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What Pokemon Type (or Types) are you?


rage against the dying of the light
If you had to categorize youself under a maximum of two types, which would you be?

I would be a Psychic/Dark type
Ice/Dragon...? or Electric/Dragon. i'm pretty energetic and i tend to hiss and bite a lot so :|

I'm unsocial, always look moody, dress down all the time usually in dark clothes, but my personality is clam, not much bothers me
I have a bad temper and my imagination is usually flying above the clouds, and I love heights. I'm also oddly fascinated by fire, it's almost hypnotizing to me (not pyromaniac-kind of fascinated, though).
Ice/Psychic (ugh Jynx), maybe just psychic (like Alakazam, people call me the walking dictionary), possibly some ground or other psychic combination, maybe, just maybe a dragon-type, with some dark-type undertones.

I'm unsocial, always look moody, dress down all the time usually in dark clothes, but my personality is clam, not much bothers me

Water/dark maybe? I'm calm and quiet, but often look sad/annoyed and can be a bit unsocial.
And what do either of those descriptions have to do with Water/Dark?

Ground/Water, Water/Electric, Ground/Fire, or Water/Dragon, just because those are the coolest typings ever. :D
Water/Grass, perhaps. Water because I love to swim, and I love the rain. I'm also drawn to bodies of water in the natural world, especially rivers. Grass because I love the beauty of plants in nature, especially in forests. (Rivers in forests is the best combination ever. x3)

... or, alternatively, Flying with Water or Grass, because I find myself fascinated by the sky and spend a lot of time looking at it, especially the night sky. And I'm exhilarated by heights. I love being high up on mountains and looking at the faraway countryside below.

I like Water/Grass best, because that makes me think of water lilies <3
Steel/Dark, Ice/Dark or Steel/Fighting.

Steel/Dark or Ice/Dark is probably the best description of me. Unsocial off the internet, getting into a bit of trouble (Once some cops thought me and my friends were dealing drugs. 0.o DOES IT LOOK LIKE THREE GUYS TRYING TO CLIMB A BRIDGE COULD DEAL RIGHT THEN?) including trouble with the authorities... and I love the cold...

Steel/Fighting because I have some endurance. A decent amount, actually. I can run, though not fast, for long distances and such. The Fighting part because I'm one rank down from a Black Belt. Oh, and I would have got first in two karate tournaments, but I got too many fouls for punching people in the head in a no-contact tournament. xD

Overall, Steel just because... I dunno. I always just invisioned myself as a Steel type. *Has no good explanation*

I am antisocial escept for a small group, and I hiss and bite and stuff.

And Anger Point ability because thats me.
Electric - Quite energetic and cheery, when I'm sad or angry it'll only last for so long then I'll be happy again.

Flying - The night sky = Epic Winaz, period.

Ice - Don't like the rain, but snow won't faze me for a moment.

Normal - Because I'm not all uber-special

Psychic - Because I know definitions for words that adults have never heard and I am almighty at maths.
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