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Who are you?

My name is not Viki, though I'll answer to most things that are two syllables and involve an i or ih sound in the first one. I prefer spivak pronouns, but am not particularly offended if you use a different set for me. I'm 19 and currently a college student studying more languages than entirely sensible and none of them remotely fluently; in the 2011 fall semester I was taking japanese, korean, spanish (briefly; I dropped the class because it was too late in the day), and american sign language. We'll see what my lineup next semester is when it happens.

I'm a USian, and I've lived within fifty miles of DC my whole life, usually on the less fucked up side of the Potomac. (Virginia is a fucking terrible state, and it's not just Marylander pride that makes me say this.) Ask me about the DC license plate slogan.

I identify as a feminist and very liberal; I am pro-choice; I am against casual drug use and for the legalisation of marijuana and decriminalisation of other drugs; and as far as the MVA is concerned, I don't live here.

I spend much of my time on the internet, replaying Suikoden or Pokémon games, writing, drawing, iconning, or practising japanese (also known as 'browsing pixiv ineptly').

I have a better rock collection than you.
I'm Sandstone-Shadow. I used to just go by Shadow, but I ran into too many people with the same name, so I tacked Sandstone onto the front of it. The combination doesn't really mean anything, and I don't have any particular affection for sandstone, but I do really like the way it sounds, so I haven't changed it.

My other username, Qyuarkrien [qui (as in "quill") - AR - KREE (as in "decree") - en (as in the beginning of "end")] was created by drumming my fingers across the keyboard, trying to hit some cool letters like q and k, and then rearranging the random results until I got something that sounded cool. I would switch to it, but I'm still fond of Sandstone-Shadow.

I'm a dreamer and a diplomat and an engineer. I daydream all the time, and the content of my daydreams is one of those things that I'm extremely self-conscious about. I pride myself in my ability to diffuse arguments between people and also in my ability to win debates or arguments of my own. That sounds contradictory, but somehow I can do both (although I'm not as good at the latter). I enjoy thinking creatively and especially knowing that I came up with something that someone else didn't.

I'm a proud person deep inside, but I try (and I think I succeed at it) to be humble on the outside. I'm an optimist and I like to notice the good in things rather than just the bad. People who are constantly negative and complain about things that just, in perspective, seem petty really annoy me, but I don't have the guts to say anything to them, so I keep my feelings inside.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I'm incredibly unsatisfied with the way that I'm writing this post, but I'm also a procrastinator, and I have a ton of other things that I should be doing right now, so I'm going to refrain from revising.

My biggest flaws are my perfectionism and my procrastination and somewhere along the line that transforms into me picking at my skin. I hate that I do it and I'm trying so hard to stop, but it's addicting and I'm having trouble breaking the habit. I'm analyzing myself and finding reasons for why I do it, but somehow finding the reasons only helps for a bit. Sometimes I feel like the reason why I do it is so complex that I can never really truly understand it, and it makes me scared that I'll never figure out how to fix it. It's been so many years, and I think it's too late to avoid some kind of scarring, but yet I can't figure out how to quit. I thought coming to college would break this habit - I'd have a roommate in the room when I'm in front of my own mirror, or floormates when I'm in front of the bathroom mirror, but I've still found ways to manage it. I hate it and it scares me. But I still do it, and... I could go into so much more detail but I'm apprehensive of going into such detail. I'll leave it at this.

I've found that I have more issues with my self-confidence than I thought. I don't believe I'm worthless or anything like that, but I feel so socially awkward and I have a tendency to obsess over tiny things I did or said that might have been strange or weird or improper. I'm trying to tell myself to relax about these things, and it sometimes works. This whole obsessive worry thing, I think, gets in the way of what I love doing, like marching and playing the clarinet. I keep feeling like I should be more skilled now than I am, and maybe it's because I don't let myself relax and be confident.

I also feel like I could keep writing forever.

I also feel like I really, really want to tell someone all these things, someone who will listen to my entire story, patiently and caringly, maybe give me a hug, and then still hang out with me. Maybe we could watch a movie. Or something.

Yeah, I'm a dreamer. Oh, and I make up words, mainly by changing words into adverbs or verbs or nouns when they aren't really supposed to be. Like "caringly."

Overall I'd like to think that I am a good person.

