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Who are you?

Hello, my name is Zora. Yes, that is my actual name. I live in Wildwood, Illinois, which... I'm not sure whether it's its own town or a subdivision of Grayslake. Whatever.

I am 19 years old, 5'6" and ~110 lbs with red hair and green eyes, a cisgendered female, an atheist, a freshman in college and a lesbian.

I really really really like Pokemon, MLP:FiM, Fallout, Minecraft, the Legend of Zelda and most kinds of music.

I really really really dislike Homestuck, stupid people and the kinds of music known as metal and rap.

I am engaged to a wonderful woman by the name of Sable, some of you might have seen her posts around (DJ P0N-3 for reference, but she's since left the forum), and plan on moving in with her to Woodstock, New York come June.

I also have five best friends that still go here (High Moon, Coloursfall, Sunflower, Flareth, RavenMarkku), and a few that don't.

I'm quite nervous about my move. I've never lived outside of Illinois for more than a week, so it's a very big thing for me. The only thing keeping me from moving right now, however, is money issues and the fact that I'm being funded for college until the summer and don't want to waste it.

I don't take too kindly to people telling me the way I live my life is wrong. I have a fundie conservative grandmother always on my ass about my lack of religion and the fact that I like women, and a mother who insists that I try to find a job in this economy /and/ go to school at the same time while she sits on her fat ass and does nothing and I really, really cannot wait to get as far away from them as possible.

I am majoring in graphic design and animation. Not because it's considered a plush, easy, artsy job, but because damn it it's what I like to do.

I must admit that I enjoy college. It's a very different environment from high school... especially my high school. I went to a school designed for juvenile delinquents and those with behavioral disorders, despite not having any very notable ones myself, at the behest of a corrupt social worker who backed my family into a corner until they had no choice but to send me there. She was fired for it, the last I heard, but to this day I would love nothing more than to see her beheaded.

I have an intense dislike of sports in general.

That's about it.
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Hi, I'm Storm/Stormecho and I live in Canada. I currently go to York University in Toronto, and I kind of ramble when I talk about myself so good luck making sense of this!

I'm female, 18 - I almost typed 17, I have terrible memory of my age - and of Polish heritage but born in Canada. My family is sort of Catholic, with my grandmother believing the most and my brother and I not believing at all. My brother is 10-11 years older than me and we're pretty cool siblings who don't fight and hang out, though sometimes he leaves me to deal with all the chores like walking the dog, which is kind of annoying. Just because I'm less social than him doesn't mean I don't want to sit around and enjoy myself rather than venturing into the cold.

I like animals a lot, and want a ton of pets at any given moment. I recently had to put my bastard rabbit down (bastard due to having a jerkish, coolkid attitude and not because he had no known father) and I'm still going through some pain with that. I believe myself to be aromantic asexual but this is all still fuzzy so I'm not really sure and I constantly doubt myself if the subject is brought up. I'm very liberal in my political views, and I get shocks whenever I listen in on Polish politics, though the new party that's popped up seems to be really promising.

I'm taking East Asian Studies with a Japanese slant, and I can write and read both kana, though I suck at kanji and I still have a lot of trouble with Japanese particles. My accent is fairly good for that, but it also helps that I suck at rolling my r's and I stumble a lot when I speak Polish because vocabulary slips out of my head like water through a sieve.

I write fanfiction and fantasy and I want to become a published writer at some point. I do like anime and manga, and I have a ton of favourite videogames (SKYWARD SWOOOOORD) but no real favourite bands, though I think if I had to choose something with the most songs I liked it'd be Homestuck's music team. I am a Homestuck fan, if a recent one and sometimes my life gets devoured by it. I also like Doctor Who! I haven't watched 11 though, just 9 and 10.

I try to be supportive of all religions but I sometimes get a kneejerk reaction to Catholicism which I am trying to get past because it is not fair to others. I'm sort of a social hermit and I RP a lot but I find it difficult to open up and make friends with others outside of my close circle. I'm sort of spiritual at times - stuff has happened to me that's weird/coincidental and I put a lot of stock in dreams, as mine tend to exhibit rather interesting characteristics. I'm big on lots of physical affection and cuddles and such, but only with people I'm close with. I can't actually judge physical appearance for attractiveness, and I have a terrible memory for names and faces, which also sometimes gives me trouble when I try to be social.

I have anxiety disorder and I'm a terrible procrastinator which makes things worse, and my self-esteem is pretty bad. I cry really easily too so sometimes I'm just a big blubbering mess of stuff. I'm good at schoolwork when I try but the problem is that I don't try much. I like doing my own thing which sadly does not fit in much with school. :/ I'm absentminded - I have so many ideas in my head all the time that I need to go outside, no matter the temperature and weather, and swing with headphones on to sort of narrow down my thoughts to about five different things at once instead of twenty. I forget things a lot and suck at finding things - I overlook what I'm supposed to be searching for and I lose track of what I'm about to say and I'm generally an absurdly awkward person.

This is all I can think of for now, so, uh, have fun reading through this mess.
Alrighty then, where do I start...?

My name is Connor, but about 2/3rds of people I know in real life start calling me "Sofa" as well online for some reason. I spend a lot of my free time on the computer, but I do enjoy the outdoors and try to spend some time outside at least a couple of times a week. Also, it's December 3 and our yard isn't covered in snow, which is wimpy. Bring it on, winter.

I am a sophomore in high school, or Grade 10 if you prefer to call it that. I'm a big science and math geek, having been selected to enter in the Michigan Math Prize Competition and making it to the second part, which only about a fifth of the entrants get to. (It did kick my ass, though.) I pretty much like all of the classes I happen to be in, though.

My electives are all musical: Band, Jazz Band, Choir. I play the clarinet in both bands and sing bass in choir. I also play the piano (sometimes) and I attempt to play the guitar but I'm honestly pretty terrible. I'll get better eventually, though. At least I hope so. I also write music sometimes but it usually sounds like shit. I listen to about anything that I think sounds good, which is all weird or old: Rush and Pink Floyd are really the only things I regularly listen to that most people would recognize, but maybe some people will know of Diablo Swing Orchestra, Pendulum, and Nightwish. Also, lots of video game music.

