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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Where do you get your spiritual fulfillment?

I really don't like religion. I mean, no religion ever has any really scientifically grounded reason to believe in it and yet people give all this time and they think their deity is good but if they actually read their religious text in full they'd find more acts of horror than they could probably handle (and the Christian Bible is just so full of God murdering and sanctioning rape and ripping infants from wombs and damning people to hell for no reason) and people think that atheists are the morally corrupt ones and then they spend hours in a church enabling the organisation that allowed it's members to sexually abuse children and then cover it up and it just hurts my head to think of some times.

I don't think any form of 'spiritual fulfilment' is necessary.

(Sorry if I offended anyone with this (which I don't think I could have but who knows), but it's all true.)
I really don't like religion. I mean, no religion ever has any really scientifically grounded reason to believe in it and yet people give all this time and they think their deity is good but if they actually read their religious text in full they'd find more acts of horror than they could probably handle (and the Christian Bible is just so full of God murdering and sanctioning rape and ripping infants from wombs and damning people to hell for no reason) and people think that atheists are the morally corrupt ones and then they spend hours in a church enabling the organisation that allowed it's members to sexually abuse children and then cover it up and it just hurts my head to think of some times.

I don't think any form of 'spiritual fulfilment' is necessary.

(Sorry if I offended anyone with this (which I don't think I could have but who knows), but it's all true.)
You honestly can't see any possible reason this post might offend?
Part two could involve reading a newspaper and realising that not only are most people not enabling the Church but a lot of people have just turned their back on it altogether and those that haven't are mostly pushing for reform. There's only a tiny minority actually sticking by the Church as it is.

As for me, I just try to do right by everyone, resolve tensions where I can and create art. I also spend a lot of time pondering existential stuff and get a kind of emotional uplift when I think about how the matter in my body used to be in other living organisms and will end up in new ones after I die. I like feeling like an individual limb of a greater whole.
For one, maybe you should take religion beyond the Catholic Church into consideration.

There was a clarification about the religious texts, and the Catholic Church was just the nearest example that came to mind, especially after certain events in current affairs over in our country. I could have also said every religious war that ever happened. Of course, religion also gives us other gems such as Faith Healing and Cleansing the Sinners and Blinding Your Sister Because She's The Devil and Jailing an 18-year Old for Blogging About Women's Rights and THIS Abomination (triggering) and Called for the Hanging of 'Top 100 Homos' in a National Newspaper and Curative Rape. I know these are al extreme cases, and in many cases do not represent the beliefs of the entire religion, they are extreme cases of activism and religious hatred, but they are still abhorrent acts of cruelty enabled by a religion, and a society without them would be better off.

And I've still only covered some acts of the three main monotheistic religions, but I haven't heard of any acts of cruelty from Buddhists/Hindu's and such, and google searches mostly bring up hate sites, so maybe these eastern religions are less intolerable? I don't know.
but I haven't heard of any acts of cruelty from Buddhists/Hindu's and such, and google searches mostly bring up hate sites, so maybe these eastern religions are less intolerable? I don't know.

Do you know about the Caste system in Hinduism? Hinduism is very intolerable of "untouchables".
Do you know about the Caste system in Hinduism? Hinduism is very intolerable of "untouchables".

Is that to do with the actual religion itself, or is Hindiusm one of those religions that is so intertwined with the culture of the people that they are hard to extricate from each other?
... I don't have it in the first place. I am currently really struggling with religion. I'd rather not go into detail.
There was a clarification about the religious texts, and the Catholic Church was just the nearest example that came to mind, especially after certain events in current affairs over in our country. I could have also said every religious war that ever happened. Of course, religion also gives us other gems such as Faith Healing and Cleansing the Sinners and Blinding Your Sister Because She's The Devil and Jailing an 18-year Old for Blogging About Women's Rights and THIS Abomination (triggering) and Called for the Hanging of 'Top 100 Homos' in a National Newspaper and Curative Rape. I know these are al extreme cases, and in many cases do not represent the beliefs of the entire religion, they are extreme cases of activism and religious hatred, but they are still abhorrent acts of cruelty enabled by a religion, and a society without them would be better off.