I have so many amazing people in my life that care about me, and I don't know why I'm not satisfied with this. I love them all... and I feel so petty about what I'm about to type, but I think really I want someone who will love me more than a friend. Or something. Maybe not. Maybe I just want to know that people return the affection I feel for them, as friends or as more. There are a lot of people I feel a lot of non-romantic affection for, and some of them I've seen return it, and I say that that is one of the best feelings in the world.
Hi, I'm blazheirio889, Blazhy for short. Good luck pronouncing my username and congratulations if you can do that properly. I'm 16 years old and my real name is Brittany. I hate my name. It just doesn't seem to fit me, and practically everyone who's met me agrees. I also don't like how it sounds in general. Oh, well. I'm Chinese - Cantonese to be specific, though I can speak Mandarin as well. And I live in Canada.

I was extremely energetic and extroverted when I was a kid, but things have apparently gone downhill since then because now I'm extremely shy and paranoid. I'm good with my pre-existing friends, but it's not going to end well because that group is always shrinking and I will be a loner in university (if I even make it that far)! I have a bad habit of always thinking I'm annoying or childish, and while it may or may not be true, it's not the best for my sanity.

Academically, I guess I'm not bad. I'm in the gifted program and I get fairly high marks. I'm also in the CyberARTS program. Speaking of that I love to draw and I've loved to draw since I was a little kid. Since I could pick up a pencil. I like to draw fantasy and wildlife, and I'm considering becoming an artist when I grow up. Alternatively, maybe I'll become a zoologist because I like animals. Artist is more likely though.

I used to play the piano because all Chinese parents force their children to play the piano, but I quit at grade 7 because I'm terrible at reading sheet music for the piano and it just frustrated me to no end. Now I play the violin which, while still admittedly a very Asian instrument, suits me much better. I'm not amazing at it and I'm generally lazy when it comes to practicing but I think I'm okay.

Everyone says my room is a mess but I firmly believe it is an organized mess. I just like it when I'm surrounded by clutter, but at the same time I know where everything is. I'd like to think my work habits are good since I don't procrastinate that much, but I often go to sleep at 12:30 or 1 anyway since that's just when I get sleepy. By the end of the school week I'm pretty much dead on my feet but I sleep for a solid 12 hours a day on the weekend so it's all good.

As for hobbies, I like video games. Mostly turn-based strategy. Pokemon, of course, Persona is another favourite. Other games include Okami, The World Ends With You, the Tales series... I'd like to be able to play more games but I like my computer too much to leave it for long. I spend a lot of my time on the ASB subforum because I just like ASB a lot. Turn-based strategy with more creativity. In fact I probably spend an unhealthy amount of time ASBing.

I am probably not suited to Canada because I get cold extremely easily and I hate snow. On top of that I suspect I have severe season-related depression (forgot the term) so every winter I feel like shit. Like now. Well only a few more years until I can move out. Otherwise I like Canada. I just wish it was summer or spring forever.

I'm not exactly sure what sexuality I am, but I'm leaning towards pansexual. I do have a boyfriend, however, who goes by ABCD here (he's barely posted though). Tests in my careers course last year indicate I'm left-wing, though I don't really care enough about politics to state where I am exactly. My mother is Catholic and my dad is I-don't-even-know since he never talks about it, and I myself am atheist.

As for quirks, I have wrist and ankle problems and they randomly swell up and hurt. My ankles have a curse cast on them because every year around October I sprain or otherwise hurt them somehow. I can't wear a wristwatch because if my wrist swells then it's uncomfortable, so I wear a locket watch. I also, out of habit, wear a Pyrokinesis pin on my shirt every day. I used to wear a Player pin but then I lost it. I'm double jointed at the wrists so I can twist them 360 degrees, and I can put my legs behind my head.
Hi. I'm Superbird. My real name, which to my knowledge only MAYBE two people here know prior, is Louis. I live in more or less central North Carolina. I get reasonably good grades -- for some reason, my county grades on a seven-point scale, so I have B+es in most of my classes. I am in four honors courses, and I'm actually worried about having enough credits to take all the classes I want before I get out of high school. Oh yeah, and I'm learning French.

I also consider myself a nerd, although after visiting my school's Sci-Fi club (read: Nerd Club) I found out that I am only by the loosest stretch of the word. I'm trying to get into Magic: the Gathering as well. Most of my friends classify as nerds as well, though I met most of them in one of two ways: through my best friend, or through marching band.