I play a hell of a lot of video games. Mostly on the PC, but I have a PS2 and a Wii as well. My favorites would have to be Minecraft and the Mass Effect series, but Terraria, Team Fortress 2, Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, Half-Life 2, Left 4 Dead 2, and the Portal series are all also great. I have a Steam and can be found in the TCoD group for anybody who wants to add me.

I would consider myself very liberal and progressive. My politics are very left-wing, which is rather unfortunate for an American I guess. I am also a feminist and an atheist (what a fucking shock). In fact, I don't think religion has a place in politics at all and that it just fucks everything up when it gets there. I was born a white, heterosexual, tall, American cisgender male of Anglo-Saxon descent, meaning I got lucky in terms of societal privilege, which is dumb and everybody should be equal but I guess that's something we'll have to work for instead.

I also sometimes have colossal lapses of judgement and reason, which are thankfully very rare.

I read Homestuck and I happen to think it's wonderful, but that's simply my opinion. One which happens to be shared by quite a few people.

I might watch MLP: FiM at some point, whenever I happen to get around to it.

I'm currently single and that's not very likely to change any time soon.

AMENDMENT: In terms of appearance, I'm a tall dude (6'1"/185cm) with curly, dark brown hair and narrow hazel eyes that make me look somewhat Asian if I don't have my glasses on. My shoulders are very broad, but I weigh slightly below average.

That's...about it, really. If you read this whole thing, wow, congratulations and thank you.
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...Okay, let's see how this goes

Hi there! My name is Brandon. I'm sixteen as of last month, and I currently live in Southern California. I want to get out of here as soon as possible, as this small town I'm in is filled with pretty much the degenerates of my generation. I've been to England multiple times, and I lived there during the early years of my life. I never really picked up the accent until my last few constant visits.

So currently I'm a junior in highschool. I have my driver's permit, I plan to get my license within a couple months. Once I graduate from here, I plan to take a friend with me and go on a large road-trip, probably one that I won't be coming back to my current town from.

I have a large fascination for music. I adore everything about it. I play the bass guitar, and while it was challenging at first, I've managed to teach myself without any professional lessons. I play it frequently and modestly, but I'm always learning new things.

I have an addiction to texting :c

Uh, what else...OH I run parkour. It's my second passion next to bass, and I run almost as frequently. It's exhilarating running across rooftops and taking risks when you're flying through the air. Although, as a result, I throw caution to the wind even when I'm not parkour-ing, and it usually causes me to create a clumsy look for myself, and I get hurt quite easily XD

Oh, I'm also an agnostic. I really don't care about religion all that much, although when people start preaching their religion religiously to me, I tend to get quite irritated.

I love video games, WWE, Pokemon (of course), photography, poetry, literature, and the few friends that I truly call friends.

I am a QUILTBAG. I consider myself bisexual because I've had crushes on two girls, but my boyfriend says I can't be bisexual until I've actually done something with a girl (which I can't do for a number of reasons) and that I'm merely bicurious. I guess he has a point, but my physical attraction to one of the girls was so strong that I know I would have done things with her if she'd reciprocated it. :x

By that logic I'm asexual. Your sexuality is technically determined by whether or not you would, not if you have. (in other words, if you're sexually attracted to a particular gender/both genders)

Anyways, hi, guys! I'm Rachel, sometimes called Rach, Chel, Chello, Little One, You Idiot...and of course Flora on here (since that was my username for a long time). I live in Pennsylvania in a place I jokingly call "near-Philadelphia" because I spend 70.62% of my life. As my name would suggest, I'm a female, one who loves to sing, wishes she wasn't so flat-chested, and gets frustrated that her friends treat her like a little kid just because my birthday's at the end of August.

I'm not straight (bisexual, no real preference), with a frustrating tendency to crush on my friends, who never like me back. (for example, I've had a crush on my best friend for a year and three months...and of course she's straight and has a boyfriend *sigh*) I've only had one significant other in the history of ever, and that was not fun, man. (though it was fun going all "oh, I've seen worse" and watching the blank stares)

I have majormajormajor self-esteem issues. And have some stray morbid thoughts. Such as a scary post in some places.

I have a tumblr, on which I have written aforementioned scary post. And nearly gave my friend a heart attack in the process.

Uh, I'm planning to major in Musical Theater when I go to college, since I can actually act and i like singing. Though my parents tend to undermine more self-confidence when they talk about that. ("well we all know my director is biased.." "but what if she's not?" THANKS DAD.)

yeah that's about all the important stuff.
Hi there! My name is Maya and I have been alive for 12 years! I'm quite insecure and generally pretty messed up, but you wouldn't know it unless I told you (probably). I'm not crazy, but insane- That's crazy with a plan. I am a perfectionist and pretty girly, as I love makeovers/sleepovers. In general, I'd say I'm pretty social, but if you don't know me, I can come across as shy. In fact, I've been getting quieter over the years. I like to read, particularly fantasy/adventure. One of my favorite author is Tamora Pierce. Some of my other hobbies are songwriting, singing, and dancing. I also play flute. I guess I'd say I have a boyfriend... long story. Anyways, as far as school, I have a couple close friends but I tend to be a loner, which I am perfectly fine with. I have an addiction to texting. and TCoD.

I like Ingrid Michaelson and Taylor Swift and Sara Bareilles and lots of other artists. Because I like music :3 I listen to pretty much everything, but I listen mostly to alternative and pop. I don't like rap. I like indie. Besides music, I like MLP! Rarity is my favorite character. And and and... I think that's it.

I'm rambling on too much! That's it for now, then. Feel free to drop by, I like just talking.
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I'm Saith, or Aaron.
My surname's cooler, but as I have Facebook, it's probably best not to say.

I'm Welsh - though as I'm from Gwent, I'm hardly going to fill any stereotypes. I've lived all over Wales, as I've never really had a stable home. Thankfully though, I now live on my own means, and will never have to worry about that shit again.

I'm a tranny. Probably. Maybe? I'm not sure anymore. The dysphoria comes and goes - which is a blessing, I guess. I haven't cried since I was six years old.

My parents used to be junkies - thankfully my mum's all better now, after going to Weston-Super-Mare for rehab, and now she lives in Bournemouth with my younger brother and sister.
My dad on the other hand bums around Fairwater, sucking dicks for smack. So proud.

