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When the Worlds Need Us [MASS CROSSOVER RP]

Name: Cecill Sunhawker (Made by me)
Media: Star Wars
Gender: Male
Appearance: With Armor
Without Armor
Personality: Cecill is often a team leader, mostly because of his Bounty Hunter reputation and his Rebel rank of Captain. He cares about his men's safety, and often goes out of his way to help his men. He is quick to point out people's mistakes, and may seem a bit rude because of this, but he's not, he just doesn't want people to keep making the same mistake over and over again.
Abilities: Cecill is armed by fully custom armor, a long range Czerka Laser Dart rifle, a Taskmaster Flechette pistol, and many custom weapons.
Burst- A burst of laser fire causes light damage and fires 17sps (Shots per second)
Pulse- A powerful shot which takes one second to charge and three to recharge
Sniper- The rifle is equiped with a sniper scope for better accuracy
Flame- The barrel of the rifle has a flamethrower attatchment that hits several targets and may set them on fire
Burst- Same as rifle (5sps)
Precicion Shot- Fires a single shot with great accuracy, can be used to cripple/kill enemies from a distance, and also usefull for shooting ropes and the likes
Clipper- Fires off all the shots it can before overheating. Effective at close range only.
Ram- Thanks to the weight of the armor, Cecill is capable of ramming into things with high efficiency.
Stim- Whoever gets jabbed by a stimpack has their energy restored and moves/attacks faster
Gas Bomb- The disc on his left forearm can be detached and thrown as a weapon. Gasses that can be launched are toxic gas and sleep gas
AV-21- A green landspeeder with yellow stripes. Extremely fast, originally made for civilians, some models have cannons on the back. Cecill's, however, does not.
AT-XT- The All Terrain Experamental Transport, or AT-XT, is a front line battle walker. Aside from the usual twin lasers and shoulder-mounted cannons, Cecill's is equiped with two rotating turrets, one on each side. It is rather slow but extremly powerful and capable of walking on rough surfaces.

Other: He has many....unorthidox...stratagies for killing people. Comes with the trade, so don't blame the doer.
(If that's too overpowered, I could take away some of his custom weapons (Like the flamethrower and the gas bomb))
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Name: Lloyd Irving
Media: Tales of Symphonia
Gender: Male
Personality: Lloyd is very optimistic and quite the idealist. He uses skills with his swords and logic to make up for what he in knowledge, which is often a joke throughout the game as he fails to answer various educational questions. Where ones would sacrifice one to save a thousand, he would save a thousand and one. He does not believe that sacrifices are necessary, and that there is meaning in dieing.
Abilities: Lloyd Irving uses dual katanas with deadly efficiency. He combines this with various artes such as Demon Fang and Rising Falcon to detroy his enemies.
Other: Nothing that comes to mind
Pichu Chris accepted (and some characters here got outright magic, you're hardly overpowered)

Wolftamer, if you can't write more, than you're not going to get accepted.

Xaldin accepted, but you're on the edge there.

I'm going to get this started soon. In addition, you people are free to suggest worlds we'll go to. I only said suggest, I can't promise that we do.
Name: Arctus

Media: Story i'm Planning

Gender: Male

Appearance: Black ragged hair, ice blue eyes, average height, broad shoulders. Usually in jeans and a black hooded jumper.

Personality: Acts coldly to others but is kind at heart and helps those where he can. When he was younger his family and friends were murdered before his eyes by the lord of his world. He has spent his life fighting against the lord and trying to prevent what happened to him happen to others. When the worlds were combined he found himself in a land he didn't recognise without his friends, when he found out about the dark creatures he began searching for a way to help.

Abilities: Transform himself into shadows. Manipulate shadows. See in any light without problems. Create portals using shadows.

Other: He was always scared of the dark until he gained his powers. He needs shadows other than his own to use his powers.
Wolftamer, if you can't write more, than you're not going to get accepted.

okay, but can you give me some idea of what else I should be writing? I don't really know what you're asking for.

Name: Yura Takumi
Media: Alive: The Final Evolution
Gender: male
Appearance: this but missing his left arm, and some front teeth.
Personality: he's calm-natured, but tends to do some violent things. very observant of people, and thinks of those that aren't 'comrades' (power users in the series) as genetically obsolete "trash," and sometimes kills indiscriminately. for some reason, he uses his power to destroy every piece of art he makes shortly after making it.
Abilities: he has the power to create and control bubbles. the bubbles contain extremely compressed air, so that when they pop, they have the explosive capabilities of a small bomb.
Other: He used to work for Katsumata, the antagonist, assisting with whatever was needed, but after the whole incident with the heart of akuro (where he lost his arm), he has come out of katsumata's power, and has helped the main characters in their efforts.
Hey now. Almost everyone is skipping over the Pyro... No one even reacts to all of his Hudda's. :(

And I randomly swapped the Fire Axe for Axtinguisher before the RP started. It's a better meele weapon.
okay, but can you give me some idea of what else I should be writing? I don't really know what you're asking for.

The problem here is the fact that I don't ask for anything in particular. I simply want you to expand the form.