Continuing on that subject, I'm a very musical person. I have played piano since my sixth birthday, and I started clarinet in sixth grade. I prefer the latter to the former by a lot. Both of my parents are graduates of the Julliard school in New York and both have a Master's degree in music. I'm in the marching band, and I'm pretty faithful to that more than anything else school-related. I'm also in classroom band, and in that I'm the first chair clarinetist in the intermediate of the three band classes; I'm probably going to Wind Ensemble next year. I'm also somewhat worried that I'll eventually end up applying for some engineering college or something with an all-music resumé. I'm currently practicing hard on the clarinet for two different competitions, neither of which I really have a good chance in, so there's that too.

In terms of video games, I'm a Nintendo junkie, mostly. I absolutely suck at FPSes, discounting Portal of course, but that doesn't really count. I prefer Adventure, puzzle and platforming games to anything else, generally; Zelda is high on my list, as is Kirby. Most of my musical preferences also come from video games. For instance, right now as I type I'm listening to Peppermint Palace from Kirby and the Amazing Mirror. I tend to read and watch walkthroughs of various games that I haven't played and don't intend to play also (most of the time I don't have the money; I'm going to try to get some sort of job when I'm 16 so I can have spending money).

I believe I am straight, and I am single and I intend to stay so for at least two more years. I'm an extremely liberal person, but I try to empathize with other people as much as I can. I guess I can also be kind of pushy and actually pretty rude when I'm not paying attention to my actions. I think.

...and that pretty much covers it, I guess.
I'm Korinna, 17 years old, from Tennessee. I'm pretty small, I'm 4'9" like my mom and my older sister, and I'm pretty sure I won't be growing any more that that! My eyesight seriously sucks, so I wear glasses, and I like wearing them. My dad always talks about "and you'll never have to wear glasses again!" ...but I really do like them, they're like...part of me now, or somethin.

I'm an atheist. Basically it's like, you respect me, I respect you. I try to avoid conflict if at all possible, but sometimes I just have to speak up about issues I feel strongly about. Unfortunately, at those times I may get worked up and become a not-so-good speaker and end up making myself look dumb. It's a bit easier on the internet, but I've kind of accepted that there are some arguments you just can't win.

School is something I seriously do not like, and graduating this past May was like the best thing ever. While I was in, my grades ranged from A's to F's depending on the subject, lol... Math has always been my weakest...that and classes I thought were stupid! :P

I enjoy writing and drawing sometimes, but the quality of my work really just depends. Writing because I seriously want to and feel inspired to do so usually lands me with a fairly good product, but writing because I have to or just 'cause usually turns to crap. I have this massive problem of not finishing what I start, though!

Fantasy has always been and probably always will be my favorite for everything. I love dragons and magic and swords and stuff like that. I have several small dragon statues and necklaces that I love, and all of them have names. I also had a pretty large cow collection coming on at some point, though that sort of died out, but I still have all my cow stuff! Anyway, I love video games, mostly rpg or action and adventure games, but I do like puzzles sometimes! I like anime, but I don't watch very many that often, at least compared to my friends who like it. The ones that I do end up seeing I usually love, or they at least mean something special to me somehow xD

I feel really awkward in a lot of situations. People say things to me, yeah, but I really just have no way to respond to them. If it didn't make me seem like a butthole to people I don't know well, I'd probably just end up responding to people with things like "yeah" and "okay" or "oh." Sometimes, though, I meet people that I just click with, and we end up being friends, or at least having somewhat interesting conversations every now and then.

As for music, I listen to a variety, I guess, but my choice ones would probably be new age and video game music. I also like to listen to a bit of Hammerfall and Blind Guardian regularly, anime musics, and also just random songs that I happen to like from random genres.

I guess that's all for now :3
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I am Adrian Malacoda. 20 year old heterosexual white male hailing from San Antonio, Texas, United States. 21 in less than a month. I do computer programming for a living. It's not that bad. In my spare time I run two websites, both of which have been on hiatus for over a year.

I collect Magic The Gathering cards as a hobby. I'd like to get into the game but I have no one to play with, and I'm a bit timid about seeking people out to play with because I know my deck completely sucks. I find the associated multiverse and its stories to be entertaining as well. I plan to read the books too.

I am interested in the covert, especially secret things the military and intelligence agencies do behind the peoples' backs. One particularly secretive CIA project from the 50's that I researched as part of a presentation for a public speaking class, according to Wikipedia, "involved the use of many methodologies to manipulate individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture." You know, the kind of stuff you'd have to be crazy to believe.