Speaking of my brother - I found out about him when he was, I think, two? My mum had been coming to Wales without him so my sister and I didn't get jealous or something? I'm not sure why. Still, I love him more than anything - he's such a cool dude. That's why, when my mum was in hospital, I dropped my A-levels and moved up to England to look after him and my sister. She's a bitch, but never to me so it's okay.

I'm agnostic, but not for any specific religion, and while I'm not a communist, I really hate the 'rich morality' thing we've got going on. Maybe because I'm poor. And I don't mean 'student poor' or shit, I mean 'poor for life'. I have no skills, and shitty A-level results. After Christmas, I'm going to get an SIA quallification, though,because... Well... Fuck it, if I'm going to have such a manly body, I might as well make use of it.

Finally, I took this photo earlier this evening, and a whole bunch of my friends are coming around tonight, and I'm going to dance and drink and screw. 'Cause there's nothing better to do.

Good times.
Hi, I won't reveal my name because it will be incredibly easy to figure out who I am if I say it... I'm 24 years old (probably the oldest that posts regularly, correct me if I'm wrong), have a Bachelor's degree in Law and currently work in my country's judicial system, but I'm thinking about leaving my job because I want to pursue other goals.

I'm (to the best of my knowledge) cisgendered and heterosexual. I don't have much experience with relationships because all the girls I fell in love with were bitches I wasn't very successful with courting girls. I'm very shy (especially with girls), don't go out often and like to spend time leisurely at home, though I have a few friends who I sometimes go out with.

I haven't been able to grow out of Pokémon because, well, I just can't, I love them little creatures! Houndoom is my favourite, though I not always use him in my teams since the typing doesn't always match well with the other Pokémon. I used to like Bulbasaur back when I started playing Blue, but nowadays I refuse to choose anything but the Fire starter at the beginning of the game, even if it's harder to complete the game with it (like in Red and Blue), and even if it looks absolutely ridiculous (like Emboar). I used to play Pokémon competitively back in the GSC days (probably the old timers here will remember Netbattle and the pre-Smogon era) but I don't do it anymore since I can't use many of my favourites effectively and I don't like the game mechanics past Gen II (I'm from a time when Pokémon didn't die in one hit most of the time).

My political views are heavily left-wing biased, but I never trust governments, left-wing or not. I support gay marriage and legalisation of abortion. I wish there wasn't so much prejudice in the world. The only intolerance I feel is towards intolerance itself.

I don't consider myself an atheist but I'm not affiliated to any religion despite having been baptised in the Catholic Church. Religion does interest me because of the mystery of afterlife, for which science can't come up with a valid explanation yet.

My tastes are what I put in my profile: Pokémon games, anime (Hellsing and Death Note among my favourites), TV shows (Lost, above all, and generally anything HBO produces), books... I like rock music, from classic rock to heavy metal, my favourite bands are Deep Purple and Guns 'n' Roses. I'm interested in philosophy, though since I waste too much time in front of my computer most of my knowledge comes from the classes I took at uni.

Currently I'm writing a novel. It's split into two parts: in the first one, the protagonist is eight years old and finds out about her powers, in the second she's seventeen years old and has to deal with the struggles of teen life as well as creatures who are after her. I'm worried the first part might get too big... Though we'll see how it'll turn out. I'm also interested in doing a Pokémon fanfic at some point, based on Team Noctis (in my sig) and their trainer's quest to become champion of his region.
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Wow, I wasn't expecting so much of a response! Awesome! And reading through I noticed I didn't say a lot of things. So here I am 'editing'... New stuff in bold.

My name is Ashley. I'm 21. I'm American. I live in Minnesota, smack right in the middle of the country. It's an odd combination of farms and big cities. I grew up in Minneapolis. I'm a Twins fan. I'm not a Vikings fan. Go Pack. I like the Wild but I've been a Anaheim Ducks fan since I was a kid. I hunt, fish, and play hockey and softball. Michelle Bachmann is a nutjob, you want her? TAKE HER. I say 'pop' when I refer to any drink that's fizzy. Yes I say Minneso-tah that's how it's said dammit. :p

I was adopted when I was ten. In high school I had major depression and started cutting. I now know how to deal with emotions and do regular talks at middle schools with a group that talks about bullying and depression. In high school I was the person that was involved in everything though. I was a Retreat Team leader and was an overall active student.

I love history. My dream is... I know it's weird, but I want to be an archaeologist. though that's not going to happen.

I'm atheist... but was raised Roman Catholic. Check out any religion thread. I'll meet you there. I went to private Catholic schools since K-12.

Politically I'm amazingly moderate, not sure if that's because I can never make up my mind or that I really am that in-between. I don't follow any party... and for the last election? I voted Saxon.

That said I am a huge Whovian. I've seen every episode. My favorite Doctor is still 10, but if I had to list all 11 in order it'd be; 10, 11, 9, 5, 4, 8, 3, 2, 1, 7, 6. Like all the spinoffs too. Tochwood, Sarah Jane Adventures... (K9 and Company never happened okay???)

Aside from the Whoverse I like a lot of other shows, like Being Human, Bones, House, anything on the History Channel, Once Upon a Time, The Walking Dead,

My life is currently SKYRIM. I have an XBOX 360 and it's a big part of my life. :P I play Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Modern Warfare 2 (have 3 just haven't played it much.), and Fable. I recently played Deus Ex. I also am a fan of the Metal Gear series.

Everyone else is telling so I might as well. I'm asexual biromantic. Basically that means that I am not interested in sex, but I can have a romantic relationship either way. I prefer women over men. I am sort of a helpless romantic when it comes to relationships.

When it comes to work I have a pretty weird resume. I've worked in restaurants, nursing homes, to being a bouncer at a club. I have a bit of a tough personality so I guess that works. The hardest job and the one I miss the most is when I was working at the memory care unit at a nursing home as an activities director. Currently I work for a hospital and as a security officer. (Yes I get in fights with people regularly, yes I've maced people, yes I've been tazed for training.)

I was a police explorer for almost six years. Google it if you don't know, but basically it meant I got to do a lot of cool stuff involving police and that I get to go one regular ride alongs. :P It also means that I am trained in firearms, but I don't have my permit to carry, yet.

