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What Games Are You Playing?

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Anywaaaayyys, my copy of Black came in the mail today, [...] so I'm almost in heaven right now. Reason why I say almost is because my soul will not rest until I get my hands on a copy of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn at the end of the month.



Though at this rate I doubt I'll have the money to get Golden Sun right away, boohoo.

Also attempting to play FFTA since someone was nice enough to lend it to me, but it had the unfortunate luck of catching my attention the day before Black, and now... yeah sorry but wotter > Marche ATM.

Though at this rate I doubt I'll have the money to get Golden Sun right away, boohoo.

Also attempting to play FFTA since someone was nice enough to lend it to me, but it had the unfortunate luck of catching my attention the day before Black, and now... yeah sorry but wotter > Marche ATM.

^ Ramza's cooler anyways :P
I have no idea who that is, but I guess I'll learn if I can ever tear myself away from Black ever again.
I'm currently playing Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth: Investigations. It's addicting. So, very addicting. I'm also playing Soul Silver occasionally, but not as much as before.
I've been playing Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure and I think more people should play it and I think it should be tons more popular, but it is not. :C It's been out for like a year and nobody's even ripped sprites of it. Like, at all. And that really sucks.
World of Warcraft. Patch 4.0 went up and I and some people are plowing through black temple to adjust to the changes. Fun.
trying to work: Guardian Signs, 4 Heroes of Light, Last Window. hrrrrgh

actually playing: replaying aai-5, finishing up the last hard puzzles on Picross 3D, making my way through Ghost Trick (J).

just finished: replaying apollo justice, Professor Layton 3, Maylene's gym on Platinum (yes I still haven't beaten platinum, I have this habit of oh ~playing nine games at once~)
Got back into being obsessive over Animal Crossing: Wild World. That and The Lost Vikings.
Lego Rock Band for DS. I just got it, and it's pretty fun. The lego part is okay, but the rockband part is awesome. instead of the regular controls of a rockband game, the up, left, a and b buttons are your four controls.

(I know, I have strange interests. DON'T JUDGE ME.)
Playing an EX New Game in Tales of Vesperia, carried over all items and currently pretty much OHKO-ing everything? GOD YES.

(also, I saw the "Yuri teaches Estelle to cook" scene with a dirty mind and now, I can't take it seriously. "You learn it by doing it," alright XD)
Playing an EX New Game in Tales of Vesperia, carried over all items and currently pretty much OHKO-ing everything? GOD YES.

(also, I saw the "Yuri teaches Estelle to cook" scene with a dirty mind and now, I can't take it seriously. "You learn it by doing it," alright XD)

Ya gotta carry over items, get 10x experience, and then play on Unknown so everything's up to eleven. It gets better :D

Anywho's, on my end, I finished Kirby already~ So I'm playing Sengoku BASARA 3/Samurai Heroes, and since they just came out on the Playstation Store, Alundra, which I haven't played in years <3 and GaiaSeed, one of the games available in the PSone imports section of the store.

I'm also going through Sengoku BASARA 2 again, in order to relive how good it feels to own everything with Hanbe and Kenshin.

And because of a playable OOOOYAKATA-SAMAAAAA
Playing through Wild Arms 2 right now. It's really fun, being my first time through. I'm planning on replaying Golden Sun and trying out Lost Age in preparation for Dark Dawn, which I hope to get for Christmas.

I'm also tempted to replay Final Fantasy IX, if I can get it working again.
lol, Moonbase Alpha.


John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden

I've been playing Dead Rising 2 as of recently.

The Tesla Ball is like the new Companion Cube except it kills things~<3
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