I am a firm believer in certain issues. One of these is the so-called "free software" movement, which here refers to the freedom to look at, change, and share copies of software. Other people refer to this as "open source." Whenever I call software free, this is what I am talking about (therefore, I also describe some software as non-free even though it might not cost anything). Politically I am very far-left. Religiously I am an atheist.

As far as video games go it's mostly Pokemon. I used to play others too but I don't have much time for that.

I would like to write, but I don't have the time or the energy to. I would like to draw, but I'm horribly unskilled. Sometimes I wish I could trade away my programming skills for artist skills. As a child virtual reality as a subject interested me. Eventually I hope to become skilled enough to create entire worlds.

I enjoy reading. Favorite book of all time is Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, followed very closely by Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty-Four. Other series I enjoy include Harry Potter of course, Dune (the Frank Herbert books, not the ones his son wrote), His Dark Materials, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Artemis Fowl, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Animorphs, and The Pendragon Adventure.

Apparently people either really like me or really dislike me. I've never actually chased a romantic interest in my life but I'm currently with my second girlfriend and know a few others who have been interested in me for some bizarre reason; and yet I find it difficult to talk to people in general, so maybe I only connect with certain types of people. I am definitely not a people person in the least. My two best friends are my girlfriend and my ex. My girlfriend lives in Australia and I hope to be able to see her next year, and eventually move to live near or with her.

As for music my favorite genre is progressive rock and my favorite band of all time is Yes. They released a new album this year and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Incidentally, they're touring Australia in April of next year.
Well, I guess I shall finally tell everybody who I really am.

My real name is Jacen Harmon and I live in Decautor, Illinous, United States. I am very social, but also prefer silence. I have very few friends but content with that.

My most favorite pasttime is to read. I also love to write and an artist. I am a great artist, but still not a professional. I play soccer and have trained myself how to fight.

My favorite food is pizza. Even though I will eat anything, I will not eat anything with the word Salad in it. I hate salad. I also hate tuna and salmon.

As for books, I enjoy fantasy novels. I am not so big on nonfiction. I love anime, mostly Dragonball and Pokemon. I will not hestitate to give an Anime a chance if I feel ythat the idea was good.

I watch a lot of movies, mainly action and adventure. I really don't listen to what others say about a movie. If I like it, then its good.

Well thats it about me. I will probably edit this with more details but thats it for now.
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I'm Munchkin, with my former username being Melodic Harmony. Munchkin is my irl nickname, given to me by someone I used to hang out with, because of my petite stature. I have been 5' and 100 lbs for the past six years, and I never seem to gain weight no matter how much I eat.

Regarding food, I'm extremely picky. Squishy and/or saucy things (ketchup, mustard, relish, mayonnaise, canned sausages, too much potato, etc.) make me want to hurl because of the texture, thought I also hate the taste of most of those (I love canned meats though =/ ). I prefer not to try new foods, because I'm always afraid I won't like them. I rarely try foreign foods unless the person offering it to me is special (my boyfriend), or if I'm in a situation where I absolutely must.

I've lived in New Jersey my whole life, and I kind of love it here. That may just be because Dirty Jersey is all I've ever known, and I'm so used to my lifestyle. However, I would really have loved it if I was born and raised on a ranch - I love animals, especially horses.

I'm extremely oversensitive and pessimistic. My mind never seems to absorb compliments, but insults are remembered forever. I'm a slacker and a procrastinator. I get sidetracked too easily, but my boyfriend tries to keep me on the right track. He's helped me quit smoking (cigarettes, tobacco, and other things), drinking, and attempting to hurt myself. He's my everything... almost every significant decision I make is either what he wants for me, or something that I decide would work to his benefit. When I'm 18, I plan to move in with him - his parents have already approved of this, as his family seems to be quite fond of me.

In real life, I don't really talk about myself much... well, I'm a talkative person, and my favorite topic is myself, but I don't start conversations and I don't trust people. I don't consider anyone that I talk to as a friend. I usually only talk to people at school - after school, I usually go straight home and act like I don't know anyone. I rarely answer texts (though I've slightly been opening up a bit more lately), and I never answer calls. The only person I constantly talk to is my boyfriend. Everyone else is just insignificant to me. I have extremely negative thoughts about everyone and everything, every aspect of my life.

