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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Where are you from?

Columbus, Ohio, home of a gigantic zoo and a bunch of people who care waaay to much about football.
It's a nice big zoo, yeah, but I'm not sure that I'd call it gigantic.
I'm inclined to agree on the subject of football fever, however. People here care a lot about football. (College football, anyway. The NFL, not so popular.)

Born in Marietta, Ohio, in any case. First European settlement in the Northwest Territories, and last to be placed on a map.
Live near Columbus, now. Can't say I'm thrilled, but I get by.
This is a picture of my village many years ago:

It is a little bit different now. and in colour.
a bunch of people who care waaay to much about football.

You wouldn't get away unscathed if you said that in Texas.

Austin, Texas, United States of America. I don't actually need to state the country most of the time, but I do it anyway.

I was born in Mesa, Arizona, but moved here when I was about 1 year old.
Fresno, CA!! Originally from Fremont, CA, moved to Sacramento, CA, where I had a beer with Arnie, then moved to Fresno~

I hated it when I first moved here, but now I loves it! We have a kickass rock station. <3
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