Walker - similar to Verne but with much less hate towards people.
Dewgong - generally awesome but apparently very shy. You shouldn't be~
Tailax - dunno you very well.
PichuK - (Aww, thanks. I like being fine :3) very clever and good at spriting and art and awesome and stuff. And.
FMC - you're kind and have a good sense of humour, it'd seem. You strike me as one of the more 'happy' members.
FMC - What ol' Castycal said~ Yes, you seem cool. Funny and energetic's the best way to put it.

Castycal - Is awesomenocity, of course. Made of much awesomesmartness. Ahahahaha~ And many ideas, of Ze Horrid Thing, which are good. Oh and has a cool voice. And he is my Royal Story Teller! Ahahaha~ Yes, you are sweet and nice and cool, Arylett likes you muchly.

Of course, Ze Lett would appreciate any opinions on her, so feel free! So if you hate me with the intensity of several burning suns and wish a most horrid and cruel death about my horridly annoying and stupid Arylettrambling, you can go on and express it now.
whoop and that verne kid sucks why do you tryyyy man
Maroon doesn't suck: he blows. Just ask Timmy.
surskitty: :D you are cool (also did you ever find out what species of duck they were?)
that's okay so are you and most of the people I don't actually comment on

Ken is an Indian Runner Duck!
surskitty - is pretty awesome.
surskitty - cool but sort of scary-ish at times.
omnomnom your head

and right after I typed that, I thought of this and even though it is all in squiggle, it's still appropriate. ... focus on what's inside the thought bubble, not the horrified guy picturing a guy eating a giant robot.

ETA: oh hey found the translated version. Lower quality, though. NOMNOMNOM
Verne - the main thing that sticks out for me is that you really don't seem to like anyone (myself included) that isn't one of the 'cooler, older (As in, been on the forums for longer)' members. Sorry. But, as FMC said, you are clever and witty and some of your posts are amusing to read, in a good way.

this is dum i hate more of those people than i hate normal people

Actually I don't like to discriminate, I just don't really like anyone sorry :c except for timmy cause he warms up my box

oh baby

also @ someone's comment about furret's creepy avatars i wish I knew what my password was to my photobucket account cause if i did i would show you creepy
Espeon is lovely-jubley. Woah, I haven't described anything like that in a very long time. You should come over to Canterbury to say hi sometime :)

Are you calling me fat?

Retsu's posts are nice to see around the forums on most occasions. I'm pretty convinced they hate me but I'll live with it.

Same for Verne too...

Terry? Oh my, we have a problem there.

Taliax I know nothing about.
Retsu: I don't know what's creepy about your avatars, they just creep me out for some reason.
Arylett: You seem friendly C:
surskitty is a pretty cool guy
e hates everyone and isn't afraid of spiders
THAT WAS ONE TIME and it was right after one of my neighbors was bit by a brown recluse and her leg looked so gross for the next few months. necrosis is nasty

stop posting so people can continue to contribute to this thread properly >:| I want people to say things about me
I think surskitty is a buttface >:|
shut up everyone knows this is postcount++; anyway RULE 14 i'm having a good time and that's what matters

I think the Kazoo is entertaining and also a facebutt. If trapped in an elevator indefinitely with the Kazoo, I would even be willing to allow him to sing The Song That Never Ends without punching him in the face.
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