I've wanted to kill myself several times before, but I'm a coward... I can just never manage to hurt myself. The worst I can do is smoke more than a pack a day and hope for lung cancer or an asthma attack. Or I can try to starve myself, but then my boyfriend hears my stomach rumbling and practically spoon feeds me if I go too long without eating.
(warning for nonsensical paragraphs and sentences)

Well, hello, I suppose. I'm a native Floridian, born and raised in the Tampa Bay area. I'm Chinese (my parents are from opposite sides of China, so not really a specific area), semi-fluent in Mandarin and working toward it. Florida's a pretty laid-back place; hate the snowbirds, love the ocean, etc.

I love math and science, along with reading and music! Those occupy the majority of my time; I've been playing piano for ~8 years and just started the clarinet for Band. I love singing, but I'm actually really bad at it and probably annoy a lot of people. My favourite way to fall asleep is to do so reading, for whatever reason. MIT is my dream school (along with Boston being pretty amazing, from what I can see!). I don't really watch TV that much, mostly just Glee and whatever I find flipping through the channels. I don't actually play many video games besides Pokémon, though!

I'm not really a sporty person, but recently I've started rowing (whoo preppyness). I've been doing martial arts for ~2 1/2 years now. With school, I'm in the gifted program, a proud Frenchie, in what is considered advanced math, and in general think school's okay.

I think I'm agnostic, but still kind of confused as to where I stand. I'm also rather confused about my sexuality (I'm either biromantic homosexual or just bisexual). I consider myself to be liberal. I think I'm introverted, but somehow I'm still energetic and excited around other people? I have spectacularly bad conversation skills, especially with people I've never met. I'm also kind of insecure, but trying to get over that.

Apparently I'm really flexible (for a guy or something)? I can almost do a full split, but I'd really rather not.

And that's it, I suppose?
Hi, I'm Connor. I'm 12 and I live in Kendallville, Indiana.
I can be a great guy, I'm one of those shy people. but if you can get me to laugh, you've accomplished something.

I like ponies, as you can see.

I'm a nice guy when it comes to talking on chat, just don't make me mad.
> Quick! Be that girl!

Your name is now TWILIGHT SPARKLE. No, not like the fucking pony, you ignoramus. You might currently be sitting looking mildly frustrated over a game of SPYRO THE DRAGON, but there's no time to worry about that! There appears to be a CAMERA staring you right in the face. Perhaps they are... expectant.

Hm. You would approve of this, because you have a rather EGOTISTICAL NATURE. You would prefer if people called it merely SELF-CONFIDENCE, but you, in fact, lack such a thing and are merely VERY COVETOUS OF YOUR OWN WORK. Covetous? It's a word. Yes. You just checked with your RIDICULOUS DICTIONARY that is both a) the size of your face and b) slightly obnoxious itself. You have the strangest feeling that it likes to preen in your BEDROOM MIRROR every morning when you are away BRUSHING YOUR TEETH or KICKING YOUR BROTHER'S POSSESSIONS DOWN THE STAIRS like you are wont to do.

You HAVE NO BROTHER. What on earth are you talking about. That SIBLING-ESQUE CREATURE no longer resides at your address. You spit upon his name.

> TS: spit upon his name.

Oh ew, that's disgusting. You resolve to clean that up at some point, and return to your PLAYSTATION to collect some GEM ASS. You have a penchant for making PERFECTLY INNOCUOUS OBJECTS into fetishised ones. This is likely because you are sort of a KINK CONNOISSEUR.

Okay, so you just read a lot of BAD SMUTTY FANFICTION. It's the same thing.

You have many INTERESTS - ahahaha, what a lie! You hilarious prankster, you! No. Shut the fuck up. You have ALMOST NO INTERESTS beyond your strange obsession with WRITING MEDIOCRE PORNOGRAPHY and BEING HORRENDOUSLY AWFUL AT '90S VIDEO GAMES. Well, okay, you suppose that you might also enjoy such things as AWFUL ELECTRONICA MUSIC and BEING EMOTIONALLY VOLATILE OVER FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. But that's really about it, let's face it. Sigh.

Your life is soooooooo boring!!

TS: look longingly out of the window.

Outside your window is the LAND OF KNIVES AND TARTAN, complete with your delightful consorts. You're not sure why your land has MINIATURE UNICORNS all over the place, but you suppose you can't really argue with that. They're also VORACIOUS READERS, you remind yourself proudly, watching as a nearby one shoves eir reading glasses back up eir's nose with a push of eir's SPARKLY HORSESHOE. (You require the BEDAZZLEMENT of all creatures in the LAND OF KNIVES AND TARTAN, naturally.) This is perhaps because of your EDUCATED NATURE as a LAZY-ASS ENGLISH STUDENT by day.