I want to be able to look at the form, and without any prior knowledge, get a basic idea of the character. You haven't written enough to do that,
Name: (RED) Sniper
Media: Team Fortress 2
Gender: Male

Appearance: This is what he looks like, the only difference is that he's eyes are yellow. I may replace this picture with one I'll draw later of what I think this guy looks like. On his back he carries a wooden shield where he stores a few empty jars and weapons when not in use, it also sports a car battery on the inside as a form of protection against getting back stabbed.

Personality: He is a very calm, controlled man that basically sees life as a day at a time. Though he is calm and tends to be a creeper with how he watches and follows some people for his amusement, he wasn't the happy fellow his entire life. When he first was placed on his base, he was a vengeful man that took out his rage on the BLU team through painful tortures and forced respawn. But after some time, he grew calmer and grew used to his lot in life. He holds a deep hatred for the "Old Hag" that trapped him onto the RED Base, but instead of taking out his wrath on others he has decided to focus it on more constructive means.

He is a very sweet when he wants to be, known to "adopt" people that he grows fond of as his own little pups. He is silly and good humoured, finding a good chuckle out of most situations and enjoys messing with others by either making them laugh or creeping the living hell out of them. He likes to help people with their problems, even f they don't want help in the first place.

Abilities: Well, he doesn't have any special power per say but he does have skills with a Rifle, a Bow and Arrow and two kinds of blades called a Kukuri and a Tribalmen's Shiv. He has a heightened scent of smell and hearing, aiding him when Spies used to sneak up on him to back stab him.

He also has a knack for stumbling upon the weaknesses of others and figuring out what's on one's mind with the fainest of clues.

Other: He's a bit of a creeper. Also...he is a character I used in a RP me and a few friends are doing (FMC, Skymin, I'il Dwagie). He seems to have become a Were-dingo...so he has this thing for blood and raw meat, as well as some "dog-ish" traits.

In before people, this is a real signup.

Accepted, so very accepted.
Sweet. I was also wondering if it's too late to have a second character. If not, then I'd like to be Hellboy.
Hmm...Well, in case I still can, I'll just put this sign-up sheet here

Name: Hellboy
Media: Umm...I think it's Earth, but just Hellboy world. It's a movie, comic, and animated movies.
Gender: Male
Appearance: How he is normally by choice, and how he is originally when invoked I guess

Personality: He is what you call a very level character. He doesn't put up with much bullshit, he doesn't have a problem telling someone that they are a complete moron, and he is passively aggressive at times. He doesn't fight because it's the righteous thing to do, he fights because it's the only thing to do.

He is rash, but he has a good head for what must be done and what isn't necessary. He likes cats, pancakes and Babe Ruthe chocolate bars...so if you ever need his attention or a favour, have one of these on hand.

Abilities: He is fire proof, nearly indestructible, has a stone arm that apparently is the key to opening and unleashing the apocalypse on mortal world, and carries a large hand gun normally, but in times great danger he switches to a very large gun named "Big Baby". He also has a cross on his belt that he uses to raise the dead for information and uses it to combat "Unholy" creatures.

Other: He has a good knowledge of the supernatural...since he is himself a supernatural being. He was raised by a supernatural detective and taught how to combat the things that go bump in the night. He has two friends of interest, one named Abe and the other named Liz....whom is his girlfriend/wife/chick pregnant with his twins.
Hm... I think I'll be withdrawing DORUmon and Tokomon, if you don't mind. The pace of the RP is a bit much when I've been offline for days at a time, and I haven't been feeling those two anyway. However, I'll try to be more active when it comes time to play the antagonists.
This form is assuming it's not to late to sign up a second character.

Name: Vileplume
Media: Pokémon
Gender: Male
Appearance: Vileplume and he drags around a HUGE bag of berries. Like, bigger then itself huge.
Personality: Well, it's kinda hard to tell, because Vileplume can only speak Pokémon, but he's generally kind and hard-working. When he puts his mind to something, he'll get it done, no matter how long it takes.
Abilities: Thanks to photosynthesis, Vileplume can become faster in sunlight. As well as that, it is capable of releasing spores that range in effect from poisoning to paralyzing to putting things to sleep. It can also use three powerful Grass techniques, Solar Beam, Giga Drain and Leaf Storm, and two powerful Poison techniques, Sludge Bomb and Acid, and can also heal itself in Sunlight. It also knows Protect. And it has many berries, some that restore energy and heal status problems, and others that can cause confusion. A list of moves and stuff is as follows

Solar Beam
Leaf Storm
Giga Drain
Seed Bomb
Sludge Bomb

Oran Berry X 25
Pecha X 10
Cheri X 10
Chesto X 5
Aspear X 5
Rawst X 5

Other: Well, he can not speak human, like most Vileplume. But he can speak to plants
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Since my character is outside the "BLU" place walls, what would I do now? I don't have any idea what series that's from so I don't know what I should make get in her way [or do I leave that to someone else?].
Guys, I can't follow my own thread any more.

So much has happened in the thread, and I've lost track.

So yeah, I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think I can post any more.

But at the same time this was step forward, I started a RP, and it got somewhere. For quite some time my RP's could be considered legally dead even before they got started, but now I think I'm on my way to making a proper RP once again.

So I'll be making more RP's, but I don't think I can post any more in this one unless I somehow manage to gain my footing again.
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