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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

When do you start school?

I don't even know. Maybe like September or something. I think Freshers' Fortnight starts on the 17th, so induction and such will happen late September/early October...? Either way I move in on like the 15th.
I've been in classes since mid-July. To those of you who are whining: shut up and enjoy your goddamn "breaks".
i dunno lol

Hey kids, work in school so that you can get the grades you need and you don't end up being a failure and having to make shit up and beg to get a place in a crap university like me :|
I found out the exact dates!! I need to be around by the 17th of September, and classes start on the 20th.
5th September, but I have to go for an hour on the 1st too to say "HELLO I DON'T WANT TO DO PHYSICS NEXT YEAR."
4th of September.
Whee. So fun.
Oh yeah, and Meet the Teacher day even though I got the same teacher as last year!
Gonna go back on the 2nd of October, the day before Freshers' Week starts. Me and my housemates are going into second year, but we want to take advantage of the free stuff. My term starts properly on the 10th of October.
Gonna go back on the 2nd of October, the day before Freshers' Week starts. Me and my housemates are going into second year, but we want to take advantage of the free stuff. My term starts properly on the 10th of October.

That's quite late, isn't it? Or is Cardiff just a bit early? Mind you, ours is Freshers' Fortnight so...
That's quite late, isn't it? Or is Cardiff just a bit early? Mind you, ours is Freshers' Fortnight so...

Yeah - my, uni, Reading, is one of the latest I've heard of. (Shame, 'cause I can't wait to go back.) Cardiff sounds pretty average from what I've seen.
Seventh of September, but we have a three hour long induction session on the fifth. I'm really looking forwards to it, I can't wait to start college!
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Yeah - my, uni, Reading, is one of the latest I've heard of. (Shame, 'cause I can't wait to go back.) Cardiff sounds pretty average from what I've seen.

That really is quite late! I think I'd go mad waiting for it, since I'm pretty bored and I really want to be back there already! I get to go back in just over a fortnight though so :D Also, you finish on the 16th? You barely have any term D: jealous ;;
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