Or you probably just made it required by law to read for four hours a day. Whatever. Water under the bridge.
I'm Chibispore. My real name is Dante, and me and my parents moved from the U.S. to Australia. My hair is dyed white(because I dressed up for Dante from Dmc for Halloween and I loved it) but my hair is originally reddish-brown. My eyes are green
I love Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!(Actually, I was in the YCS, but didn't make it too far), Okami, Devil May Cry, etc.
I can play a flute pretty well, but I suck at every other instrument known to mankind. I am an atheist and heterosexual. I love animals, because a lot of fear for animals is very misguided.
I don't like "Modern" music. I like classic(Mozart, for example) and traditional Japanese themes. One time, I dropped my Ipod on the bus while The Sun Rises (The main theme for Okami) was one. People were so shocked, because I looked like a guy who was into Metal.
I also like movies, my favorite is probably The Matrix, but I have other favorites.
And, yeah, I have tons of stories, but I don't want to waste your time.
Eventually I will do this good and proper.

I'm Ethan. I live in Wisconsin, go Pack, Brewers, yada yada. I'm seventeen and in senior year of highschool. I'm a thespian--for all you non-fancy-talkers, that's a theater kid. I write, I play Pokemon, I draw increasingly as school years go on...yeah.

I was born and raised Lutheran, but I've strayed a fuck of a lot from God; not quite to atheism, but I'm an enormous agnostic.

I do a lot of contemplating about the self. I never really pinned it down but I think it started when my dad left a few years ago, leaving me, my mom and my now-fifteen-years-old sister. He's still around and actually doing pretty well, but it was tough on the family, so I became a huge introspective. Also, when I'm not in the house being either tormented by my mother or by the repressed memories of past tormentings by my mother, I'm making as much of an effort as possible to be hilarious. I like to think I'm good at it, mostly because people tell me I am; I have a firm belief that you don't know if you're good at something unless someone tells you to your face (or a situational equivalent) that you are. Which is why I hate that my sister thinks she gives good relationship advice.

Anyway, I have a tendency to get into the foulest moods when the smallest thing craps out on me. It's mostly due to all of the tension of my home, which has made me create illusions of sorts about my social life. To me, school itself is a safehouse from my torturous interactions with my mother, and my friends are the most valuable things in my life. The slightest thing to pierce the veil of ultimate happiness that the outside world brings can ruin a whole day.

I play piano and sing, and I used to be in a band called Taxi. We had one original song and eleven covers; I think we're going to get back together pretty soon, and I'm super pumped. I've signed up to play the piano at my local (well kinda local) movie theater lobby, and I start Friday. I have to call in every time I want to play but I get a tip jar and two free movie passes each time so.

I read as much as I can, but literature of today depresses me heavily. Twilight and Hush, Hush are two excellent examples; however, even though I know it could be written a lot better and a lot of it is forced, I am in love with the House of Night books. Also I recently finally read The Hunger Games and I loved that too. My AP English class has given me three very good books to read; anyone looking for a great mindblowing woudl do well to read Cloud Atlas which is essentially six stories inside of one another. It's pretty fricking cool. The other two are Siddhartha and Go Down, Moses.

Someday I hope to be a psychiatrist and/or journalist. My dream is to be a movie actor, but that's a high hope. A musician would also be cool, and I dabble in song-writing and I'm not terrible at it, but I can't write piano music to save my life and I can't play the guitar so I'm more or less screwed.

Personally I always feel like I'm in other people's shadows constantly. My best friend was a composer at fifteen, writing the most beautiful music for a girl who would never know it was for her (sounds more tragic than it is). I'm not as funny as some other people, certainly not as attractive as others, I'm not as smooth as others, I'm not as physically fit as others...pretty soon I'll be a fat guy and that's something I promised myself I would never be.

I don't have political views because as of right now nothing affects me directly. I don't plan on having political views anytime soon because in my opinion they're a waste of time. I'm not an opinionated person; by nature I let things roll off my back and forgive and forget. I'm really good at that last part. In fact just the other night I had a wonderful chat with a girl who cheated on me with a very fat and very stupid Mexican who she even admitted had nothing on me (which is saying a lot because if I'm being honest I don't have much).

Well that's all I can think of and I'm falling asleep so.
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