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What would you do if your best friend disappeared?

Well, I don't know. I honestly don't get attached to people very easily, so it'd be pretty traumatic. I'd probably get really depressed and just go on with life, pretending nothing was wrong while i slowly died on the inside.
I would freak out, get on a plane, fly over, and start tracking down his family and friends and demanding to know what they know. If they didn't remember, I'd beat them senseless until I got at least one confession, fake or not. I'd get the police involved and if I couldn't afford a professional detective, I'd follow every lead myself and search every inch of the country, and the world if I had to. And if I couldn't find him, I'd die trying.

Or I'd just kill myself. Most of the time he's the only one keeping me alive.
I would freak out, get on a plane, fly over, and start tracking down his family and friends and demanding to know what they know. If they didn't remember, I'd beat them senseless until I got at least one confession, fake or not. I'd get the police involved and if I couldn't afford a professional detective, I'd follow every lead myself and search every inch of the country, and the world if I had to. And if I couldn't find him, I'd die trying.

Or I'd just kill myself. Most of the time he's the only one keeping me alive.
This, actually. Except it's that he's the only reason I'm still around now for me.
I'd probably transfer over to the neighboring school; it's much nicer and she's pretty much the only reason I haven't bothered to go through with it yet.
Panic. I don't get attached to people very easily at all, so someone I'm close to disappearing would suck.. really bad.
I'd cry, be depressed for a week or two, then probably go back to normal. Hey, it's happened before, and this is how I reacted. (Eventhough they just moved away to a different city far from where I am now, it's close enough. I have no form of communication with them, so there.) Damn, I'm feeling kind of sad now.
Duh... Linoone doesn't really have a best friend. All her friends are on the same level of goodness, so, uh, they won't disappear!

This is why you don't have best friends; you have lots of good friends.
I'd spend the rest of my life in a padded room cuz i'd be screaming 'Jenny' and banging my head on the wall...

Sad that i read this forum. My BFF is moving to New York in three days. I'll never see her again... : (
I'd be amazingly freaked out. Why wouldn't anybody remember her? I would definitely get some photos or something and try to remind people. Failing that, I guess I would post "MISSING" posters even if nobody knows her. If she doesn't show up, I guess I'll just be numb for a while and later, the impact would hit me. I'd find videos of us, conversations, and look them over and be unhappy.

I would move on, but it would still scare me how easily she was forgotten.
Seriously, if I woke up to find that either
a) all the memories of my life had been altered
b) all the memories of everyone else's lives had been altered
c) the entire world was playing an elaborate practical joke on me
d) I was completely, batshit insane

I would have a lot more pressing things to worry about than the fact that I would be one friend shorter. :|
"Disappeared?" What do you mean, "disappeared?" Did she just vanish into thin air or something? After all, things just don't "disappear..." they have to go somewhere. So, I would spend time trying to find my friend. Perhaps this person was kidnapped, or murdered? Every person leaves a mark, including criminals. Even if its just a smell, or an unrecognizable footprint, or the neighbors' testimony, criminals always leave a mark. They, too, cannot disappear into thin air.

But, they could've walked out on me, but even then, why? After all, with the age of the Internet looming over us, it would be kinda hard not to find someone, unless they somehow locked themselves in a cellar, excluding themselves from outside contact. Even then...why would someone do that? To have a worse life than they already had, for some reason unknown?

Regardless, even if this friend did disappear...every person leaves a mark. To be my best friend, something special between us must've happened. And this relationship must've left a mark on me. I wouldn't commit suicide, or lock myself into my room for all eternity, or stare at a crystal ball, waiting for them to come back. I would instead continue to live my life as always, keeping this person closest to me. After all, every person leaves a mark, and that mark is me.
i would go mentally insane (even though i already am) and then be depressed. Mike keeps me sane and happy, so if he disappeared i would be the most depressing thing you would ever meet.
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