I love to camp and write. I also do some paranormal investigating with a local group.

I also play Dungeons and Dragons.

I'm currently not in school; couldn't afford a fancy uni. So right now I live by working two jobs and living on my own.

Not sure what else.
so let me tell you stuff about myself

Hello there. I'm Silke. I'm 17 years old and from Norway. I'm short with brown hair and grey eyes, and I wear glasses. I like gaming, drawing and cosplay, and I use the internet much more than what's good for me.

I'm currently in 2nd year in high school, in media and communications. It's fun when it's not about filming and stuff... and this year we're learning 3D! :D I have several awesome people in my class, so school is okay. I like high school much better than secondary, because subjects I'm actually interested in and less strict rules about many things and such. When I grow up, I want to be a game designer or illustrator or something.

I love gaming(though I haven't gamed as much as I want to the last years) and some of the series I like include Mario, Pokémon(of course), Zelda... and Ace Attorney, which I just got into (a bit late, maybe? meh) and I'M LOVING THAT SERIES SO MUCH OH MY GOD WHY DIDN'T I GET THOSE GAMES BEFORE AND it's kind of my obsession lately okay. I have a Wii, a 3DS and a DS, oh, and a GBA.

I enjoy cosplaying - dressing up as fictional characters. I've been doing it for the last two years and... it's just great. It also helped me a lot in being less socially awkward and meeting new people with the same interests, so that's a plus too... I think if it wasn't for cosplay, I'd never have met more than half the friends I have now. Conventions are awesome places and great for meeting new friends... plus they are really fun, with lots of stuff going on. Drawing is fun. I love drawing my own characters, which are mostly anthro animals because I like anthros and why not. Plus the occasional fanart.

I like some anime/manga too. Hetalia, Ika Musume, Azumanga Daioh, Lucky Star, Mushishi to name a few.

I... think I might be QUILTBAG too? Lately, I've been wondering if I'm asexual but I'm not 100% sure quite yet. I've never had any real interest in sex and the idea of me in such a situation just seems awkward and weird. I've also never felt attracted to someone.

In real life, I'm pretty shy if you don't know me, and the best way to approach me is talking about something I like. When you get to know me, I'm a pretty fun, weird person. I'm trying to get better at schoolwork and such, but I'm just a lazyass procrastinator at heart and always seems to do it at the last minute... I'm a bit of a daydreamer and often lost in my own thoughts... I'm the type of person that would just sit down and stare up in the sky when outside, and hey doesn't that cloud look like a bunny? Or a pineapple? Or a Tetris block. I'm usually a calm, laid-back and easy-going person, with a short temper at times, and I tend to shout and swear at inanimate objects when they don't do as I want them to.

I have a tumblr too. Expect Ace Attorney and Nintendo and Hetalia and Homestuck and random fun stuff and other things I like.

I'm single, which is probably going to stay that way for a while, even more so as I'm not looking.

- I'm a moderator at another forum. Specifically, a Norwegian Nintendo forum. And I'm enjoying every moment of it.
- My useless talent is misreading stuff. Just search my posts in the misreadings thread and just WHOA SO MANY POSTS.
- Internet memes are a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine... even more so in that's it's not especially "guilty" either.
- I'm allergic to kiwi and walnuts. I'm sad about that first one because kiwis are yummy, (as for walnuts, they're okay enough but not really a loss)
- I learned to read at the age of 3.

soooo there you have it, might update with more crap later if I come up with something
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Hi I'm Dragon (or Windy, not WD) and I like to talk a lot!

No one seems to be able to spell my real name properly. I'm Filipino-Chinese (though for some reason people think I'm Korean or Japanese?) and live in Canada, Toronto to be exact. I'm in grade 10 (or second year high school) and 15 years old. I'm in the IB Programme, if anyone knows what that is! The idea that I'll be allowed to drive a car next year is ridiculous and still takes me by surprise every time I think about it. I do next to none of my homework which is ridiculously bad since I have no idea what's going on in math class and I'm borderline failing! Though since a pass is 70 I don't know how much of a problem that is. Instead of homework or paying attention in class, I doodle, think about useless things and mock the teachers.

I wouldn't consider myself attractive, and since no one's said anything to me that indicates either way I guess I'm just average. Average height, long hair, brown eyes, short, bitten fingernails though I file the nails on my right hand to a point. I like to think that I'm sort of interesting to be around, but most people probably find me annoying and immature. I'd classify myself as introverted, but on the internet and with close friends I end up going on and on like this. Also I suck around new people and have a low bullshit tolerance.

In terms of religion, I'm Christian though I've sort of been having troubles with faith recently. And I guess I'm QUILTBAG? Asexual, maybe? I've never really been interested in anyone, and while I can see myself being with someone in the future it seems like a long way down the road. Ridiculously, not worth thinking about far away from now. I'm not sure exactly where I stand in politics, but that's probably since I've only started to take an honest interest in them a few months ago after we started history class.

I wanted to go into law or a branch of law last year, but since that's only because I played Phoenix Wright that might not be the best career choice. I think forensics or criminology are interesting, so I'm looking into those as well. tbh, I'd probably be fine with anything that doesn't involve math because fuck math. I also want to do something that involves writing or art, but my parents probably wouldn't let me do anything like that because of reasons. Something involving music would also be interesting! I've taken piano for around seven years and the flute for three or four, though recently I've gotten into arranging or improvising stuff.

Aside from Pokemon, I'm mostly interested in video games. I only have Nintendo systems, so I've never gotten the chance to play PS3 or XBox360 stuff. I keep meaning to get PC games but :V My life is basically fandom. My main things right now are Ace Attorney, Ghost Trick, Homestuck and Professor Layton, and some niche things that no one's heard of like Avalon Code and Touhou, I guess?

Also I go to conventions and cosplay! I've been to two so far, one a year, and I was Pokemon Trainer and Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Next year I'm planning to be Maya from Ace Attorney, or if that falls through I'll be Toon Link or something. I want to be Terezi from Homestuck, but grey body paint is too much work ugh.

