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What do you think of fellow forumgoers

#tcod is like the new Yahoo Messenger Live Conference, only I never really caught on with the trend. So, I'm pretty much as uninformed as you PichuK. XD; *Still lurks on YIM*
Gee, what, you're afraid of me? My dear, my dear, I'm sure there's never going to be anything in your posts for me to nitpick on. You're a good poster. I respect you.

To be honest I haven't seen that many of your posts, but as far as I recall, you're as clever as a chap with three heads. Good job on that, by the way. Being clever, I mean.

*pats Espeon* Let's be friends.

Okay, I feel slightly flattered by what everyone has put about me, and thanks. Apologies I didn't reply sooner. Yeah, I feel flattered by everything everyone's put.

a) This particular post kinda thew me off a bit. Especially the "I respect you." part. Yes, that was unexpected by me.

b) Chap with three heads? Does that make me a Dodrio? xD

Vladimir - I like you. You have good artwork, are quite tolerable and from what I've seen, we do share a few opinions. I also like your sense of humor. Sims 2 thread? 8D;

Butterfree - I have a great deal of respect for you. You have a very kind tolerant nature, even if we don't talk to each other very much. Plus, your seemingly never-ending span of knowledge always amazes me.

Erika - Not like I know you, but I've been informed that I should respect you lots. xD

Ketsu - I don't know a great deal about you either, other than that you weren't originally called Ketsu when I first met you, and I forget what it was.
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Hmm... Noooooo, Dodrio are stupid. You're not. Dodrio heads squabble amongst each other, but YOUR heads are synchronized and work well together.
Espeon-You, from what I see, are usally really funny. And I was Nozomi.
MD-Your nice and funny. You also do a good job at well... being awesome.
Butterfree-*fangirl squeal*
Erika-What Espeon said.
Valdimir-Your funny and a fellow simmer. I like anyone who sims.
WUE-Your funny, nice, and a grammar nazi. Like me.
Hawkfish-You seem nice enough. Haven't see you a lot, though.
Altmer-Same as Hawkfish
Who do you think I am then? :B I swear we've talked on MSN a couple of times before I got a new e-mail address.

Yeah, then you're the Timmy I was thinking of. xD All I remember is that they had an ambiguous name and sounded like you...

Ketsu: Only know you as 'normal kid who may or may not be the girlfriend of Tri'
Koori Renchuu: Eh, I don't know you that well, but I find your posts to be insightful, though I can't recall a specific one. You seem friendly, too, so that's always a plus. Oh, and I adore your name, sounds really pretty (if it's pronouce the way I pronouce it). I also associate you with the Ice-type, cool and collected, though it may just be your avatars. Umm...er...sorry, this is mostly the general aura (ick, I can't think of another word) that get from your posts.
Hmm, well, I think most of you guys are nice and decent. Okay, I'll be more specific.

Cirrus - You seem to be a very kind and caring person. I don't know you that well, but I think you're great.

Dannichu - You already know how awesome I think you are. :D

MD - Very funny and very cool. A lot of what you say always makes me laugh. Enough said.

Koori Renchuu - I'm afraid I don't know you much, but you don't seem like a bad person.

Spoon - I don't know you much, but you seem very smart and descriptive from your posts. Mainly in Dannichu's art thread, it astonishes me at how good you are at constructive criticism. Very nice well thought out posts and that makes you seem awesome indeed.

surskitty - You seem a bit scary sometimes, but I think you're very intelligent. I respect you and think you're a cool person.

Everyone else: If I didn't say anything about you, it's either that I don't know you well enough, forgot you (in which case I am SO sorry. Just prod me if I did.), or you didn't post in this thread.
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