And I've still only covered some acts of the three main monotheistic religions, but I haven't heard of any acts of cruelty from Buddhists/Hindu's and such, and google searches mostly bring up hate sites, so maybe these eastern religions are less intolerable? I don't know.

This is really something that should be brought up in the Religion thread in Serious Business, not in this thread. Read the thread title - it's not asking your opinion on religion. If you know they're extreme examples, why are you using them if you know they're not representative of religion as a whole?

Well I can see it but I just want people to know I'm not trying to be rude or intentionally provocative.
"I know this is offensive but I don't want people to be offended!" is a pretty slim excuse!
Is that to do with the actual religion itself, or is Hindiusm one of those religions that is so intertwined with the culture of the people that they are hard to extricate from each other?

A bit of both, really. Hinduism supports the whole "Let's segregate people because of their wealth/family!". I don't believe it says to actually harm "untouchables", so yeah I guess it's a cultural thing.
This is really something that should be brought up in the Religion thread in Serious Business, not in this thread. Read the thread title - it's not asking your opinion on religion.

Agreed, apologies. I was just trying to justify why I hold the view I do and then I got asked questions and this happened.

If you know they're extreme examples, why are you using them if you know they're not representative of religion as a whole?

I wasn't saying "This is what all religion is ever" so much as I was saying "This is what religion can and does cause.

"I know this is offensive but I don't want people to be offended!" is a pretty slim excuse!

I was hopefully trying to say "This could offensive but I'm not trying to be intentionally vindictive and have the best of intentions".

[Slinks quietly away from this entire thread.]
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Hey, let the guy step back.

I can't seem to think of anything. I mean, I tried meditating once and fell asleep. I do like the smell of incense though.

But I can't seem to think of anything that would qualify as 'spiritual'.... I keep thinking of things that make me happy.... but killing things in video games makes me happy and I'm sure that's not a good thing in the 'spiritual' department.

I just like being happy and making others happy... maybe my volunteer work?
I'm not even entirely sure what the thread title even means, like are we talking religious affinity (lol no) or just things that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside or...?

But I digress.

Going on the other sorts of things people have posted about, I guess... thinking about my fiance and how lucky I am to have her. She could've chosen anyone else, anyone at all, but she chose me. I have a lot to be thankful for for that.
When I'm at home, I go to church. I don't really believe in god, but that's okay; I like the hour of reflection, the familiar rituals and the people (who are, without exception, lovely).

I think 'religion' in some sense is an important thing to have - it doesn't have to be dogmatic, but sociologists nearly all agree that religion or something very like it (an acceptance of certian things as 'sacred', particularly if the 'sacred' thing brings them together with others) is important for social cohesion and individual growth.
Go for walks.

I inevitably get caught up in philosophical thoughts about the meaning of life (and end up completely emotionless as a result xp).
If the thread title means what makes you feel happy or thoughtful, or just makes you feel fulfilled in general, then I draw. Almost everything falls away when I start to draw; time passes in the blink of an eye, I stop feeling hungry, my mood just soars... I become so concentrated that the slightest touch will cause me to jump. It's like there's nothing else. Whenever I'm feeling down I just pick up a pencil and draw, and by the time I'm done I feel so much better. If I want to think, I get out my sketchbook and just brainstorm things to draw, doodle aimlessly, gradually develop ideas and concepts. Drawing really is the ultimate therapy for me. In fact I feel like it's more than that but I can't think of how to describe it at the moment. :P
Coming from an extremely devout Christian family I was brought up to believe that I'd get all of the spiritual fulfillment I'd ever need from being a good Christian. I've since deviated quite a bit from that path, and don't really feel spiritually "stimulated" by anything. I used to think philosophically about some things when I was younger, but I'll admit that I've gotten lazy and don't really care as much about those kind of questions and ideas anymore.

Even though right now I identify as an atheist and someone who really has no spiritual involvement, I would still say I'm open to being converted, per say. I could see myself having some sort of experience or epiphany later on in my life that could lead me on to a path of sorts, kind of like what would happen to astronauts who landed on the moon, those who instantly believed, from looking down upon Earth, that there had to be some sort of higher power to create the world we lived on/in. I don't expect to experience something of that magnitude, but I might eventually be able to relate to that feeling.
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