I hardly watch TV except for like three shows; Survivor, The Amazing Race and House. Also some smaller series like Flashpoint and Once Upon A Time that basically no one's heard about. Also I avoid shipping. Fighting and flaming people over the relationships of people who don't exist is ridiculous also why do you care about the relationships of people who don't exist again?

Uh I mostly listen to video game music and soundtracks, and things that are dramatic. I don't really have a favourite genre of music and just listen to.. things that I like? Dubstep is cool though.

I consider myself athletic, or at least, I was last year and before that. I don't have gym/phys ed anymore so I'm way less active than I was before but I was one of the best distance runners in our class then. I like volleyball when my teammates aren't five years younger than me and I have to be the main player, or when they're not five years older than me, and I'm the third wheel. Team sports probably aren't my thing. Badminton is cool too! Doubles can be infuriating, though. Singles badminton is the best. While I don't like swimming apparently I'm good at it, and I'm a few classes away from being a lifeguard! So I know a decent amount of CPR.

What else? I've done some traveling, but I've only ever been to the US. I use memes irl sometimes though I sort of stopped doing that after I realized no one got any of them. When someone does we automatically become best friends, though! Though there was this one guy who followed me around for a while after he realized I was an internet person and now I avoid him. Also I've started using lots of exclamation marks since September!

So that's me! I'll probably edit out potentially embarrassing things laters.
My name is Felippe and I hate my name. Apparently, an uncle of mine wanted me and my brother to have specific name lenghts because of some numerological stuff; my brother was supposed to be stern and hard-working, and I was supposed to be friendly and loving. Ironically, he's a lazy bum and I'm anti-social. I'm from São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (know when the city and the state have the same?), and I'm seventeen years old. I'm not supposed to say most people know me as Metallica Fanboy, because I go by a variety of aliases; only in this forum am I known as that (although people in other places do ocasionally notice I'm a Metallica fanboy).

I'm spiteful enough that I can't really trust my own judgement of pretty much anything, and if you have any interest whatsoever in this boring shit, it might be a good idea to take it with a pinch of salt.

I've been an atheist since age seven or eight. I'm not going to pretend I was some kind of logical free thinker at these times; my initial reasons were incredibly silly. Either way, I grew some real reasons later. My parents are both religious; neither of them liked this turn of events. My mother time and again flails wimpy reasons why I should believe, and if she weren't incredibly stubborn and incapable of reasoning with someone, I'd win every single argument. As for my father, I'm not even sure of what he knows and what he thinks. I'm not sure which side I dislike worse.

I've gone to someplace small a couple of blocks from my house for preschool, then got stuck into a hellhole of a Christian school for seven years. Over the course of these two, I've met three guys which I once called best friends, all of whom would later start to ignore me as being incredibly stupid in a toxic environment garnered every negative social thing I can fathom. I was bullied heavily throughout my last two years there, before I finally managed to convince my parents to let me transfer. As for the former best friends, I've lost touch with all three, although I know one of then went on to become a pothead arsonist asshole.

My last four years of school were spent in one of the most prestigious schools of the country (which isn't exactly small, mind you). Most people know it as that place which is insanely hard to land good grades in and whose students end up having to study a lot; I get by without that terribly much sacrifice, though. I'd have graduated by now, except I botched the final philosophy test, which means that'll have to wait until a few days into December.

Having studied in such a big name place, I'm aiming high for college. Where I live it's not very typical to go away from your hometown for higher education; I'm trying to get into the best public university around, though. I seem to have scored well enough in the entry exam, but I won't know if I did well until the average grade is revealed, and even if I pass, there's a second exam to deal with.

The whole bullying thing completely reshaped my personality. The harmful interactions initially led me to believe solitude was the path to wisdom, so, I intentionally tried to be colder and less capable of feeling, and I was never satisfied with my progress in that. Now I know this is totally bullshit, but what can I say, the twelve-year-old imbecile got his way. I've already mentioned spiteful and anti-social, and then there's also incapable of trust and paranoid. The only reason why I can rant to these lenghts is that, after a lot of bottling up, it's tempting.

I'm male, heterosexual and cisgender. And I'm glad, because boy, I'm surrounded by stereotype-spewing homophobes. I get into enough arguments without having to defend myself, and I'm not even any good at arguing. For reference, my parents dislike the idea of being friends with trans*people (ugh, that's tough to pluralize, sorry if I screwed it up), and I've had to argue with my brother over whether asexuality is a thing once. As for whether I've been in a relationship, that depends on whether short-lived, batshit ridiculous Internet fling counts; I've had one of those, and nothing else. The whole not trusting thing, as well the not being intereseted in conversation unless it's interesting thing, are factors that severly hamper any chance I'd have at, well, scoring.

I don't care much about politics; most if not all candidates around here totally suck, and I'm more for deciding the best with regards for the situation than following a set in stone ideology. I'm still usually supposed to pretend I have a preference or another, though, because now being pseudo politically aware is all trendy where I live, and cynicism gets mistaken for conformism and demonized.

I'm going to study law at uni. I'm not sure whether I'll like it; it's a win-win thing, though, because if I want something else after I'm done, a law degree means a lot around here, so, getting one won't be a waste of time.

Music and videogames are my top interests; not much outside of that spectre interests me. Obviously, I'm a huge fan of Metallica. I also enjoy metal in general, as well as several other rock bands and even a little bit of other genres. I've been taking guitar classes since last year, too. As for videogames, I have a preference for Nintendo, but my brother has been all socially self-aware recently and wants to get a PS3, as well as, as he put it, "reduce the amount of videogames in the house" (as if he cares about the house at all, he should probably learn which towel is his before he starts making decisions about what we should own). Favorite among my videogaming series are Pokémon (duh), Fire Emblem, Heroes of Might and Magic, Ace Attorney, Mortal Kombat and likely countless others I'm failing to remember. There are also plenty of webcomics I'm a fan of: Homestuck, xkcd, Basic Instructions, Order of the Stick and Darths & Droids.

I'm quite unhealthy. Not weight-related unhealthy; I just happened to score myself an inherited problem from each parent (knee anomaly from mom, respiratory disease from dad). I also have vicious allergic bouts which can be anything ranging from minor cough attacks to red eyes and exhaustion. And to top it all of, I have a face muscle problem that, left untreated, would have caused me to be come increasingly snory and someday choke to death in my sleep. Of course, I'm undergoing treatment; I have to do facial exercises daily. It looks as silly as it sounds. As for fitness, I have a terrible diet because I'm a picky eater, but I work out regularly, so, it checks out; I'm not exactly athletic, but not fat either.

