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What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

Houndoom, and it's been my favorite ever since Gold and Silver were released. I've always been a sucker for canines.
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What? Sometimes I just have random obsessions. Murkrow is #5 on my favorites list!

But this time, the Luxray thing has a reason that only Cryptica knows >:3
Re: What is your favourite single ever

Absol, completely.........but Drifblim comes pretty close......
Mine are Eevee and Skitty all the way but Ms Mudkippy is making her way up the ladder of my favorite Pokemon.

My favorite Pokemon

I have had many favorites over the years, but have come to a dillema: the ralts family. They are all so awesome. but as you can see, my avatar and signature say ralts. its adorable. yay. and I also like mawile.mawile
Mine are Eevee and Skitty all the way but Ms Mudkippy is making her way up the ladder of my favorite Pokemon.

My favorite Pokemon


It says single favourite
look at my avvie and sig
Yeah! High-five!

I'm not sure, though. Darkrai's hovering near the top spot, but Mewtwo and Pikachu are coming close. Houndoom's just sitting at fourth.

... I've got it! Darkrai! :D
Breloom has had that position for a few years now.
Logical reasons why?
Breloom doesn't need that; Breloom is awesome.
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