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What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?


helt plötsligt blev det tyst
See topic title.

For the uninitiated; the mirror of Erised is a fictional object from the Harry Potter series. It shows us in the mirror, exactly as our hearts' deepest desires would have us be. It shows us nothing more, and nothing less, than the deepest desires of our hearts.
I see an elegant, eloquent, and established individual professing the arts at a respectable university.

Married with two kids, of course.
I see a person travelling the world, never stopping in any one place. I see a person freed from the constraints of gender and prescriptive sexuality. I see a person who knows love and is together with another person, equals on life's long journey.

nuff emo for the day
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I have no idea. Isn't the point that it's so deep within us that we wouldn't be able to recognise it?
I have no idea. Isn't the point that it's so deep within us that we wouldn't be able to recognise it?

It shows your deepest desires, vividly enough to possibly drive you mad depending on said desire. If you know what your deepest desire is, then that shouldn't really conflict with anything.
It shows your deepest desires, vividly enough to possibly drive you mad depending on said desire. If you know what your deepest desire is, then that shouldn't really conflict with anything.

I know what it's supposed to show, I just don't see how you'd know before looking into it. I'd expect your deepest desire to be something you aren't able to acknowledge.

I suppose you could guess... but the only thing I can come up with for myself is me completely at peace with myself. Sounds crap, but yeah.

Maybe me with my ultimate soul mate-esque love and children?
It shows you your deepest desire, not necessarily what would make you the happiest. I think it quite likely that a person would be aware - to some extent - of what he wants the most in the whole world, but highly unlikely that he would know what would be the best thing for him. Maybe that's what you were thinking?

As for me, I would probably see myself together with the girl I've been in love with for the past few years.
I see myself with two women next to me. To my left is my sister; somewhat taller and paler, with pastel-colored hair and a rather eccentric outfit and a smile to match. To my right is my beautiful wife; red, flaming hair, slightly shorter than me, with a smile enough to melt steel.

Fantasy over.
I'd see a confident, independent person who's managed to make it as an artist; a person who lives entirely for freedom, pleasure, and self-fulfillment, but is still able to do enough to give back to causes that he finds worthy of his time. This person is comfortable presenting himself as a man, but doesn't give a shit about fulfilling any gender role in particular and doesn't really care who's bothered by that. This person lives a life that differs tremendously from any societal norm and likes it that way, because it means he's free to live the way he wants, and that's the most important thing a person can have in his eyes.
The only thing I can imagine myself seeing in a mirror is... myself wondering who the hell left the big fancy mirror in the middle of some old storage room.

But of course that would be with a normal mirror, so... I have no idea.
I guess... I'd see myself completely happy. Smiling.

And I'd be more accomplished as a musical and visual artist, and as a writer, but... I don't know how you'd see that in a mirror.
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