Whoa, I've mentioned all that and there are still things I haven't touched upon. I guess you get know yourself pretty well when you're the only person you get to know pretty well.
Hi! My name is Ewan. A lot of the older members here will recognise and know me, but it's possible and probable that lots of the newer members won't because I don't post very often.

I'm a twenty year old homosexual atheist biology student who currently lives in Cardiff, which is in Wales. The whole gay thing isn't even something I think about very often, either -- it's just kind of a thing that is, and I'm okay with it. There was a long time where I felt awkward or uncomfortable with it, but last year I made some really good friends who've helped me a hell of a lot more than they actually know. Speaking of good friends, I have really, really good friends. Like I've already said they've helped me get through a lot of things, and probably more things than even I've noticed, and I'm really glad I know these guys.

I grew up in a small village in the south Wales valleys. It's kind of a deceptive place really, because it's so pretty that you automatically think it's going to be lovely, but it isn't, not really. It's full of unemployment, teenage pregnancy and barely anyone goes on to university. I'm the only boy in my year group to go to university, and I'm the only person who actually moved out of the village to do it (and even then I only managed to get to Cardiff). It's great for old people and young families, I think, but for everyone else I'd suggest gong to live somewhere else. Your children will definitely receive a better education elsewhere and they won't grow up in an environment where it's 'cool' to fail. I'm honestly not sure if I'd change my childhood. There are things that I'd love to change, and other things that I think I'd like to keep, but it's not something I dwell on because it's already happened and I can't change that, can I?

I kind of sort of live on my own now. I house share whilst at university and it's great because I get to live with my friends, and that's awesome because I basically always have someone to talk to or to give me a hug if I'm feeling sad. That's for about nine months out of every year, and technically the other three months I spend at one of my parents' houses, although that hasn't really been the case. Last year I spent about a month travelling through Europe in the summer, and this year I'll be spending the same amount of time in Kenya, so it's fair to say that I've basically moved out. And that's wonderful, because although I'm fond of my family I much prefer being able to live on my own terms and do what I want to do. I think that's just what happens when you grow up.

I used to really hate being touched. I don't mean just sexually, either. I hated hugs. I really didn't like it when someone just casually touched me, or leaned against me, or did any of those things that friends do without really thinking about it. I've changed, though. I think I'm making up for lost time, but I kind of like touching now. Just a brief shoulder squeeze, or a lean, or a hug or something like that, but I'm much more expressive with my friends now. I don't mind if I'm touched, and I like hugs, and I like cuddling, too. Cuddling would have been a total no-go about two years ago, but now I'm perfectly happy to cuddle with friends. Hooray progress!

I've already written a lot and I still don't feel like I've said very much at all! I think there's so much more to me than I've really put down here in words, and I'm not sure I could capture me well enough to give a proper image of who I am. People are nuanced and have all sorts of hidden depths and shallows and I don't think I could really pick out a few things that describe me perfectly. I guess I could try, but I'd still feel like I'm missing something out. Maybe that's silly? I think I could probably reduce myself to two or three things that could allow you to get a feel for who I am, but that doesn't really feel right to me. I guess it's something that depends on which sides of me you actually see and get to know. I'm going to be different things to different people, and I think that's okay, because it's really rare for one person to see absolutely every side of someone. (I think?)

Sometimes I feel as if people have the wrong image or conception of me, and that makes me a little bit sad. I try to be nice and friendly, and I think I succeed. I know that I can come across as perhaps overly loud or domineering, but I try not to be and when I notice I'm doing it I stop. I tend to have strong opinions and I know that a lot of people find that off-putting, especially when I can be quite aggressive in an argument or a debate (and I don't mean to be nasty or rude, it's just how I am sometimes). Recently I've tried to be a bit softer in my approach, but I'm not sure how well it's worked, really.

I absolutely love having actual conversations. I like to talk to people about things. Conversation is something that a lot of people just don't do any more and it makes me sad. That's one reason I've become a lot closer to one of my friends recently: we both like talking about things. Like, anything. We'll sit down and have real conversations and we'll realise that we've been talking for two hours and we're not quite sure where the time has gone, but it's been fun and it's obviously gone somewhere. I like talking. Talking actually helps me think! Sometimes I talk and talk and talk and then only get to what I wanted to say at the end because the talking is actually just me thinking out loud, and I know that's something that annoys some people but it's how I think and I can't really help it. (I've kind of been doing it throughout this really long post, actually, and it's okay because I don't really expect anyone to actually read what I've written; the writing is itself cathartic and the whole process has made me think things I'd usually not think.)

My favourite invertebrates are octopuses (and they're probably my favourite animals period), and my favourite vertebrates are tigers. I love tigers. I have a tiger onesie and it is amazing. (FYI tigers are why I'm hesitant to claim octopuses as my favourites.) I love pictures of cute animals, too. My StumbleUpon pretty much just shows me pictures of animals being adorable these days, and I'm fine with this. One time I came home from lectures, turned on my laptop and was greeted by a red panda on my StumbleUpon tab which I hadn't seen before going to bed! It was lovely.

I mentioned ages ago that I'm a biology student! Well, biology is what I want to do with my life. It's great. It's really interesting and I still can't decide which parts I like best, but I hope I manage to do that soon because I have to choose a final year project and then I want to do post-graduate study and all that stuff, and that's kind of scary. I don't know where I want to be in ten years' time but I do know that I want to be happy, and with good friends. I know that people drift apart and that friendships come and go but I'd really like it if some of my friends were still my friends when we grow up and have real, adult lives. It'd be great.


-- My name is Ewan
-- I'm 20, gay and a biology student at Cardiff University
-- I like hugs
-- I like to talk
-- I really like octopuses and tigers
-- When I grow up I want to be a biologist

I could have just condensed my massive post into the TLDR I've given, but I think in doing so I'd lose a lot of things that aren't explicitly said. It was nice to write this stuff down, and since I've already written it anyway I won't lose anything from letting people see and read it if they want to! That's kind of the point, isn't it?
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I'm a really huge brony, I spend 3-4 hours on average each day doing pony-related activities ranging from reading pony fanfiction, posting in pony threads, browsing EqD/ponibooru/deviantart/tumblrs/etc., listening to pony music, hanging out in pony irc chats and converting people into bronies (got overall literally like 70 people converted).

