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What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

Aww, geez, just one? I have so many favorites...

Alright, I'll just go with Dragonitefor now. Awesome, classic, and with a heightened ass-kicking ability, he's just plain epic.
Look at my username. Stare at it, deeply contemplating it. Repeat if necessary. If you can't decipher what my favorite Pokemon is from my username, then look at what I have in my sig, below the Absol. Look at the three sprites. Still can't figure it out? It's
No, it's not Unown.
*tries to jump from Skitty tail to Skitty tail*

*Eevee watches sadly as his girlfriend is killed by a Princess*

*Skitty scratches me*

eeveeskitty, what's the point of posting in this thread all the time if you're favourite's still eevee? also it's the favourite /single/ pokemon thread so you only need to list 1 pokemon, not 6

anyway new favourite is chimchar but i still like combusken
Just posting random jumping scene things. Anyway that was the last, and who said Eevee is my favorite Pokemon right now. Skitty is because she got a jumped on part in the scene thing.
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