I even won (that's right, won) a Rainbow Dash t-shirt recently! I like how I started watching MLP because of seeing all the pony avatars first appear on this forum like over half a year ago. My life never felt empty before starting to watch the show, but now in retrospect, it was really empty without ponies and the brony community.

I'm also an eSports enthusiast; StarCraft Broodwar, StarCraft 2 and Defense Of The Ancients used to be my biggest passions besides music. I'm still very passionate about them, just not as much as about ponies heh.

Speaking of music, I listen to literally like every genre, although lately I've been more focused on neoprog, ambient, atmospheric black metal and indie. Favourite bands overall however are Pain Of Salvation, Opeth, Porcupine Tree/Blackfield, maudlin of the Well, Iron Maiden, Marillion and Led Zeppelin.

I've also been catching up on watching a lot of movies that I haven't seen before but are like "must-watch" material. Rateyourmusic's film lists and recs have done a good job at getting my taste in films on the right track.

My favourite ones include Pulp Fiction, Inception, Hana-bi, Flipped, 12 Angry Men, Oldboy, Stalker, There Will Be Blood, Lawrence Of Arabia, The Big Lebowski, The Shawshank Redemption, Blade Runner and this list could go on forever. Christopher Nolan is my favourite director overall. Non-bronies can't wrap their heads around how can I have those listed as my favourite movies, and yet also watch MLP haha.
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Hi! Luxcario/Throwing Stars/Lux/LC/TS here. My real name is Tom, I'm kind of a brony, I live in London where you can smell the exhaust fumes everyday, aaand....I'm the youngest there is on the CoD.

I like the computer and video games. I also listen to many artists of many different genres of music. I don't go to the cinema, but I watch TV sometimes. If I want I watch some MLP online, but, that's about it.

I am a great forum-goer. I can't keep track of all the forums I've joined, though! My sig is always changing, as are my usertitle and avatar.

I'm used to being kicked out, teased, bullied, etc.

I sprite and write and fight and bite. I used to have an Imageshack, but thesedays I just upload them into my TCoD album, Pigs. I am a mediocre spriter and writer and fighter, but I think that's because of my age.

I read a lot of books and a lot of Internet fanfics. I dream of being able to write my own fanfic and complete the NaNoWriMo, but I think I'll never do the second one.

Or the first one without screwing up.

I'm short-sighted. My glasses aren't very strong so I always manage to somehow bend them or get the lens out T_T
So, that's me and my boring life.
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What can I say? Just a young girl who enjoys reading, loooves MLP FiM, and play Pokemon on a regular bases. I'm always being made fun of because of my appearence and the fact that I''m a brony. I've learned to live with it, but it still makes me sad...

I play SSBB (once I got a Celebi on it, X3) and Mario also.

I don't have much else to say...
I'm Tarvos, or Jorn (most older members will remember Altmer, which used to be my nick round this neck of the e-woods). I'm 22 years old, so quite a bit older than the general forum populace I think.

I hail from the Netherlands (fully Dutch) and despite loving this country, it's not the only place I've lived. I've also spent three and a half years living in Canada and I spent my past summer living in Brussels, Belgium. I plan to move around a lot just because I like going away and living in different places, and because I'm not that social I won't really miss a lot of people (except my close friends) and I don't have too much trouble fitting in because I never fit in anywhere! Ok, I do, but you know. I'm just strange that way.

Because I've moved around a bit, and because I went to a bilingual school with an immersion programme in English, I speak a fair few languages. Next to the obvious Dutch and English, I also speak a bit of French (opinions vary as to how good it is. But I can make myself understood in it quite well and I read it). I am also conversant in German. I studied Latin at school and am currently learning Russian. The plan is to learn a few more languages on the way.

I'm a university student, technically in my sixth year (I fell ill, and I left high school early). I have completed a Bachelor's degree in molecular science (but it's basically a different name for a chemical engineering degree). I am doing a masters in science communication and plan to use it to infiltrate every world government and tell them their science policies are nothing short of shit - it failed in Belgium because the government told the company I worked for to fuck off. I'm interested in most sciences besides chemistry, having taken a few maths and physics classes as required.

I like travelling and I plan to visit all the countries in the world one day. I'm at a meagre 18 or so, but I'll add number 19 in January hopefully.

I have a narrow social friends circle with a fuckload of acquaintances from everywhere. I know people from all across the world and it's pretty fun. I like to think I'm a bit more multicultural than most people, because I don't have a problem with people of other ethnicities/race/culture (I used to date a Romanian Jewish girl who lived in Brussels and was born in Germany). I also speak a few languages so I always try to speak to people in their native tongue if I can (and if I don't, and go somewhere, I try to learn a few words of the lingo).

Politically I am a secularist and left wing liberal (but not socialist). I believe in live and let live, with the bounds that a government should necessarily demand on a separation between on church and state. I'm also a pretty staunch atheist and a supporter of gay rights. I'm heterosexual though, and identify as a cisgender male. I am proud to currently live in a place that has legalised gay marriage, has a reasonably secure political system, and is tolerant towards all of this.

I am a HUGE footie nerd and watch way too much of it. I am mostly interested in international football, but I support Ajax as a club (and the national Dutch team obviously). By footie I mean what the English call football. It is not fucking soccer. American Football is a huge misnomer anyway. I can name many football details most people don't care about. I also vaguely follow other sports and admire Roger Federer's achievements in tennis (that man has a way of making a boring sport seem completely viable for viewers. I love his style).

I am a complete music nerd as well. I play guitar in a just-for-fun-friends-playing-in-their-apartment rock band. I listen to more music than is probably healthy for either my ears or my sanity. I used to be known as the resident metalhead, but I'll listen to anything once, most things twice, and what I love for hours on end. I don't really have a favourite genre much anymore though, I tend to cherrypick artists. I generally enjoy both guitar-based music and some electronic music though. I've been to more gigs than I can count on both hands and feet.

I'm a calm and relatively resolute and stoic person to the outside world, and inhumanely introverted that way. I am extremely slow to anger in real life, except if you push the buttons! Everyone has a button. I am quite level-headed. I'm also not much of a hedonist and tend to have principles and stick by them.

My weaknesses are coffee, food and alcohol and although I am not overweight by a long shot (tall and skinny), I down way too much coffee on any given day. I love food and particularly cuisine not from any northern country, because it's bland and spice-less. Home-cooked food is always better, invariably. I like fine whisky, but vodka, beer and wine will all do the trick (but not all at the same time and in moderation, I have poor tolerance).

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Hi! I'm Dātura. My real name is Ben and most of you probably know me as Furret, Retsu, or some other bizarre alias. I was born 2 January 1993, so I will be 19 years old in less than a month.

My family moved to St. Paul, Minnesota when I was five years old, and I lived there until this year. The Twin Cities will always be home—I can't say enough good things about them. Minneapolis and St. Paul have consistently liberal politics, a vibrant arts community (in fact, the only city in the US with more theatre attendance than Minneapolis is New York City), and the beautiful Loft Literary Center. It's a relatively small region, but it has made great strives in every regard; the public school systems are world-class, unemployment rates are some of the lowest in the country, and the cities become safer and more liveable every day. Minneapolis in particular feels like a mix of Seattle and Chicago without the pretension of either. Definitely visit if you haven't, even if you're not from the US!

I am now attending the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. At first I was worried about moving to Milwaukee; it's not nearly as prosperous as the Twin Cities or Chicago, especially due to its history of de-industrialisation, but I've been pleasantly surprised. The east side has a lot of eclectic venues, ethnic restaurants, and bohemian neighborhoods. Milwaukee has a very high crime rate, but I think it's toughened me up; I've learned to not judge cities based on how much poverty they have or what the murder rate happens to be. Cities need to be experienced first-hand, not just read about or witnessed on the evening news.

Speaking of cities! I'm majoring in Urban Geography, and I truly believe it's my calling. My original intended major was International Studies, then I switched to English, then I switched to Global Studies, and all of those seemed incredibly dry and unexciting. I'm so glad I reached out to the University's Geography department, because they're a very cool group of people and I'm looking forward to each and every required course. I'm interested in the physical, cultural, and sociological aspects of cities—I believe that urban areas are where the world is, and I want to immerse myself in them whenever I can.

I'm doing three other things at University in addition to my Urban Geography major. I'm aiming to graduate with Honors; to get that, I need 21 credits within the Honors College and must maintain an overall GPA of 3.5. I believe that's a healthy goal to keep me motivated. I'm also minoring in German; I have 18 credits from college-level German classes in my high school, so I'm about halfway toward obtaining that minor already. Finally, I'm seeking a certificate in Russian/Eastern European Studies, which requires at least two years of Russian and 9 credits related to the history, geography, or literature of Eastern Europe. Doing all of these things might prove to be overwhelming, but I'm hoping my fascination with the subjects will keep me going.

What do I want to do with that major, minor, and certificate? I want to stay in academia! I want to get a Master's, then a Ph.D. Geography is a very broad subject for research, which is one reason I find it so attractive. I'd like to focus my research on Eastern Europe, especially because German-speaking Europe is oversaturated with research from numerous disciplines. I find При́п'ять and the surrounding area fascinating, and it's definitely some place I would like to study in the future. (Hence the Russian/Eastern European Studies certificate!)

Outside of University... my life's not really all that interesting. I am Kinsey-6 gay, but fiercely deny it when asked. I really wish I could be comfortable and open with my sexuality. I'm an atheist, a Democrats-aren't-liberal-enough liberal, and I live for the Real Housewives reality TV shows.
Hello, I'm Alex, and I'm 15. I live in the West Midlands in England (specifically, I live very near to Birmingham).

As a child I used to be very intelligent. My infant school put me in for a lot of Gifted & Talented work, but my junior school let me down in that respect. I'm currently at an all-boy's grammar school in year 10, getting stuck into my GCSEs. I've floundered lately, however: I came first in the test to get into the school, and was consistently in the top 10 for attainment, but recently I've been getting very poor grades in certain subjects. I'm putting that down to a lack of interest (why the everloving fuck would I need Chemistry to study MFL?) but also a lack of effort. In fact, there's some Maths homework I really should be doing right now.

In the future, I want to be a teacher. My dad's firmly opposed to the idea; he tells me that I should be getting a worthwhile qualification and doing a well-paid job. Teaching's been something I've wanted to do since I was little (well, besides being a singer, but I hear you need to be able to sing for that one). I plan on studying, and later teaching, Modern Foreign Languages, seeing as I love languages to a worrying degree. Failing that, I could see myself teaching Religious Studies (as well as Philosophy and Critical Thinking), as I've recently noticed I'm enjoying my RS GCSE a fair bit. I've still got a way to go before I start thinking about this, but judging by what my friends have told me, St. Andrews seems like a nice university, and I may consider that in the far future.

My house is always untidy (current personal favourites include an upside-down umbrella in the bathtub and a packet of post-it notes hanging from a key hook) but not so much in a grubby way as in a "random shit everywhere" way, and that's rubbed off on me for the worse. My room gets cleaned about once a month and even then it doesn't exactly feel clean.

I'm gay, and out to most of my friends. I choose to stay closeted to the people in my year group at school, simply because I don't like or trust them enough to tell them, and my parents. I'm afraid to tell them, because my mom told me a few months ago that I'm "not old enough to label myself". That cut me pretty deep, because I'm pretty sure I'm gay. I don't know whether I want to tell them before my brother's wedding (which is October 2012, the day before my sixteenth birthday), or even before I leave for university.

I consider myself to be fairly introverted. I'm not a big fan of socialising, and I can't imagine myself going to parties when I'm older. I have four people I would call IRL friends, and all of them are older than me. One is my boyfriend, who I love incredibly. He's funny, kind, and the sweetest person you'd ever meet. I used to think I'd never find anyone, at least until I got into the sixth form or university, but he's really special to me.

I think that's all, but there's probably a lot more. I'll end up editing this if I think of anything else.
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